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Assurance vs. fear-mongering; no nuclear war; duality winding down; a staged “space invasion”?; prepare children for the future; Earth happenings affect the universe; chemtrails; reforestation; animal extinction; animals’ angels; souls helping others in financial adversity; a “heavenly” birthday
1. MATTHEW: Along with loving greetings comes our assurance that Earth’s ascension pace is on target, and the light is intensifying within, on and surrounding the planet. Despite this oft-repeated assurance, which other light beings also have given to their receivers, a swarm of false, misleading or dire-sounding information to keep fear on center stage is affecting many souls. So we remind you that the light of the universe is ever-present to help you keep your light steady, and we ask that you let your fearlessness radiate to others so they do not to succumb to fear-mongering. 2. In this regard, I have asked my mother to copy my response to a recent request that I comment on reports detailing reasons that support the advent of a nuclear war. Please understand that I am not questioning the veracity of the reporters, but rather showing that the premise of the information is based in third density knowledge, not the awareness within higher consciousness. Further, I was asked if collectively you need to request your universal family to intervene and prevent such a war. 3. If you are familiar with my messages, you will see no surprises in my response as I have spoken about these factors on many occasions, but not before now have I pulled all together in this succinct manner. ______________________ 4. The reports do indeed sound dire until you put them into the context of the far more significant powers that are influencing events in your world. 5. There are a number of essential factors, starting with Creator’s decree that there will be no more nuclear wars anywhere in the cosmos because of the severe damage those have done to some souls—not to bodies, which are temporary “housing” for a soul’s individual physical lifetimes, but to the souls, the total essence of the god-goddess selves you are. Creator made this one exception to Its law that every soul’s free will choice must be honored: Any persons who attempt to wage a nuclear war will be stopped. Acting on Creator’s decree, God authorized spiritually, intellectually and technologically evolved civilizations in this universe to prevent all attempts to initiate such a war, and this has been done successfully on Earth more than once in recent years. 6. God’s authorization to those civilizations includes the honoring of Earth’s free will choice that all violence and destruction of her planetary body cease. At the time of her choice, over sixty years ago in your linear time, myriad light beings—many of such vast and powerful soul collectives that you cannot imagine it—started infusing Earth with their light. This massive inflow of light not only saved her planetary body, but also has been raising the consciousness of her peoples. However, millennia of violence in a population cannot be abruptly eliminated, so the energy invested in maintaining the war machine with its monetary profits and land conquests, and the intention of some souls to control all others, must play itself out. This has been happening. If you think of the global outcry for peace today in comparison with the mentality prevailing during World War II and the continued lessening of support for wars since then, you can see this effect of the light on minds and hearts. 7. Even when advanced civilizations see the need for help elsewhere, they cannot intervene without being asked. Actually, Earth’s cry for their assistance was enough, but your request automatically was added by the ever-growing global efforts toward peace and the end of oppression. It isn’t necessary that ones believe that other life exists in the universe, much less that many highly evolved souls are living among you and millions are surrounding your planet—your desire for a better world is your conscious expression of a non-verbalized invitation to the celestial helpers. 8. The darkest of minds in your world do know about the lighted civilizations’ presence and their on-going assistance ever since Earth asked for their help to ascend out of third density where darkness flourishes. This created such fear in those dark souls that they lost both the ability to think rationally and the capacity for conscience, which atrophied from non-use. Seeing their plans for world domination being shredded to tatters, the more desperate the dark ones became to hold onto the frayed remnants. 9. A related factor is that Earth’s ascension pathway has reached the higher energy frequencies where the extremes of duality are playing themselves out so the nature of humankind can return to the balance that is within light. At this point, all characteristics and emotions are magnified, and this is evident in people’s behavior. At one extreme, the brutal, oppressive and greedy ones are panicking in their efforts to regain control; and at the other, wiser and spiritually aware souls are equally dedicated to their “behind the scenes” actions to return sanity to leadership positions and institute wide-ranging reforms worldwide. 