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Three Videos Worth Watching (5)

Here are three new videos that you won't regret giving some minutes of your time, we hope.

YES! The Arab freedom revolution has landed in Europe. After some smaller demonstrations in Greece and Italy, the awakening is now fully happening in Spain. Again, the youth is leading the way. Do we ever get tired of these images? Nope, we don't.

The second video is about a man in India that can only be called a HERO. If we could only all be like this...wait - we can! Everybody has the ability to share. If you haven't got any money, a simple smile can already make someone's day :)

This third video shows a so called flash mob. There are many fun flash mobs from all over the world on YouTube. This one is not just fun but also contains a good message.

More inspirational videos here, here, here and here.

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