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![]() How wonderful to be able to connect up with you, not just today, yet, in general. You have offered so much advice as to how to ‘cope’ in these tumultuous times, and for this service we are so grateful to you. Welcome ONE and ALL. We thank you for your accolades, Dearest Blossom and yet, we are very much in the background upon this mission. For it is you … YOU BEAUTIFUL BEINGS OF LIGHT upon the Earth plane, that are the ones who are BEING(S) OF GREAT SERVICE. You knew before you ‘arrived’ of how it would be. You knew also, that your memory of this KNOWING would be erased upon that arrival. Yet, deep down in the core of your BEING, YOUR KNOWING KNOWS … and this is why you follow your heart’s call and remain steadfast and diligent. For although ‘time’ is an ongoing ‘wait’ for you all, you know too, that what is to come is to be of such GREAT CHANGE … in ways of LIGHT and LOVE SHINING DOWN UPON AND WITHIN YOUR PLANET … AND WITHIN THE HEART’S CORE OF YOUR VERY BEINGNESS. The strength that is to present itself to you, in ways that are not yet understood, will give you new found perspectives on the reasoning of why you are here. That which once appeared to be normal, will not be so. For a ‘new normal’ is approaching and it is to be something that fills ‘EVERYTHING’ to the brim with a NEW BEGINNING. Do you mean THE EVENT when you say this? We mean a build up to it. Things will fall apart, systems shall quiver and much sadness and upheaval will ensue. And a Merry Christmas to you, too! The fact is Blossom … You live in a world of opportunity. You live in a world of Courage. You seek out that which is OF THE LIGHT and you follow it. When you TRULY, FULLY, KNOW THE POWER WITHIN YOU … such disturbances that indeed will be enormous … will not actually ‘disturb’ YOUR equilibrium, unless you allow it to. As each ugly gesture of a deeply negative Vibration surfaces, it is ENTIRELY UP TO YOU as to how you choose to accept it and what your intentions are to ‘Clear it’. That which is to be ‘shown’ is of a Vibration … for ALL THAT IS … IS. IT IS YOUR DESTINY TO WORK WITH THAT VIBRATION … AS A WHOLE … AS ONE. EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU … DOING WHAT YOU CAME HERE TO DO … CHANGE THE VIBRATION. UPLIFT THE PLANET. THIS IS YOUR MISSION. So, when atrocities and all things that are of the lowest Energy are presented to you … do not for one minute allow your mouth to gape open in surprize and disbelief. Simply acknowledge each and every time ‘Ah yes. Here it is. Here is our ‘parcel’. Parcel? Parcel. Yes Blossom. You unwrap it … see what is inside and find the Joy in USING YOUR POWER TO COMPLETE YOUR TASK. IT IS A GIFT … THIS LOVE THAT YOU ARE. Do you mean sending it Love is completing the task? We do and yet, although one’s heart is to remain ‘LIGHT’, for Being Light hearted … within/about … ‘all of this’ is a major Game Changer, we ask that you take your BEING INTO THE KNOWINGNESS … OF/ON … A FAR GREATER UNDERSTANDING. It is time now to take matters into your own hands/hearts. Yet, to do so … you have to walk more deeply into your BEING. It is all very well to say, with respect … I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE I AM. Yet, unless you are prepared to FEEL it … its magic is not activated. We KNOW you understand this yet, not anywhere near the level that we are trying to express to you of WHO YOU ACTUALLY ARE. A MILLION TIMES or more have we said to you KNOW WHO YOU ARE. YOU ARE LOVE …YOU ARE LIGHT … in a million different ways … and this knowledge IS getting through. Yet, we desire for you TO FIND WITHIN YOU … the level to which you REALLY GET IT. YES, you have all come so far. YES, you have advanced in ways that were unexpected of yourselves. YES! YES! YES to so many many aspects of moving forward along your journey. Yet, STILL WE KNOW … that you have not yet ‘cracked the code’. And … we’re off! Pray tell, kind sirs and siressess … how does one go about doing that? By having the greatest intention when you close your eyes and smile and take deep breaths to connect up with the HIGHEST PART OF WHO YOU ARE. Actually, If I may jump in here. There are many of us who have been working on this for a long time … and not even cracked open an egg, let alone THE CODE! Is this because of Earth’s density? No. Because although Earthly density/Energies can restrict and even delay certain possibilities … it cannot take ‘you’ away from ‘you’. Essentially. Then why is it, that even with so much intention to KNOW OUR LIGHT IN ITS FULLNESS OF ITSELF that we cannot get to that level which you speak of? We are not for one moment saying you cannot. Perhaps, Dearest Souls, it is that the opportunities to ‘try it out’ at the level required have not yet ‘come your way.’ Well is that a ‘perhaps’ or is that a “definite’? Here we are confusing you a little, which is not our intention. It is understood that souls of Earth are on many different levels of understanding, Vibration, Energy, Knowledge, unfolding, recognition and indeed, commitment. Therefore, there are some who may not have ‘cracked the code’ yet, are certainly closer than others. In comparison, we would say metaphorically, that some are still on their adding and taking away, whilst others are on highly involved logarithms. Are we going to be able to crack the code, then? Or, will it only be a few? ALL, each and every one, in time, shall do so. For, although we speak of it in the way we do … it really, in another way of expressing it, is about reaching a level of your own awareness that allows you to ‘Get it’ , GET WHO YOU ARE. Are you saying then … that when we are in full swing of dealing with the world turning upside down that we will have that opportunity? YES. And this is what we ask you to concentrate upon. Experimenting with this Higher Light of yourselves. Thing is, believing we are and seeing proof of who we are, are two very different things. Many, I would say, have tried little ‘experiments’ within ourselves to test this theory out. Such as? … I knew you were going to ask me that! Eh … one ‘simple’ one that springs to mind is ‘moving objects’. I KNOW it can be done … absolutely with my BEINGNESS, I KNOW it can be done. Yet, it has never worked for me. I remember once, a group of us trying it … fully concentrating on this one object till we were blue in the face and … nope! Nada! What am I missing? Not faith, not Trust, not the KNOWING … for I know others can do it. You are not missing anything. Then? Your KNOWING KNOWS it is possible. Your KNOWING KNOWS a single soul could literally move a mountain. I’d like to meet that soul! You COULD meet that soul. That soul COULD be YOU. It COULD be any one of you. We seem to have gone off track from cracking the code. Not really Blossom. Once again, we remind you of the I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM. Keep on keeping on FEELING this … over and over and over. KEEP ON! KEEP ON! KEEP ON! WE cannot reiterate enough the POWER THAT LIES WITHIN THIS. The more you continue and build upon this ‘CODE’ … the closer you become to cracking it. So, I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM is a code? As we explained last week, Blossom … everything is coded. Yet, this particular one is of great value … more than we are able to express in words. It takes you home … and when you are there … you reunite with you family … who are also there because of BEING THAT CODE and repeating it and FEELING it. And within that reunion … YOU GET IT! YOU KNOW YOUR POWER AS ONE AND THERE IS NOT ONE DOUBT WITHIN YOUR BEINGNESS REGARDING THE OUTCOME OF YOUR MISSION. TAKE YOURSELVES THERE NOW AND FEEL THAT TRUTH … BREATHE INTO THAT TRUTH. CAN YOU FEEL THAT POWER? EXPERIENCE IT … KNOW IT AS THE ABSOLUTE. THIS IS WHO YOU ARE … AS ONE FORCE. THE FORCE OF LIGHT THAT WILL LEAD YOU THROUGH AND ACROSS THE BRIDGE. NEVER WAVER, DEAREST SOULS. FOR WITHIN YOU LIES THE TRUTH. You have travelled so far on your journeys. You have remembered much. Yet, now … in these days upon you … you will take yourselves to a newer level. A Higher level. A Greater level of yourselves … of your understanding of this KNOWLEDGE OF WHO YOU TRULY ARE. When you put it like that … it’s actually very exciting. Indeed. Because no matter what is to unfold … YOU KNOW … that it is for the HIGHEST GREATEST GOOD OF ALL. AND SO IT IS. And so it is indeed. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM. Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can. Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo Website: Blossom Goodchild
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