Home > > Montague Keen - July 6, 2014

Montague Keen - July 6, 2014

It is not easy for me to ask my dear wife to leave the house we shared together. It is a house in which we knew great happiness. To leave her family and go to Ireland to work on your behalf. It takes high energy beings to work on the blocked energy. The reason her visits to Tara have been so successful is because she and three others were involved. They used their own energy to release what has been blocked for hundreds of years. This work is of the greatest importance to humanity. Everything will change when all the natural energy is released. It will expose the Dark Ones and make living on Earth very difficult for them and all who oppose you.

On the 26 June, Veronica, D and M, set off to view a possible Centre. They had no idea that it would indeed be perfect. It is on a direct line from Uisneach and Tara. This ensures wonderful energy. They were very excited with their find, which they were guided to, of course. This would facilitate working at both Tara and Uisneach on a regular basis.

Veronica needs funding in order to acquire this building and to make it into a Centre, our first Centre. We ask that you please consider helping Veronica to buy it. It is in the interest of humanity that this be established as soon as possible. Should Veronica not meet the deadline established by the vendor then we will lose what would be a valuable asset for the Foundation. The cost is 420,000 Euros. This can be done if those of you in each country decide to make it happen, for it will be of benefit to all.

There is chaos in your world. Everyone is having a hard time trying to survive. Dark energy is being widely used to cause stress, fear and confusion. The attacks on those such as Veronica, who endeavour to expose the truth, are stepping up. Be aware that you are only one among many others, should you experience this problem. The Dark Ones are in fear as too much light is being released. They cannot survive in it, so they are becoming desperate. They will lash out at all those who shed light on their dark deeds. This is why you must support each other. No one is safe from attack. They do not see you as equal to them, so they dispose of you without a second thought. Be proud to stand for truth, honour and justice for all. Their dark deeds are being exposed and they have nowhere to hide, so they brazen it out in the hope that you may forget what they have done.

The amount of confusing information is on the increase, so be discerning. Know who you can trust. If it sounds too good to be true, then recognise that this is indeed the case. The Shift is not going to be easy but every assistance will be given to guide humanity through these difficult times into the light. This is your year. Give all the energy you possibly can, to enable the light to remove all that is dark. Do not look to others to do this for you. Every one of you needs to take responsibility. Make plans to work together, for when you stand together, everything is possible.

The Cabal continues to dream up new ways to create FEAR. Do not fall for it. Check all the details before you accept what is being broadcast on your TVs, etc. Remember, they have many times in the past killed their own, in order to ensure that you believe you are under attack. Keep calm at all times. Consider carefully the "story" that they are trying to force on you. You are more awakened now, so you are able to make a mature appraisal of what is being said. Refuse to be dragged into the STRESS which the Cabal is creating. You are not being attacked by outside forces: they just want you to believe that you are.

Please make informed decisions on all the food that you put into your bodies. Do the best you can to get good wholesome food when possible. Try to keep to natural foods and medicines as much as you can. It is easy to look up all the advice you may need. Our Centres will make this sort of information available for everyone. Respect your body. It is the temple of your soul.

I ask that you now read Veronicas plea for funds for the Centre. I have helped her to write this. You must all have a hand in the changes you wish to see. Veronica has given ten years of her life to work with me, in order to inform you, and help you to see the light. You can make our dreams come true with the release of all the energy that will enable humanity to live in peace together. There will be no more wars or divisions of any sort.


5 July 2014

For humanity to survive it is necessary for me to move to Ireland. I am requested by Monty and the world of spirit to move to Ireland. The blocked energies in Ireland control our world. They must be released. Ireland is the key that will unlock everything.
I have lived in England for 55 years, so this is a huge step for me. It will mean moving away from my three children and five grandchildren. My mission requires me to do this. I do not have money and I do not own the house I live in. So I need your help to buy a Centre in Ireland.

On my last visit to Ireland we found the perfect building for this project. It is in a direct line from Tara and Uisneach. Its ENERGY is incredible. It is perfect in every way.

I ask you to please contribute in any way that you can. No amount is too small. Together, we can make this happen. Time is of the essence. I have 9 weeks to find the deposit of 40,000 Euros. Everyone who contributes will be acknowledged; their names will appear on a plaque in the entrance to the Centre.

We are creating our future. A future without the corruption that has destroyed our world and almost destroyed humanity itself. We are now fighting for our survival. The blocked energy must be released.

My friends and I had great success at Tara on the 26 May and the 23 June. This must continue. There are forces amongst us whose only objective is to cull humanity and to destroy all that humanity needs to survive. We cannot sit back and allow this to be done to us. Every day more evidence of this is exposed and we are shocked that this has happened without our knowledge. This is our opportunity to take control and to allow the light to penetrate, expose and remove all that is dark and corrupt.

Please help me do this.

With love and light, Veronica.

Believe in yourselves. You can do it.

My dear, rise above all that is done to you, as it will not go on forever.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

If you would like to help Veronica to set up her new center, you can make a donation here:

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