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You are at the start of a year that should prove to be exciting, even if at this stage you cannot see how that could come about. It should also be fulfilling as it will result in the coming about of many acceptable changes that have long been predicted. It will be the year when results are achieved that have long been worked for, and promise to take you into the New Age on the crest of a wave that will sweep much of the old away. At first it will seem chaotic as the dark Ones fight change as they see their dominance slipping away. Silently and without any fuss the scene has been set for the changes that will quickly help establish a new Governance for the New Age. Realise that the challenge to be released from the evil plan of the dark Ones to permanently imprison you, has been met and has finally delivered opportunities to be completely free from their control. Those of you who work for the Light can now go forwards with confidence, knowing that this New Year will see the outward evidence that all is well, and that real progress can no longer held up. The plan for Man is well under way and is now supported by a powerful body of Light Beings from outside your Solar System There are in fact others that have also come to your aid, and their presence will ensure that no other entities can interfere with the path to the Light. All is proceeding very well and where you may have your doubts, remember that while you remain in the lower vibrations there will be a mixture that allows the dark Ones to still play their game. You see it as a very serious situation, yet it only exists whilst karma still remains to be played out. Over centuries of time so much karma has accumulated that now has to be cleared, thus allowing the vibrations to lift you up into up into the higher realms. Those souls that are unable to rise up will continue their evolution at an appropriate level, that will ensure they have future opportunities to ascend. True World Peace cannot be achieved until the Cabal is silenced and its minions are removed or in retreat. The process of cleansing the Earth of the dark Ones has been in progress for quite a long period of time, and is at last bearing notable results. There is disarray amongst their ranks as their power has been drastically reduced. Many are moving to safer areas and countries where they are accepted, but no matter where they hide they will be found because there is no hiding place where they are safe. Some hoped to move off the Earth but that escape route has already been blocked, and they will be called to account for their actions against those of the Light. There is so much taking place that is out of your sight, or concealed so that the news does not get out. The tentacles of the dark Ones stretch far and wide and there is so much bribery, blackmail and deceit that you would be hard put to know what represented the truth. It is why you have been advised a number of times to use your intuitive abilities to discern the truth from falsehoods. Use a reliable source such as David Wilcock and through him you will soon learn who or what you can trust. When the time is right you will commence to learn the true happenings over the last 50 years or more, that have been clouded by falsehoods and lies. The truth has been doctored or altered to an amazing degree that when it is revealed, will leave you utterly amazed and astonished. It even goes as far back as your recent history and even to the times of Atlantis. History will have to be re-written so that you understand the true story of your evolution. It is only in recent times that the truth has begun to surface and hitherto hidden documents have come light that support it. You must keep an open mind if you want to progress, otherwise you may get stuck and unable to move on. As most of you tend to be at different points in your evolution some revelations may be too much to accept, so set that information aside so that you can always come back to if necessary. Some of you will undoubtedly wonder why that as a small fairly insignificant Civilisation you should attract so much universal attention. If you have not learnt why before now, know that it is because you have undertaken to ascend in your physical bodies. It has never happened before in living memory, so many other civilisations in your Universe are interested to see the results. Be assured that you are not in any way at risk as each soul is accompanied by Higher Beings. The experience should be exhilarating and undoubtedly remembered for a very long time to come, particularly as with Ascension you will find yourselves in a perfect body free of all imperfections and ageing. Even if you were give more of the truth your head would most likely end up in a whirl. Matters are beginning to speed up again and as more of the changes come out into the open you will find it difficult to keep up with them, as you have a lot to learn in a very short space of time. The highlight for you will most likely be the arrival on Earth of your Space friends, yet meeting your brothers and sisters from the Inner Earth will certainly be very exciting. Obviously that cannot happen until there is complete peace on Earth that even now is gradually being achieved, which you will know of if you regularly read your Internet news. The truth is coming out slowly but surely and again your intuitive abilities should be able to sort it out against outright lies or fiction. Since 2012 the amount of information being released has increased and the right souls to handle it are already with you. There has always been one great plan by which you would be uplifted at the appropriate time. That time is already with you and there has never been such a grand opportunity presented to you as now. The pathway is clearly laid out ahead and as long as you stay within the Light there is no reason why you should miss out. As time progresses more dear Ones will draw closer to you, and you can be assured that every help will be given to ensure your successful Ascension. Dear Friends, your time has arrived to think in terms of nothing but success where your future is concerned. At our level we see you rejoicing and so happy that you have at last found your true path to the higher dimensions. Your long trek through many, many challenging experiences is at long last in its final stages. Your well earnt rewards are coming to you with freedom from the interference of the dark Ones. You are to leave the lower dimensions and fully return to the Light, having successfully completed your travels in the lower dimensions. Your New Year has commenced, and I wish you all that you would wish yourselves. You have powerful Beings with you who lift you up when you are down and bring healing laughter into your life. As always I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light continue to brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey. Website: Tree of the Golden Light
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