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Blossom Goodchild - January 6, 2017

Here is a touching Direct Voice channelling from THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT and WHITE CLOUD . It also includes Vibrational Sound Light Language to uplift and raise your Vibration . These sounds are embedded within us and when listened to ... help us to understand our individual purpose for Being here on Planet Earth at this time.



The very warmest of welcomes to those of you who are taking part in this Vibrational offering as the beginning of a new chapter emerges. Dearest friends, all around your globe you are to experience a different kind of Energy that shall be absorbed by your Being … into your Being … throughout your Being … which shall allow you, in turn, to feel the difference within yourselves as you rise into Higher Energies of Pure Love.

How this shall put smiles in your hearts and upon your faces and how this Love … this warmth … shall shine through your eyes to illuminate the hearts of others, as they look into the windows of your soul.

We, The Federation of Light are here to announce that throughout all these years that we have been with you … we have showered our Love upon you and we too, have received the Love coming back from you … to us.

The days of old … the days in which you felt that all hope was lost … are now to be shadowed by the Brilliance of Light and the strength of New Energy that shall be encountered by you.

You have waited so patiently … and yet, we say to you, little by little, rung by rung of the ladder have you climbed. So that now your Being can accept and understand so much more of who you are. The Light within you has Brightened so much more. The Love within you has warmed your Being so that it may give out to others so much more.

So much more of everything that is of Love can be received and given by and through you.


We have great excitement about what this following year and the years ahead of that, entail. The changes you have been waiting for shall become apparent. Your souls have reached the heights that shall enable so much of yourselves to come forth … as if almost, you are walking on air from the Brightness and the Lightness that you are and that you are to walk into.

So much more of yourselves can be enjoyed by yourselves and by others, in this new chapter … this new era … this New Dawning of Light perspective.

Life is to become how you desire it to be … purely by your thought patterns creating it. With so much ease … with so much Grace … shall your future days unfold.

Think a thought … allow the Vibration of that thought to BE you … to BE OF you … and watch and feel that thought transpire into your reality of self.

As you learn to accept that it is your Vibrational frequency in which you function … that is the manner in which you behave and therefore, bring to you all that you require. Not just for yourself, but for others, because of the world in which you desire to Be in … to Live in … to Exist in.

If that be your desire, then think of it. Be in the Vibrational pull of that world and you shall naturally BE OF IT … BE IN IT.

It is that simple, Dear Friends of Earth and now, so much more of yourselves is opening up. So much more of your True - selves is coming to you ... coming from you … as the frequencies that you reside in upon Earth … lift, lift, lift … to merge with the frequencies that are coming into your Planet from the Higher Vibrations.

Know yourselves to be of the Purest Energy. Know yourselves to think only in thought forms of Love … for self and all that is. We hope as you take in breath … as you listen to our words … that you can feel the Love we have for you.

And as you feel that Love … may you also, feel your Being … your entire Being of Love - Light rise into a Higher frequency … a Lighter frequency of yourself, and you shall continue in doing so as you understand the workings of such.

It was upon your Planet, many, many years ago that you were aware of a title called ‘The Quickening’ … and we say to you now,  compared to then and in of this now existence … that ‘quickening’ of your past, was very, very slow. For now, the speed in which you rise in Vibration is entirely up to you … entirely up to your way of thinking … your understanding of the thinking … through to the feeling of that which you think.

And allowing yourselves …we use the word ‘to float’ amongst/within the Higher Vibrations that are coming through … which are now available to you. They have been pouring through, into your Planet for many years … but now, we would say, you are at the other end of these Energies coming in.Therefore, they are of a Greater Strength, for you are able … within your Being … to contain them within your Being, now that your Being has risen up to meet it … and this, as we say, shall continue on and on. It is as if almost, you feel you have sprouted wings.

All that you come across, that feels to you of a lower vibration, shall be ‘dismantled’, should we say … by the Light that you know you are. Each word of a lower vibration that you hear … can be dissipated by your thought of Light. All your thoughts shall become thoughts of Lightness and this; Dearest One’s, is how you see your New World coming about before your eyes. Changes taking place for the better, before your eyes … because anything that is not of the Higher Vibration shall be so easily and quickly dissipated by your knowledge of Lighter effect.

