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![]() Hello there my friends. So many loved your audio channelling with the Light Language in it last week. Thanks for that. What’s next on the agenda? Welcome in ALL LOVE and LIGHT to ALL … FROM ALL. These days ahead are presenting well and information coming to those of Earth certainly is ‘upping the ante’ would we say? What information and in what way? The pure fact that Life itself is stepping up. The Quickening beyond Quickening’s is upon you and in three months’ time, you will feel as if only a few weeks have flown by. Be vigilant about your thoughts Dearest souls and master the art of dismissing instantly, those that do not serve. In doing so, you can CHANGE YOUR WORLD into that of a much Brighter Light … would we say … within the blink of an eye. Yes, I do see that. I know I repeat myself, yet, I guess the continual question on people’s lips is how to wake up those who still sleep, for there seems to be so many unaware or disinterested … or simply oblivious to the worlds affairs ‘through the looking glass’ … And we need many more on board in order to keep raising the vibration to the level required. First of all Blossom, we would say this is not a race. There is no rush, although you think there is. There is no time. So to us … all is simply unfolding in its own Divine way. Look upon EVERYTHING in that KNOWING … THAT EVERYTHING IS UNFOLDING IN ITS OWN DIVINE MANNER. Therefore, with this thought in mind … one can release all struggle and ideas that one must have ‘this’ done in time … and one most have ‘that’ done by then … WHY? Why must everything be under the rule of your time? It tends to put so much pressure on the soulself. Whereas, to simply let things come about in their own sweet way … allows one to certainly enjoy the entire process so much more. Wouldn’t you agree? Yes, I would. I am realising that it doesn’t matter, with so many things. Nothing is REALLY urgent. Yet, I see so many running hither and thither trying to beat the clock. Allow life to unfold … as it should. By letting things flow on their own course you will find a sweeter outcome, also. As for Awakening Souls. Look back … look back Dear One’s on the Awakening of so many souls. Some who you would least expect. Such things cannot be rushed or pressurised into doing so. As the eyes of the soul looks upon the new vista … and the hearts longing to be heard experiences a faint whisper of ‘Come. Come be with me’ … and the soul knows that the ‘me’ is none other than itself and it settles in Peace … as it recognises the comfort of self … and the Welcoming Home-coming that is offered As/In/Through Truth. Dearest souls … over and over we say to you to recognise yourself. Why is it do you think, we suggest this? Why do we gently impose this into your thought patterns? Because … when it is understood and YOU DO SO … you will immediately realise its importance! IMPORTANCE, IN THE FASHION, THAT ONCE THIS IS ACCOMPLISHED, THE THE SOUL CAN REALLY LIVE! No longer shall restrictions hold one … chained and bound to the old way of thinking. For there is A New Way … A New Way of thinking … A New Way of Being … to be displayed by the humans upon your Planet. Is it not that more and more upon/within your movie screens … you see Beings of Great Might … Great Strength … Super Hero’s … who can accomplish miracles? These are not characters on a drawing board. THESE MIGHTY POWERFUL BEINGS ARE YOU! Did you KNOW you can fly? Did you KNOW you can move mountains? Did you KNOW that you can do and create anything you desire … just by ‘KNOWING’? Many times have we have spoken of KNOWING. KNOWING WITHIN YOU that you are so much more than that which you believe yourself to be. Yes. I understand that and I KNOW you speak Truth here. Yet … I don’t know how to KNOW THAT KNOWING … from within the core of my Being. How do I get to KNOW all that so strongly, that I become it? That is indeed a good question. Our answer would be ‘by spending time going within’. By asking to connect up with the Divine Source and to be shown the way. Ask to FEEL that Power. Ask to experience it. Ask to be shown the possibilities of it. The more you do so … the more you FEEL it as a possibility … the more possible something begins to form in your thoughts … the closer it is to becoming. Therefore … do not dismiss such magnificence within and from yourself. THE POWER WITHIN YOU IS ALL MIGHTY. Yet, we would add most prominently … that from all these possibilities … from the deeper KNOWING of such things … these ‘things’ can only be accomplished by the KNOWING that it is the LIGHT THAT YOU ARE … and the acknowledgment of it … that allows such wonderments to take place. For even the strongest body builder cannot conduct incredible feats such as those we are speaking of … without the POWER OF LIGHT behind the driving seat. It is for you to KNOW YOURSELVES as the LIGHT YOU ARE. So that one thought of healing to another … allows that healing to take place. Purely by the KNOWING of the strength of LIGHT THAT YOU ARE. So much … so much more can be accomplished when you take the time to study the self and to hook up/into one’s Higher Power. By looking into a lake full of water … you can cleanse it? Do you believe us? Yes. I do. By looking onto a barren field … you can make grain grow … just by the intention. Do you believe us? Yes I do. Yet, surely we are talking way, way into the future here! This Dearest Blossom … these things spoken of have nothing to do with time … nothing at all. These things could become apparent today … if one/when one … accepts the Power within and what it is capable of accomplishing. And may we say … it is capable of accomplishing anything and everything for better or for worse. This is why you must take time/give time to self … to go within/to be within and become yourself. THE YOU THAT IS PURE LOVE. You are in essence from THE DIVINE SOURCE. You have so much to create and make happen for the Highest Good of all mankind … the Highest Good of your Planet … the Highest Good of Everything. Think of all that you as an individual could do … then just imagine millions of individuals having the same intent for theHIGHEST GOOD OF ALL to change all that does not serve on your Planet. When you KNOW WHO YOU ARE … you just need to think something wonderful and watch it manifest before your eyes. We have spoken often also, regarding Vibrational pull. Your