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Higher meaning of Myanmar and China disasters; negativity reduction; examples of duality; global economy, sharing; third density karma; sources of light; Obama in US presidency, ending of “secret government”; don’t fear dire predictions, claims; life missions will unfold; care necessary in telepathic communications; “homework” assignments
1. This is Matthew with loving greetings. I wish to speak first about the recent events in Myanmar and China that caused such great death tolls and vast destruction. As tragic and shocking as these events were for grief-stricken families, who are dealing also with overwhelming hardships in their survival, I shall give you the higher purpose and meaning of these happenings. Some of the persons had completed their pre-birth agreements, but most of the tens of thousands who made transition at those times or from injuries since then had made soul level requests to be relieved of arduous physical lifetimes, and divine grace granted their petitions. Not only did that release the negativity formed by their having to endure very difficult, often terrorizing circumstances that exceeded karmic experiences they had chosen, but these souls who entered Nirvana in such great numbers now are sending light energy to reduce the negativity that is remaining in their former home areas. 2. In addition to those souls’ invaluable service to Earth, a great amount of negativity long-stored within the planet was released and transmuted into light by the wild storm and earthquake. Even the lamentable fact that weather technology used with malevolent intent was a major factor in both events doesn’t alter the beneficial cleansing effects that are essential for Earth’s healing and ascension. And, although it may be hard to imagine how the devastation could have been even more extensive, it would have been without off-planet forces’ technology that decreased the power of the water and wind and reduced the effects of the quake and its aftershocks. Although the trauma and suffering of survivors is incalculable in human emotions, far more light than negativity has been generated in the aftermath of the two massive events. 3. Another great amount of light evoked by those not-so-natural disasters is coming from the worldwide outpouring of sympathy and compassion, and assistance efforts where they are allowed. This is an example of third density duality running its course: The heartfelt offers of food, shelters, medical care and funds are evidence of the magnification of positive energy at work, and refusal of that desperately needed aid is the magnification of negative energy. Yes, energy itself is neutral, but it carries tentacles, or attachments, of light (positive) or darkness (negative) in accordance with the initiators’ motives, and the opposing motives in the aid issue is duality playing itself out. 4. More evidence of this dual energetic influence are the ever increasing numbers of stories about people in all walks of life, from small townships to national and international bodies, who have been engaged in such as sexual molestation, embezzlement, bribery, robbery, illegal business negotiations, child pornography and blatant lies; and at the other end of this particular spectrum is the truth being disclosed. Eventually there will be no “sacred cows” remaining as nefarious activities even in long-honored institutions keep emerging into the limelight. This “housecleaning” within governments, religions, banking, corporations, education, commerce, medicine and health care—every source that has been instrumental in forming your beliefs and conscripting your activities—will continue until all those sources of deception and corruption have been purged. This spiritual and moral cleansing is in tandem with, and is as imperative to your world as the geographic cleansing, so please don’t feel dismayed or disgusted as one after another of these exposures comes forth—instead, welcome their “coming to light” because each is another step forward to Earth’s Golden Age. 5. We understand the grave concerns about the tattered economy in the United States that has boomeranged around the globe. Most who are facing monetary problems may be even more deeply affected as the entire economic system continues unraveling to make way for a sound basis of all currency and a fair allocation of the world’s resources. The improvisations of those in control of banking and commerce to keep money circulating will be to no avail because the strategies are designed to keep the current system intact—that is, to keep wealth flowing into the hands of those who already have amassed immense fortunes. The intended principal byproduct of the flailing economy is fear, and I believe that all readers know the reason the dark-minded ones want to keep the fear factor thriving. Do not aid and abet them! 6. Contrary to what may seem sensible, holding fast to all your money, this is a time to share as generously as you can with those in greater need than you. When this is done not as an obligation with a sense of sacrifice, but lovingly from your heart, you set in motion energy that brings abundance in return. It may not be “in kind,” but the universal law of attraction that always is operating will bring blessings into your life that you will recognize as such. We realize that many of you have no dollars to spare, so please know that sharing your time through some kind of volunteer service has the same effect when done with a loving heart. Trading, or bartering, foodstuffs, talents and skills, equipment and tools—whatever one has that someone else needs and vice versa—can serve you well until the new system of economy and commerce is firmly established, and even then it can be a most satisfying exchange of goods and services. 