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![]() With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As another of your calendar years nears its close, a common thought is, How did this year go by so fast?! You know the sensation of time passing faster and faster actually is Earth steadily moving into successively lighter planes of energy and you know that light is the same energy as love. And, since love is the key to righting all wrongs, rejoice with us that the power of love is spreading around your world! Another reason for rejoicing is that the word “love” is coming onto center stage. People are speaking about love far more often than ever before, and love is mentioned frequently in songs and in print, radio and TV. You may remember that we have talked about the importance of words, spoken and written, and that love, joy, peace, gratitude, forgiveness, kindness, hope, compassion, generosity and honesty add huge quantities of light. Furthermore, the intention of those words in all of your languages emits its own high vibrations, so love’s growing frequency is a double-thrust advancement of light within the populace. In previous December messages we have said that sharing with those in need and comforting those who are grieving has been increasing each year in consonance with ever-rising vibrations. Sharing and caring is love “in action.” Other acts of kindness, such as smiling at a passerby, helping a stranger carry packages, opening a door for someone, giving a neighbor a ride, and well-wishing store clerks are more of the myriad ways that love is expressed not only during this holiday season, but every day yearlong. Although the society isn’t aware that kind gestures such as those are light-filled, courtesies and helpfulness one to another also are increasing by leaps and bounds. In one message we talked about your traditional music. Its light-filled tones and words such as “hallelujah,” “peace on Earth,” “joy to the world” and “all is bright” stir the best of humankind’s emotions, and that energy flows around your world in this season. We also told you the magnificent music continuously produced in Nirvana by as many as a million musicians playing stringed instruments helps keep the universe in balance—Earth’s spirit world is of paramount importance universally. You, too, benefit from “music of the spheres.” The tones are transmitted to Earth to help the planet and all its receptive life forms maintain health in mind, body and spirit. Let us speak now about another seasonal tradition of long-standing in many countries—trees festooned with lights or candles, popcorn strings, bright streamers, bows, and other kinds of beautiful ornaments. Spirits are lifted by the decorated trees that add holiday cheerfulness to homes, churches, shops, restaurants, along streets and other outdoor locations around your world. Trees provide infinitely more than adornment. Their importance goes far beyond providing homes for countless lives in forests, jungles and parks; for producing fruit and lumber for buildings and furniture; and adding beauty and grace to Earth’s landscape. Trees are evolved souls whose energy is essential to you and the planet. It is well known that they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release most of it as oxygen. What is not known is that trees’ collective consciousness is transmitted around the world by a botanical communication system that surpasses your most intricate computers. Trees share their ancient wisdom by filtering it to all of Earth’s other life forms, and all who intuitively tap into that energy are uplifted in conscious and spiritual awareness. That animals have been absorbing this energy is evident in the friendliness of some predator species with former prey and the gratitude animals express to people who rescue them from dire circumstances. Some of your telepathic communicators receive trees’ cogent messages, and eventually everyone on Earth will honor trees as Gaia does, as one of God’s greatest blessings to her planetary body and all of its residents. “When Source woke from Its slumber eons ago, do we know what the stimulus to awake was? Did Source need love? Did Source create Souls to bring the circle of love to It? I've come to the realization that Source and the God of our Universe do need all of Its creations. Expanding thought by new thoughts and actions assures the Cosmos and Universes will be around a very long time. It's not a one-way relationship as I thought in my childhood and most of my adult life.” Very few in your world ponder that deeply, and we thank the dear soul who shared with us her questions and intuitive knowing. We didn’t know what inspired Source—Creator/Creation—to express Itself in what often is referred to as the Big Bang, and we didn’t know what existed prior to that first expression of Its Totality. On behalf of all souls at this station, I asked God the answers and He spoke with Creator. Please don’t think that God didn’t know—He wanted to give us the answer that Creator wanted us to have. The reply to both questions, God said, can be interpreted as I AM is to be shared. Now we shall tell you what we knew prior to that illumination. The essence of I AM, Creator, Source, Oneness of All is love, which It expressed as light, and everything that has been created throughout all time/timelessness is of that energy. So Creator Source didn’t need love—Its totality IS love, the most powerful force in the cosmos. It expressed Its love by creating souls—the archangels—and gifted them with free will and its indivisible capability of manifestation. That is, Creator let the archangels use Its energy to make entities of their imagining—thus co-creation—and from that moment to this, co-creating has continued. I AM is to be shared indicates that Creator is sharing not only Its love energy, but Its knowledge as well—everything in existence is energy and energy encompasses consciousness. So at soul-level, all of us at this station and every other person do have the answers to the questions posed by the reader. It is the conscious awareness of soul-level knowledge that we all are seeking, and everyone in this universe is given limitless opportunities to attain that. Yes, indeed, every creation of Creator Source is “needed”—moreover, each is an eternal and inseparable part of It and evermore shall be. The relationship of Source with each of Its creations assures the continuous expansion and contraction of this universe. We don’t know what goes on elsewhere, but since all souls in the other universes are eternally-connected parts of Creator Source, it seems likely that each contributes to the Totality just as does every soul in this universe. Nor do we know what happens when souls have evolved to the point of remembering their Beginnings and thereby return to Creator. However, we are thinking of the possibility that as souls return, they may exercise their free will gift by choosing to embark upon a new journey somewhere in the cosmos. Now then, let us come “back down to Earth.” Beloved sisters and brothers, we wish you joy-filled holy celebrations and festivities with family and friends. As you celebrate this season—indeed, lifelong!—let your hearts be filled with gratitude for the vital contributions of love, music and trees to your wellbeing and your world’s. Enter your new year with self-confidence and optimism, and know that all light beings in this universe are supporting you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love. _________________________ LOVE and PEACE Suzanne Ward [Note from Suzy: Warmest wishes for happy holidays and a bright new year to all of you. Matthew and I thank you for your dear wishes to us. If you aren’t on the distribution list and would like to receive these messages directly, sending an email to messagesfrommatthew-subscribe@yahoogroups.com automatically will add your address to the moderator’s list. Changes at Yahoo will not affect distribution of the messages. In Bookshop on www.matthewbooks.com you can read topics and sample chapters of Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven, Revelations for a New Era, Illuminations for a New Era, Voices of the Universe and Earth’s Golden Age. There also are excerpts from my little book, Amusing to Profound–My Conversations with Animals. These books are great gifts for family and friends—you will find them fascinating, too.] include("ads.php") ?>
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