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![]() Hello! Well, an overwhelming amount of souls clearly felt the same as I did regarding my rant in our last communication. Many say they are losing/have lost ‘the faith’ and are so tired they do not want to go on anymore. Sad state of affairs. Encouragement and upliftment would go down a treat if you feel so inclined? Thank you. Dearest Blossom and all, it is always our intention to encourage and uplift. This is High on our agenda. We KNOW we are not ‘down there’ on the front line. We KNOW we cannot fully accept the Feelings and Emotions and Energy that you are. Yet, we KNOW that we can see/feel/express from the bigger picture … and that bigger picture is so much Brighter than the one that is painted from within the Energy that you reside. You admit to the ‘experiment’ going horribly wrong. So why is it that you cannot lend a helping hand? You say because of the Laws … can you elaborate? Dearest souls, ultimately, that which your hearts are desiring is the FEELING OF HOPE in order to ‘see this through’. We bring through with every word, with every communication … that Hope. We ask you to continue on. To find and walk within the fullness of yourselves. If you were to focus/concentrate entirely on that, i.e. FEELING the enormity that you are … the presence of the Brightest Lights that you are … THERE would BE your HOPE! THERE would BE the reason you need, to renew strength. THERE would BE the KNOWING that ALL IS CHANGING. THAT WHICH YOU FOCUS AND THINK ABOUT IS THAT WHICH YOU THEN ATTRACT. FOCUS AND THINK ABOUT YOU AND THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE. FOCUS AND THINK ABOUT YOU AND THE LIGHT THAT IS MAGNETISED OUT THROUGH YOU. FOCUS AND THINK ABOUT YOU AND THE LIGHT THAT IS MAGNETISED TOWARD YOU. FOCUS AND THINK ABOUT YOU AND THE LIGHT FROM WITHIN YOU THAT IS CHANGING EVERYTHING IN YOUR WORLD FOR THE GREATER GOOD. When you CHOOSE to set your FOCUS ONLY on such things, your Light shines so much Brighter. When you CHOOSE to set your FOCUS ONLY on such things, your ENERGY of Love and Light BE-comes you. It cannot be contained within you. It cannot remain within you just to keep for yourself. It simply is not of that design. The Energy that you CHOOSE to BE emits a Vibration FROM you … out into the ethers. It cannot not. So many despair as they wonder, even when at a ‘ripe old age’ what their life’s purpose is. Their life’s purpose is to emit their Energy of the Highest Energy of Love and Light that they CHOOSE TO BE! Whichever way one CHOOSES to express this, matters not. One is not doing a … better/greater … job just because they have many followers of their ‘Lightwork’. They are not succeeding any more than one who sits at home and plays the piano to … sooth/fill … their soul. It is the Energy that you ‘produce’ from doing whatever gives you Joy … whatever makes you Laugh … whatever brings you Peace … that changes the Energy of the world into that which YOU ARE ALLOWING YOURSELF TO FEEL. If you are doing something that is not of pleasure to you … do not do it. THAT Energy does not serve YOU, OR … The World/The Whole. Many, many, many, many, many go to work every day with a downcast heart … yet, bills must be paid, food must be put on the table etc. With the greatest of respect … many, many, many, many, many have been … programmed/conditioned … to believe that this is ‘how it is’. It is only ‘how it is’ if one CHOOSES to believe this is ‘how it is’ … and if this is what they believe then this IS ‘how it is!’ Again, we return to the ‘thinking of’. IF you continue to believe that the world around you is falling apart and is sinking further into the darkness … IF you focus on THAT then YOUR WORLD will bring to you more of the same. For your soul’s thoughts on that matter are ATTRACTING more of the same because this is what you are feeding your mind with. So, the Universe in its design to ‘give you what you think about’ … your needs … will provide and bring to you that which you concentrate on. THIS IS LAW. THIS IS TRUTH. This is why you are fed, via all forms of ‘media’, the downside of Life. So that you can focus on nothing else and keep the level of Vibration of the WHOLE at a low ebb. This is how those that you call ‘in power’ have manipulated circumstances and situations in order to keep the level of Vibration in your world at its lowest ebb on a continual flow. LET US STATE CATEGORICALLY … AND IF THERE WERE A FEW STATEMENTS THAT WE HAVE EVER OFFERED OF GREAT IMPORTANCE, THIS WOULD BE HIGH ON THE LIST … THE DARK ONES ARE NOT IN POWER. BY ‘THINKING’ THEY ARE … YOU FEED ‘THAT TRUTH!’ YOU … YOU … YOU … YOU … YOU ARE IN POWER. EACH ONE! EACH INDIVIDUAL SOUL IS OF THE LIGHT. EACH INDIVIDUAL SOUL COMES FROM THE LIGHT. EVEN THOSE OF LESSER LIGHT COME FROM THE LIGHT. EVERYTHING THAT IS … IS OF THE LIGHT. THEREFORE, THE DARK ONES CANNOT BE IN POWER. YOU ARE POWER. WHAT IS YOUR POWER? YOUR LIGHT … AND YOU ARE NOTHING BUT LIGHT. THEREFORE, YOU ARE ALL POWERFUL. Do you see Dearest ones? This is what we come to remind you. It is by grasping this in its fullness of Truth that changes the way things are. We are agreeable with you ‘ranting and raving’ when frustration sets in. Yet, these rants and raves derive from focusing on that which is not shining Brightness. Yet, it is still there and one ‘could’ feel a little guilty by ignoring it and going out for another luncheon, dwarling! It is not that you are ignoring it. We are not saying ‘ignore it’. Should it be that certain news comes your way, then do not ‘fall into the Energy of it’. LIFT THE ENERGY OF IT BY DOING WHAT YOU KNOW TO DO. SEND YOUR LIGHT TO IT. SEND YOUR JOY TO IT. SEND YOUR HAPPY VIBRATION TO IT. I choose not to watch the news or read papers etc. Yet, I get to hear of things in one way or another. Some say NOT to watch news, yet, if one doesn’t, how can one send their Light to it? Again, this is a matter of one’s individual choice, Blossom. One can be made aware of certain happenings and send Light, or one cannot be aware of such things and still send Light out … in general … as opposed to a particular circumstance or soul. The point is … to send out your Light … to EVERYTHING. For the souls that are tired of it all and losing ‘heart’ … we suggest that they ‘get back on board the happy train’ … THE LIGHT TRAIN. We have learned to understand that the Energies can bring you down, so we suggest that you do not succumb to them. In your Truth, do you believe the lower Energies are more powerful than the Higher ones? Think about that, Dearest souls. We feel that not one would agree that they are. Light will ALWAYS overcome darkness … Light a candle in a darkened room. Then wait for someone to come and blow it out! Then relight it … again and again and again … until that someone realizes… YOU WILL NOT GIVE UP. YOU WILL NOT GIVE IN … BECAUSE YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE GREATEST STRENGTH. Once you reintroduce your Energy to the Higher one … to the Higher thoughts … and remain there … your tiredness will turn into enthusiasm. Yet, I feel the point is that many have become TOO tired to get back on board the ‘Happy train’. They have done so over and over and keep finding themselves getting off at the ‘Been there, done that, it doesn’t work’ station! And do they like it there? Of course not. Then their only choice, IF they want things to change … is to jump back on board the ‘Happy train’ and when the train pulls into the ‘not so glorious’ stations … CHOOSE not to get off. We are of the understanding, Dearest Souls, Dearest Blossom, that this that we present to you is … as you would say in your world … easier said than done. YET, REMEMBER, REMEMBER, REMEMBER YOU WANTED TO BE HERE IN THE THICK OF IT TO MAKE THE CHANGE … BECAUSE YOU KNEW YOU WERE STRONG ENOUGH TO DO SO … REMEMBER THAT! YOU WERE CHOSEN TO BE PART OF THE GROUND CREW BECAUSE YOU MADE THE GRADE … BECAUSE YOU WERE CAPABLE OF HANGING ON IN THERE NO MATTER WHAT YOU WERE PRESENTED WITH … IN ITS DISGUISE… AND LIFTING YOUR PLANET AND THOSE WITHIN AND UPON HER INTO THE HIGHER VIBRATIONAL STANCE THAT IS THE NEXT PHASE OF THE DIVINE PLAN. COMMEND YOURSELF FOR BEING ONE OF THE SOULS OF GREAT LIGHT THAT ARE FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO HAVE THIS GRAND OPPORTUNITY … AN OPPORTUNITY ALIKE TO NO OTHER … WHEREBY THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE IS A CONTRIBUTION TO THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE AND ALL OTHER UNIVERSES BECOMING MORE OF ITSELF. ‘SIMPLY’ BY KEEPING YOUR THOUGHTS AND YOUR FOCUS LIGHT. Turn up your dimmer switches whenever you feel your surroundings or your Energy to dim. Visualize doing so, on a little switch within you … KNOW THIS WORKS. Wow! A High Energy filled exchange today, my friends … THANK YOU. In Gratitude, in Loving service, I AM. Always, always do we infuse your Energy with our Love. You just need to choose to FEEL it. Many thanks to each one on the ground … such SOULS OF THE GREATEST LIGHT. The audio for this channelling will be posted below shortly. A note from Blossom. These channellings are posted on many sites that I am unaware of and not everyone receives my newsletter. So I take this opportunity to let you know of this exciting Event I am holding in Bali: http://blossomgoodchild.com/upcoming-event/ Many thanks. Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can. Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo Website: Blossom Goodchild include("ads.php") ?>
Any financial assistance to keep her channellings, newsletters etc freely available for everyone is very much appreciated. ![]() ![]() include("onder.php") ?> |
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