7. Please remember that some of what you see that is worrisome, even abhorrent to society—violence in any form; theft; drugged children and adults, whether by prescription or “illegally”; unjust laws and fraudulent convictions; growing numbers of homeless and unemployed; torture; school dropouts—is “perpetrators” and “victims” completing karmic lessons so they never again have to experience third density lifetimes. Even so, all of these souls benefit from the healing energy of prayer, and the dark-minded ones whose intentions and actions are way outside their soul contracts are in the most desperate need of the light in prayer—prayers for Earth and all of her life forms is one of the most valuable contributions anyone can make. There is light within hope, too. Hope provides a major difference in your outlook and correspondingly affects the people close to you—the energy of hope, just like the energy of a smile, ripples its benefits out into your world. 8. Attention is being given around the globe to the United States presidential candidates. Despite the rigged primary elections to favor Hillary Clinton and John McCain’s supporters waffling because he himself waffles, soon it will be glaringly apparent that Barack Obama’s greater popularity among voters will be sustained. Thus free will choices of the majority have been made and now, without influencing those choices one whit, we can reveal that in the energy field of potential, Obama’s momentum always was unstoppable, and we can tell you that this highly evolved soul with many lifetimes as a wise and just leader came from a spiritually and intellectually advanced civilization specifically to rise to his current prominence. At soul level he knows this is his mission, but consciously he is aware only of his innate leadership abilities and genuine intent to serve his nation as he so states; in time he will become consciously aware of his origin and purpose for embodying in this lifetime. Once he is in office, some darkly-intentioned persons expect to control him just as they and others before them have controlled a succession of US presidents and many members of Congress. However, that vicious kind of governing is at an end, and contrary to the protestations of Hillary Clinton that this race is not over, she and other top Illuminati know they are witnessing the demise of their “secret government”; therefore, the Obama family members are among the most intensely light-protected persons on Earth. 9. While that election is of undeniable importance, foment leading to benevolent changes in other countries’ governments is of paramount significance too. The myriad reforms underway span the globe—WORLD transformation is what is occurring—and in time, every leader in every nation will be a lighted soul. The darkness that has deluged Earth and deluded her peoples from before your recorded history is behind the wars whose victors created national boundaries to enrich themselves. “One World Government” has a dreadful connotation, and rightly so because it is associated with the Illuminati’s plan to rule everyone on the planet that this cabal deems worthy of life, those who will serve their purposes, and eliminate all others. Not only has that plan been battered into oblivion with only maddened minds still clinging to a broken concept, but we assure you, you will greet with elation your world when borders and citizenship pale by comparison with the peaceful and harmonious cooperation agreed upon by all peoples everywhere. 10. Congratulations are in order, and we joyously extend them to all whose minds and hearts are focusing on spiritual renewal and no longer dwelling on mundane matters. Yet we see as well that too many lightworkers still lapse into fear with each dire prediction or outright claim about various situations. Also many feel that as Earth keeps ascending into higher frequencies, they will be left behind because they haven’t discovered their “mission” in this unique time in the universe, or they greatly desire to communicate telepathically and this still eludes them. So I believe it will be helpful if I address these issues again. 