10. The crux of the issue about any grave-sounding information is that plans made in darkness is one thing and achieving desired results is quite another. When you put those meetings and topics of discussion—and please keep in mind that often information is “leaked” solely for the purpose of creating fear, the dark ones’ most effective tool and the fuel they need to survive—into both the global and universal light networks I described, you will see that efforts to implement the harshest measures will not reach fruition. 11. Stay steadfast in the light and keep Earth’s Golden Age foremost in your thoughts and hearts. The transformation of your world that you are helping to create in this very moment already has been manifested in the continuum—that is how powerful you are! ___________________ 12. Mother, thank you. Now then, millennia of dark control on Earth cannot be eradicated swiftly because the collective third density belief is that it cannot. It is the negativity still remaining that keeps the majority of souls in that density, where there is little conscious awareness of the innate manifesting ability, so planetary cleansing and wakening hearts and minds must be a process instead of one fell swoop. However, the process is moving far more quickly than may be realized. Whereas the “seesaw” of duality in humankind once was steadily lopsided with the density of negativity, now it is speeding along its up-and-down energy balancing course. When you know about food shortages; more violence on individual, national and international scales; increasing numbers of homeless; and collapsing financial institutions; please know that those are being balanced by stronger demands for an end to oppressive rulers, greater emphasis on negotiating settlements to conflicts, more extensive outreach to lessen the suffering of peoples, louder demands for honest elections, and ever-growing awareness of the need to stop desecrating the planet. Putting any and all negative aspects of your world in the context of that balancing act shows that the light, wherein all is balance, is hastening the day when duality no longer is a part of your world. You will have successfully completed your mission to help Earth rise out of third density! 13. What is not reported except on some sites on the Internet—where both honest and dishonest information is promulgated, so be discerning—is what is happening “undercover.” Members of your universal family from distant civilizations are working hand in hand with Earth citizens to legally and firmly set a new foundation for governing and commerce to replace the old systems that are in shambles. These brothers and sisters from afar are not there to set this new direction, but to assist your emerging leaders bring to reality your vision: a peaceful world where cooperation replaces conflict and abundance replaces need; where no soul is deprived of God-given and civil rights; children feel loved, secure and see a bright future; sound health is a given; just laws prevail and pollution is history; differences are respected; women are honored as the goddesses they are; where humankind live in harmony with Nature and recognize the light essence of all Creation. Your universal family has the spiritual awareness, intelligence and technology to help you achieve this world of your vision with amazing speed. 14. Yes, we have given that assurance before too, but there is reason to do it again. There are pockets of speculation, even belief, that as a last resort to retain control, dark ones in power will stage a “space invasion” to unify all peoples in a common fear of the alien invaders. Thereupon the stagers would impose martial law, arrest dissenters on a massive scale, and create chaos never before seen on your planet. Even as they give no recognition whatsoever to the many reports of UFOs in your skies, they would try to plausibly fit those sightings of spacecrafts into their “invasion” plans. Oh my! What is in chaos is the mentality of the ones who would try such a stunt! There will be NO “space invasion,” and you can rely on your benevolent brothers and sisters to thwart efforts to bring the “little grays” in battle gear out of their underground cities as proof that aliens have landed. 15. Continuing to respond to the interests of email writers, some of you ask me to stop the horrors you recount. Dear souls, not even all of us at this station or all lighted souls in spirit throughout the universe can stop what has been set in motion in your world. What we are permitted to do is beam love energy to fortify your light so you can stop the horrors yourselves! Indeed, with immeasurable help from other civilizations, but again, they are responding to Earth’s request and your fervent desire to live in the kind of world YOU want. 16. I say “thank you” to the farsighted soul who wants to know how to prepare children for the future, and I reply: by example. Live fearlessly; be honest; express your thankfulness for the blessings in your life and the beauties of Earth; share generously with persons in need; show reverence for all life; become involved in measures to preserve or restore the environment; keep your mind open to new perspectives; be discerning in your decisions; be resilient, learn from failed efforts, and try again; dump emotional garbage, and laugh and smile often; forgive those who hurt you and forgive yourself for hurting others. To this I add: listen. Let the children’s voices be heard. Encourage them to talk about their ideas, fears, plans, hopes, dreams, disillusionment and disappointments; encourage them to set realistic but not limiting goals; encourage them to emulate but not compare themselves with individuals who inspire them. And above all, love them. By how you live, you show them the power of unconditional love for themselves, all others and Nature. 