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Once again hello. A gentleman who has been looking back into your messages found these quotes … which are very in tune with your last message. 2018 “Out of the ashes … out of the downfall of the entire system that is now in place … shall emerge … A NEW DAWN. The pieces shall not be put back together, for the fragmented rule is not to be rebuilt. Yet … from such a crash … a NEW SYSTEM shall be put in place. A system that is FOR THE PEOPLE OF EARTH. As the walls that those of lesser Light hid behind, crumble … so too, shall there be the joining of souls from other worlds.” Then a short time later … “May I ask where you come in, within all of this? Other than these messages of assistance. Are you to be actively involved? Oh yes, indeed! For that which is to be spoken out, will not only be concerning the control and management from the political aspect, yet, there will undoubtedly be outrageous findings regarding ‘Those from other Planets’ and the contact that has already been underway for a great length of time.” Back to present day. So, shall we carry on from the last message? Warmest of Greetings to those who are now in complete agreement with who they are! We are aware that so many are keen to continue from where we left off? Yes indeed. Many are intrigued about ‘the announcement that will confuse us more’, that you spoke of and also, more please on the ‘face to face’ meetings that are going on between those involved in ‘getting this Planet back on its own two feet!’ As you know and many … know/understand … Blossom, we are unable to divulge ALL THAT WE KNOW. That would not be in keeping with The Plan and how it is to be carried out. Yet, we can feed you tidbits, in order for one to go within and send Love to that ‘not knowing’. As for ‘The news that will confuse’ … it is soon to be offered and we make no jokes upon the word ‘soon’ at this severe juncture. Severe? Yes … for although for many who are kept in the dark about what is going on … KNOW … when we say that … a great deal is taking place. I feel this so much these days … just a nervous sort of feeling as if something is about to take place. It is taking place. Yet, we can’t know about it? Not right now. Yet, you shall. The issue being that this entire Plan has to be handled with such precision. It is not that … if it were a game of chess … that one knows for sure the next move of the opponent … so much strategy must be discussed as to the correct counter move. So then, these discussions … face to face … with whom? Can you tell us who is involved ‘on’ the Planet and ‘not on’ the Planet? We can only tell you that those who are involved have been ‘meeting’ for far longer than just a few short years ago. With respect … a bit of a nonplus answer. Surely there is so much more you can ‘share’? Blossom, YOUR part of the plan and those of you who FEEL/KNOW that they are ‘in on it’ … is to keep oneself alert and aware. To be the ANCHORS OF LIGHT when a large proportion of the human race feels that the Light is going out. So many remain ‘in the dark’ regarding THE TRUTH behind one’s confinement. So … Enlighten us with YOUR TRUTH … if I may be so bold and meant with respect! Our Truth? That which is taking place under the guise of illness is the greatest escape* that has ever evolved. You have said the baddies created the virus so has it backfired on them? Without question. For ‘we’ were aware of their plans to ‘confine’ and therefore, ‘we’ were able to utilize this ‘gift’ to work around/with it … in order to completely use it for the service of all. Those who concocted this scenario had not foreseen all that it would ‘bring out’ in souls … and that is just ‘one’ GOOD thing about it … there are many more. This ‘dis-ease’ that is NOT spreading far and wide as you are being told, is simply the method used to keep everyone under control. The fear … as you know … is far greater an illness than any cough and cold. Some have lost loved ones … they may not agree. Dearest Blossom, Dearest Souls … every minute of every day someone ‘loses’ a loved one yet, as you know, there is no loss … just a passing through to ‘somewhere else’. What we would deliver to you as a message to ponder upon is this. In the Light of who you are … does this make sense? Does this sudden ‘control method’ make sense? Well to me, absolutely not! Yet, I guess once again our patience runs thin with the waiting for the next piece of news that spurs us on. I KNOW we have to be patient and we are trying our best. We are indeed feeling a bit ‘left in the dark’. Why is this ‘In the dark’ theme running through today? Because this is how your Planet has been ‘organized’ for eons of your time …. IN THE DARK /Of Darkness. YET, YOU KNOW … YOU CAN FEEL THAT YOU … EACH ONE … ARE NO LONGER RULED BY THE DARK. THE DARKNESS THAT HAS OVERRIDDEN THE LIGHT … THE LIGHT/YOUR LIGHT … HAS COME TO AN END AND YOU WILL SOON FEEL THE FREEDOM OF YOUR SOUL, Yet, there is much talk of more control, especially in some countries. There is still much talk of mandatory vaccines etc. Yet, there is so much talk also, of those in the know having the courage to speak out and allow others to know that there is a band of Light players that are growing in numbers, minute by minute, that will make sure that this scenario WILL NOT be fulfilled. Dearest Blossom … for many, many, many years, we have brought forth messages to you regarding THE CHANGE … AN EVENT that is to come. YOU ARE IN THAT CHANGE … AND THE EVENT IS TO COME. WE HAVE SPOKEN OF THE LIGHT WINNING. THE LIGHT CONQUERING THE DARK. WE HAVE SPOKEN OF A