Do you see? Every thought that you have shall become one of Love. Not a depressing thought … not a sad thought … not a hateful thought … not a confused thought … but only thoughts of Forgiveness … thoughts of Compassion … thoughts of Peace. Non-judgemental thoughts of the Purest Love that fill your Being … fill your mind.

Every word you utter … let it be of kindness and the deepest understanding … that each and every soul that lives upon and within and throughout your Planet are making their way Home. Each at different stages, yet each, with every step taken … getting closer to Home.

The Home of your heart. The Home where your soul is at Peace and bathed in Light and Love.

Each one … coming Home. And let your Light … as you understand more and more as you walk on that pathway … turn around now and then to shine your Light back down the pathway to those who are walking up to meet you. A helping hand is the Greatest Gift you can give another … when their souls are weary. When they need someone to tell them … ‘You are doing fine. Come … come now a little further into this Glorious Light. Let me help you. Let me show you. Let me guide your way and I shall carry you when you feel you can travel no further. For I am strong in my knowing that I AM LIGHT LOVE … and as your Brother … as your Sister … as your Family … I shall lead you Home. Enjoy as we do so.’

Let us now offer more Vibrational sounds that are within the envelopes within your Being … to help you know what it is that each of you … as individuals and as One … are here to accomplish.


Light Language spoken followed by:


And my friends it is of the Energy of myself that is known as White Cloud that is now with you. I felt it to be an ideal opportunity for me to come to speak with you, also.

My message to you more than any that I can offer, is to ask of you to Love yourselves more and more and more. Love yourselves more than you think you can Love yourselves. Daily, momentary, every minute of your day … Love yourself. Be kind to yourself. Give Gratitude FOR yourself. For you were chosen to be here at this time, as I have told you many times. You are blessed to be here at this time … and yet, I ask you to recognise that in order for you to be here at this time, you had to be of a certain strength of Light in order to see this mission through.

So do not underestimate yourselves. Do not pull yourselves down and bring your Energy down by telling yourself  you are not good enough … you are not worthy enough to play your part, because I say to you … if you were not …you would not be here upon this Planet at this incredible changing of times.

You are walking into a Golden Dawn … and it shall be in time, that memories of that which do not serve your Planet shall almost fade from your thoughts, because it shall be that of Love and Giving and Joy and Laughter and Happiness that exude from your Being … That are given out from yourselves and by others to ALL THAT IS. Not one creature shall be harmed by the human form. A world where each one is known as equal in Love … through Love … as Love … by Love … for it is recognised as itself … Love.

Oh, my friends, my friends of Earth. I honour you for being so brave to accept the role that you have undertaken. We, in other realms, shine down right by your side and we ask you to feel the Light that we are sending to you … to help you carry on.

Do you know how we admire you? Do you know how much we care about you and the way you feel?

In your darkest moments we send you Light and strength and yet, sometimes you have closed the door … you have shut your windows and you do not allow us in. For your heart has become so heavy. We ask you now, pull up the blinds … open the windows … unlock the doors. Open them and let our Light shine directly through into your very Beings.

Together, we are part of the Divine Plan that is taking place upon your Planet. Together, we can … we will … we are … changing the Vibration of Mother Earth onto a Higher, more beautiful existence.

An Energy that is of the Greatest Love for all that exists everywhere.

Please know, each individual that is feeling the Love I have for you right now in this minute … please know, that all you need to do is call my name and know that I am giving you a boost of strength … a boost of Love and it is not only myself. There are a billion, trillion Beings of Light that are with you also. So never allow yourselves to feel alone my friends … for you never can be.

I thank you for listening to those words that come from my soul to lift your soul into a Higher, Brighter place of Being. Put that smile upon your faces and shine that Light through your eyes. I, and all in Higher realms LOVE YOU.


 Adieu, my friends. Until next time. Adieu.



We give thanks to the Divine Oneness for allowing this beautiful message from The Federation of Light and from White Cloud to come through my Being.

We ask always that we may remain humble in order to serve and in order to receive and that we may continue to walk boldly as the Light and the Love. In Love and thanks.

I just each one hearing these words to visualize an open flower in the top of your head and watch it close into a tight bud and draw it through your body, so that we may always be protected, to walk safely ever onwards in the Light and the Love. In love and thanks and so it is.


Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.


The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo

Website: Blossom Goodchild

The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is here.

Worldwide visualization for a Breakthrough - Please Join Us!

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