17. Another writer brought up a topic that needs to be widely known—everything that happens on Earth affects the universe. For far too long those happenings have been negative and the consequences have affected myriad souls in lower densities. Civilizations in higher densities are not adversely affected, but they are set the task of assisting the lower density souls awaken from spiritual oblivion. Lifting the consciousness of even one soul aids in uplifting all others—if you think of the Oneness of All and how a chain needs every link to be strong or the chain itself is weak, you can see why the spiritually strong souls take on their task eagerly and lovingly. The writer mentioned “the explorer race humans” and “Creator apprentices.” You have many designations for and delineations of soul status, but the more one evolves, the less need there is to make those kinds of differentiations—the light in each soul is sufficient distinction. However, I believe “the explorer race humans” refers to souls who, in multiple lives from antiquity onward, have known the light essence of their beginnings and have been the way-showers for less evolved beings; and “Creator apprentices” are souls entering or are mired in third density, like almost all of Earth’s residents for millennia. You who travel with her to her destination in fifth density will become way-showers, and in some cases, it will be a return to that evolutionary status. 18. Three topics often mentioned are the prevalence of chemtrails, the wanton slaughtering of animal life and continuing depletion of rainforests, often by government sanctions. These lamentable situations are part and parcel of the negative end of the energy of duality that is playing itself out. 19. It is so that elements in chemtrails are harming health, but please consider: The worst of the toxins are being neutralized or ameliorated by your space family’s technology; by believing that you can strengthen your immune systems, you have the power to resist chemtrails’ toxic effects; and like all other negativity still plaguing Earth, as the light keeps intensifying, chemtrails and the darkness that conceived them will cease. 20. Reforestation will occur nearly as rapidly as the willful destruction of the trees has taken place. No, not under conditions still prevailing, but when Earth is within higher densities, the combination of those frequencies and the technology of your space family will restore the land in that respect just as they will purify all areas where in this moment, polluting is rampant. 21. As the consciousness of humankind rises, so too does the consciousness of all other life on the planet, which makes even sadder the maltreatment and destruction of animals. It is inevitable that this will continue until the light is so strong that every living soul will befriend instead of kill any species. But even in the interim there is a ray of light, and I hope this will lessen the despair so many of you feel about the plight of animals. Mother, please locate what I said about animals’ angels and copy it here. ___________________________ 22. I know this will please you, Mother—your dogs have a guardian angel. The angel in the canine domain has chosen your dogs to receive the love and care that is universally known about you and Bob. None of your adopted "fur kids," as you call them, came to you by accident, but by reward or compensation to them. It is the same with all animals and their loving caretakers who are “led” to each other. S: How wonderful to know this! So then, all pets have an angel? MATTHEW: Yes, and so do those animals you might not consider so lovable. There is an angel for each species through a soul level attachment, not an individual assignment such as humans' angels have. These special angels are ancient souls whose beginning was as animal life when all animals in this universe were peaceable, spiritual and intelligent beings. At soul level animals are aware of the angelic benevolence on their behalf. Even those whose lives are miserable have an angel force or influence to ease discomfort or end terribly painful physical lives. Some angels have greater numbers of animals or more intelligent ones to protect than others, but no angel's responsibilities are more important than another's because all of those lives are meaningful in the universal balancing of animal energy. The angels bring a sense of unity to their respective animals to preserve the species, but it isn't their prerogative to wipe off the face of Earth those humans who are cruel to individual animals or even an entire species. Environmentalists who are acting in good faith—that is, not for selfish political, personal or economic reasons—are being inspired in their efforts by the animals' angels. ________________________ Thank you, Mother. 