11. Surely all who are familiar with my messages or the books know the dark power of fear, so I won’t repeat that, but if you wish a reminder, there is a great deal of material that you can easily locate [use the search feature or the book/message index on www.matthewbooks.com]. Therefore I shall say only that there will be NO nuclear war and NO one on Earth can start a war in space; NO extraterrestrial civilization will invade and conquer your planet; the cleansing process will NOT flood millions of square miles of land and cause billions of deaths; there will be NO need for spacecraft to rescue you just before your planet upends itself or to live underground when you are returned; the millions who speak against US administration policies will NOT be rounded up and put in prison camps; NO manmade viruses will be unleashed and cause most of your population to die; there is NO need to invest billions of dollars in gold so economic and governmental reforms can begin. 12. I may be forgetting some of the discouraging or fearful-sounding situations in reports that swirl around the Internet, die down for a while and then flare up again. We urge you, PLEASE do not give even an iota of your energy to fear! Yes, physical bodies will continue to die from all the causes occurring now and the souls will continue their evolution in spirit, but fear has NO part whatsoever in this eternal cycle of life! 13. Now then, regarding soul contract “missions,” you can see the “big picture” but not your specific part of the design, so we tell you again, EVERY ONE of you is important or you wouldn’t be where you are! Only a relatively few are needed in primary leadership positions and some are becoming apparent, but many millions will be in support roles that aren’t yet evident because the need is on the horizon, not at the threshold. If you will remember that not only did you choose to live during this unprecedented time on Earth, but you were selected because of your collective lifetime experience, wisdom and spiritual strength that will be needed, you can be patient in the knowledge that when that moment comes, you will intuitively know how to proceed. However, since most missions do not come in one AHA! moment, we want you to know that simply by following your heart, the seat of the soul, you are serving the light and fulfilling the lifetime purpose you signed up for! 14. Yes, telepathic connections are opening for some and not yet for others. It is natural that you want to communicate with beloved souls in Nirvana and perhaps with people in other civilizations, but being preoccupied with doing so can be a deterrent in establishing these energy connections. So here again there is a need for patience along with understanding that when there is reason for this communication, it will happen. Be ever mindful that beings from both the light and the darkness are eager to reach you, the former because of love bonds and the latter because they wish to control your thoughts and actions by giving you deceiving information. When you begin to hear strange voices or have thoughts you know are not your own, very likely it is a sign that some soul is trying to contact you. Two steps are imperative: Ask for the protection of the Christed light and demand that only light beings may speak with you, and identify the source of the information. Mother, please insert here the date of the message containing detailed guidelines for telepathic communication [February 18, 2006]. Thank you. 15. If it were within my province to give you homework assignments, the most important I can think of is KNOW THY GODSELF! Learn to trust your intuition, the messages from your soul to your consciousness, and act upon it. The second assignment would be to read and heed God’s message [August 1, 2007], and following that, read the information about 2012 and set your thoughts and visions in line with that world you powerful souls came to help create. [And then God said…then I said…then He said…Chapter 2012; listed on Matthew’s Messages page beneath January 27, 2008 message] 16. Keep in the forefront of your thoughts that lighted souls in body or in spirit throughout the universe are with you every step of your journey into Earth’s Golden Age. Some are right there among you assisting in ways that eventually will become known by all, and countless others are beaming light to uplift all of Earth or using their technology to help your ascent into fourth density. And on behalf of all souls at this station I say, our love for each of you is boundless. _____________________________ LOVE and PEACE… Suzanne Ward [If you received this message as a forward and would like to receive future messages directly, click on this link http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MessagesfromMatthew/ or Google "Yahoo," choose "Groups," then look for "MessagesfromMatthew." June 11th Hunt Henion (www.shiftawareness.com) will be guest on “Matthew and Friends” and share his unusual journey to self-discovery and channeling. This is the link www.bbsradio.com/bbc/matthew_and_friends.php to tune in at 4:00 p.m. Pacific time. And then God said…then I said…then He said, enlightening messages Celestial Bluestar, David of Arcturus and I received from many sources, is available. Here's the link for ordering your copy www.awakenedhearts.com/books2.htm.] ![]() ![]() please let us know and we'll add you to our mailing list. |
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