WORLD WHERE LOVE PREVAILS AND GOODNESS AND KINDNESS IS THE ORDER OF THE DAY. WE HAVE SPOKEN OF A WORLD THAT IS BRIGHTER AND LIGHTER. A WORLD WHERE YOUR SOUL’S KNOW WHO THEY TRULY ARE BECAUSE THEY ARE RESIDING IN THE VIBRATION THAT RESONATES THE LOVE THAT … IT IS /YOU ARE. Have we not? Yes, you have. Do you believe us? Yes. Do you Trust us? Yes. Then we ask that each one of you KNOW that ALL THAT IS TAKING PLACE NOW … NO MATTER HOW IT MAY APPEAR TO THE UNAWARE AND TO SOME EXTENT … THE AWARE … IS PHASE ONE OF THIS MOVEMENT INTO … ALL THAT WE HAVE SPOKEN TO YOU ABOUT. If you feel doubt, if you question us … this is fine for you to do so. We do not ask that you follow blindly and if your conclusion is that you ‘still feel in the dark’ … then we ask that you cease following that which we have to say and find your answers through your own KNOWING. For ultimately, Dearest Souls, our intention has been for you to do just that. To ‘Find you’! On the other hand, should it be that you FEEL IN TUNE WITH OUR WORDS AND OUR LOVE … and KNOW what we say to be of TRUTH then we suggest this … DO NOT FALTER. DO NOT WAVER IN YOUR KNOWING OF TRUTH. TRUST that what we are giving to you, is as much as we are able to give at any one time. If it were to be that we ‘spilled the beans’ too early … we would be going against OUR TRUTH and this we cannot/will not do. So although, there may be flickering’s of doubts and what ifs’ … TURN STRAIGHT AWAY TO YOUR KNOWING THAT THE REASON WHY YOU CAME HERE TO PLANET EARTH … IS TAKING PLACE NOW. AND IN THIS KNOWING OF TRUTH … BUILD IN YOUR STRENGTH. BUILD IN YOUR LIGHT. Do not concern yourselves as to ‘what is coming next’. ‘Simply’ remain strong and send out your RAINBOW LIGHT 24/7. This is what you came to do in phase one. Rainbows are beaming forth in these clearer skies. I know you spoke of such things I believe in 2008 and perhaps 2012 **. White Cloud is now speaking of Rainbow Light and in the Hawaii retreat we named ourselves the ‘Rainbow Light Pod’. In the UK, they are displayed in windows to bring Joy. What is so significant about Rainbows and why now is the term ‘Rainbow Light’ being used so much by you and White Cloud? That which you know to appear as a Rainbow … and that it is a reflection of Light … is far greater than that. When one sees a Rainbow, what do they do? They smile and feel their heart beat. They feel instant Joy. Ladies and Gentlemen … THE RAINBOW LIGHT IS YOU. Ladies and gentlemen? Yep, I get it is us. Yet, we have been ‘conditioned’ to think of ourselves as ‘White Light’ … the difference being? None. Thanks! Blossom, The colours of the Rainbow are far more intricate than you know. The colours that emanate … in/as/through/of … Love … in this that you call a Rainbow … have so much more significance. In that, Colour and Sound are part of the makeup of your very Planet. They are part of the coding of your Planet. We would say too, that when you KNOW YOUR MAKE UP IS OF RAINBOW LIGHT … THEN YOU CAN CONNECT UP WITH THE POWER OF IT AND WHAT IT IS ABLE TO DO. What is it able to do? ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. So why both … White and Rainbow? I am getting to look up ‘Rainbow prism’. Ok. As the white light moves through the two faces of the prism, the different colours bend different amounts and in doing so spread out into a rainbow. …. We feel you are getting a little confused with our point? You feel correctly. What we would say … is that now, in this phase … to be aware of the RAINBOW LIGHT … within yourselves and that which is connecting with you within your skies, or in any ‘form’. That which is to come also, presenting as Rainbows, will fill your Beings with Hope, Trust and Knowing. Thank you. Today we seem to be veering all over the place. Is there any more you could add as to the ‘face to face’ meetings with those ‘Off Planet’? What we feel appropriate to say is that … Yes, indeed, those ‘Off Planet’ are very much a part of this Movement. The Movement to see your work through into its next phase … into a Higher Vibration … It is what we are all intent on completing. So … WHO exactly are the ‘Off Planet’ Beings running this show alongside us? Is it you? Blossom, ‘We are the ‘Overseers of the Overseers’ as you know. So, naturally, we oversee plans. Yet, we are not the ones that meet ‘face to face’. We give of the word ‘Officials’ are in place and they are the ones communicating with those on your Planet. Ok, so can you tell us then, if the meetings themselves are On or Off Planet? Off. Really? Good Lord Maud! I thought you were, without doubt, going to say ‘On’. It is safer that way. That way, there can be no uninvited guests. Makes sense. Oh! I welcome the day when we are ‘openly presented’ with all that is taking place. Dearest Souls of Earth at this time … There is no question that this shall happen. How I wish we could get some glimpses into the future. You do not need glimpses. You need to FEEL the future and welcome it in. For it is one of such Brightness … and this that is taking place now, shall seem ‘like a dream’. And you want me to ask … is it? And we want to answer … what do you think? And I want to reply … Time for a cuppa. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM. * I pondered on this for a while. I feel ‘they’ mean that we are to experience the greatest escape into our Freedom along with perhaps, the rescues of the ‘stolen children’. Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can. Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo Website: Blossom Goodchild include("ads.php") ?>
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