23. Others ask about politics—to be or not to be involved and on whose side—and to this I would say, if you follow your heart, you cannot err. It is what YOU strongly feel that is important, the “signals” you receive from what you may call inner guidance or messages from your soul or your higher self. To those of you who want to know the outcome of the presidential election in the United States or other nations where elections are occurring, some under dispute and world scrutiny, we cannot tell you. Yes, this is now clear in Earth’s energy field of potential as the momentum of the light may take mild, brief detours, but its course is unstoppable; however, never may we disclose what could influence your decisions or actions. Nor can we chart your personal pathways—this is in response to you who ask me to enlighten you about your life mission, and in that regard too, I say follow your heart. To quote God, a comment to my mother in the new book: “The heart is the seat of the soul.” 24. How to lessen the impact of the global economic situation? We rejoice in seeing how financial adversity has led so many souls to help each other! One to one, or those with a great deal sharing with many, and by this means, as individuals you are making a significant difference in the life of another or many others. And be heartened by knowing that genuine resolution to the collapsing system is underway. I’m not referring to the desperate steps taken by governments and financial institutions—those are to keep the monetary boat afloat to enrich the wealthy—but to the lighted beings among you who are establishing an orderly transition from unconscionable inequality to fair allocation of not only money, but all the world’s resources. 25. How to know when Earth’s ascension is completed? It will be unmistakable! Your heart will be filled with joy as you see your world in peace, all peoples living cooperatively and harmoniously with all of Nature. The questioner asked as well for a definite date, and to that I can only say what I have said many times: Linear time is disappearing and the reality of the timeless continuum is being felt as time passing faster and faster. It would be wise for all of you to stop living in the “absoluteness” of calendars and instead, make each day fulfilling and productive. It also would be wise to withdraw from preoccupation with trivialities and from the impatience of “I want to know NOW,” and put that energy into listening to your soul’s voice and visualizing yourself in Earth’s Golden Age. 26. I have chosen to end this message on a personal note. Two days ago marked the 28th year since I left my last Earth lifetime. On that day 26 years ago, my mother was deeply grieving, and through a dear soul who occasionally gave her news of my life in Nirvana, I sent word that I wanted her to think of that date not as my death, but as my heavenly birthday. Mother and I had planted and tended flowers when I was a little boy, and I said that if she would buy flowers for my birthday, I would be with her and we would celebrate together. I am telling you this because that new perspective on each year’s anniversary was a comfort to my mother and I hope that it also can give comfort to all who are grieving for their beloved people who have moved on in their soul evolution. 27. Now I say farewell only in words, as the love and caring of all souls at this station and all lighted beings around the universe is forever with you. ___________________________ LOVE and PEACE Suzanne Ward [Note from Suzy: If you received this message as a forward and would like to receive future messages directly, click on this link http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MessagesfromMatthew/ or Google "Yahoo," choose "Groups," then look for "MessagesfromMatthew." After I send out the messages, I receive many bounce notices “user unknown” or similar. It may be that email addresses have changed and I didn’t receive the new one. Many of you are writing that you used to get the messages but no longer do and you have the same address—most likely you were among the 3000+/- addresses lost when the last Yahoo group was disbanded. In either case, please subscribe to the free Yahoo group. Also several of the bounces are because the recipient’s mailbox is over quota; if you have missed any messages, all are posted on www.matthewbooks.com. Thank you to all who are using the message/books index and the search feature before sending emails! I wish I could say that responsibilities demanding my time are lessening but they aren’t—emails in my inbox still go back to last April. On May 14, Roger Frampton (www.2012chronicles.com) will join me on “Matthew and Friends” and we’ll talk about the world of our future. Please tune in at 4:00 p.m. Pacific time. You can use this link www.bbsradio.com/bbc/matthew_and_friends.php or Google BBS Internet Radio. And then God said…then I said…then He said, enlightening messages Celestial Bluestar, David of Arcturus and I received from many sources, will be available in about two weeks. To order your copy, click on www.awakenedhearts.com/books2.htm. ![]() ![]() please let us know and we'll add you to our mailing list. |
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