choice … one way or the other. Simple as that. Choose a High Vibration to reside in … or choose a low one … all down to the thoughts you CHOOSE to think. The more your Vibration bubbles and hops and skips with Joy … the more your Vibration bubbles and hops and skips with Joy! And so it is also … the more your Vibration wallows in the misgivings of self and others … the more your Vibration wallows in the misgivings of self and others. THAT IS THE WAY IT IS. THAT IS THE WAY IT WORKS. All thoughts, no matter the circumstances, should they appear dia or miraculous can have an upside attitude towards them or a downside … You choose. Yet, the slightest break through in a dilemma ... of an ‘up thought’ … will set the upward spiral, spiralling. KNOW THIS … FOR IT IS THE KEY TO ONE"S HAPPINESS ... IN A NUTSHELL! Thank you. We are always in need of these reminders. And that is all we are doing … reminding you all of that which you already know. Why is it that we forget when we come through time and time again into /onto this Earth of ours? With all respect it is not yours. It is not anyone’s. It should be FREE. And yet, SHE has allowed herself to be imprisoned for a short presentation in order for certain aspects of experience to play themselves out. Mother Earth has chosen to sacrifice much for the Greater Good of ALL. For SHE knows also, that it is indeed only for the experience of such and then she shall move on/through into a different one. As with yourselves dearest souls, your Earthy experience is simply that … an experience for self and all. This is why we suggest to you not to take ‘it all’ too seriously. For when this experience is over … you simply move on/through to another one … of your choice. And you see how you go with that one and from there you move on ... through to another and another. All the while just experiencing self in a million different forms. For there is no end … therefore … what else is there to do? Yet, with each experience do we move deeper and develop further into the Light of ourselves? Your choice! You see Blossom … YOU ARE LIGHT. You cannot be anything else. You can pretend to be dark for a life time or ten … should you so choose to experience that. Yet ultimately, ALL … EVERYTHING IS LIGHT … THERE IS NOTHING ELSE. Just for an experience does one choose to display itself as something other than Light. Yet, it is only a game one is playing. It is a role in another play. A disguise in another movie … just for the ‘heck of it’ … Why not? Enjoy the ride! You choose which roller coaster, which funfair ride to go on. Sometimes you may return for more … others you learn immediately that once was enough. Endless … boundless opportunities ... there for the picking. You can, in one life time, reach the Highest Heights and be very successful in all aspects of self. Yet, if you should so choose … your next experience could be of a ‘BEING’ of low esteem and untoward thoughts for all … just for the contrast … just for the experience. YOU SEE? It just doesn’t matter … IT’S A GAME! The only thing that is real is LOVE … THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE! You have chosen to be in a physical body at this time … with all its challenges and tribulations of a thousand different scenarios … and yet … the only thing that animates that body … is your True essence … LOVE! When LOVE leaves … that physical body disintegrates … it was a vessel for experiencing being a human.Yet, the driving force … the ONLY THING that allows that human to BE … is LOVE … THE ENERGY OF LOVE … for that is all there is. Therefore, think/KNOW how POWERFUL LOVE IS … in its purest form. Then accept that YOU are that Love in its most Powerful and Purest form. It is just that you are using a human body to move around in upon the density of this Planet. THEN IMAGINE WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF … FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF ALL … AND ACT UPON IT … KNOW IT ... BE IT. Change the world like this. Then teach it to others … not by ‘ramming it down their throats' … Yet, by being a gentle example of it … Of LOVE. Let it shine though you. Let its warmth penetrate into the very Beings of each one you meet. Let each encounter be an opportunity to offer your Love and Light into the deepest part of another heart. Can you tell us of anything else that could be more purposeful? So many wonder what their purpose is while they have this Earthly experience. That! That is what it is … To offer more and more Love to everyone you come across. You do not need to be ‘known’ as a giver of Light among your internet circles … that is not what success is. Success is … getting into bed each evening and smiling as one recalls their day of giving Love to each and every soul they came across … be it one, ten or a hundred. It matters not and if you have not met anyone that day … think of a struggling country and send your Powerful Light to those who reside within it. Send you Light to the soil that grows there. There is always someone and something in need of more of your Love and it brings YOU SUCH JOY in giving it. For you know you are fulfilling your purpose. That dearest friends, is success. That dearest friends, is what you came here for. You came here to spread and share your Light … Yet, now we say to you … as we have many times… DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOUR LOVE-LIGHT. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOUR POWER. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE WHO YOU ARE. FOR IN DOING SO … You are letting yourself down … And it is of such importance to boost yourself up … and KNOW that YOU along with your ‘kin’ are about to walk into a space in /of your experience where you amaze yourself … where you find that limitations are broken down and through this … there shall be the discovery of … Well… just hold on to your hats! Lovely … Thanks Guys. Until next time … I send you /we send you … so much Love Light Laughter and Golden Rays from our hearts to yours. In Love and thanks .
Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can. The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo Website: Blossom Goodchild The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is here.
Blossom spends a great deal of her waking hours responding to emails .... all of which is given from the heart.
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