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Effects of hope, optimism; feelings during holiday season; patience during transitional stages; soul-level preparedness to deal with economy; proof of off-planet assistance; active involvement in change processes; "harmonic wave"; density's two meanings; human DNA; methods of "dumbing down"; divisiveness of labels; consciousness of everything in existence; importance of art; effects of music; aspects of Christmas 2008
1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew, here to tell you that this season of holy days is unlike all that have preceded it. In these last days of one of the most dynamic years in your recorded history, people around the world are welcoming the uplifting sensations and tangible evidence of change. The light within renewed hopes, even convictions that a better world is coming, adds to the abundance Earth is able to provide to all her life forms. 2. The next year holds forth exciting developments in every sector of your world with both “trickle up” and “trickle down” efforts to make meaningful, lasting changes. Please keep in mind that what is happening is no less than the birthing of a new world, and time is needed for the reform processes to be implemented and work smoothly. Staying steadfast in the light will keep you in balance as one day’s news will sound like progress and the next day’s seems like a backward step; with balance, you can be an informed observer without being emotionally drawn into media land’s peaks-and-valleys reporting. 3. As in the past, a great deal will be going on behind the scenes. However, for long ages all of the activity was nefarious, designed to keep you captive of the darkness. Now, efforts are being directed into the various transitional stages designed for the betterment of your world. For a short while, widely publicized information will be tip-of-the-iceberg due to insufficient discovery or progress, and other information will be intentionally skewed until control of mainstream media is totally eliminated. And although for some time the Internet will continue to be a more reliable source than most others, it is equally useful to those who still are trying to keep the truth hidden or distorted, so be very discerning in evaluating whether information is credible. 4. And please give no energy whatsoever to dire-sounding predictions! If you feel even a moment of wavering in that respect, breathe deeply and calmly, close your eyes and envision Earth bathed in golden light. The high vibrations of that vision will lift and steady your energy system. The same principle applies when you change a negative thought to one of positive nature. 5. As the long era of darkness is ending through the ever-growing thoughts and desires for a world of love, peace and harmony, not everyone can feel like joyfully celebrating these days at hand. We see the grief that wars and other violence, disease, hunger, and loss of homes and employment are causing many families around the world, and we feel the heaviness of their hearts. By no means am I “throwing cold water” on the merriment of those living in kinder circumstances—merriment is good for the soul! Please do not deny yourselves that upliftment, but rather feel thankful and lighthearted—the high vibrations of those sensations not only let your heart sing, but they radiate outward to happily affect all lives you touch. What I do mean to convey is, that of all times of the year, this season is when feelings all along the emotional spectrum are heightened. We rejoice with all who are rejoicing, and to all who are feeling sad or anxious, we say: Take comfort in knowing that as these days pass into the new calendar year, if you allow the ever-increasing light to lift your spirits, it also can strengthen your resolve to deal with your personal situations. 6. Of primary concern is the global economic crisis, which will deepen as a domino effect from the worsening conditions in the United States. It would be a great injustice to give you false hope that this matter can be quickly remedied—a situation of such pervasiveness cannot be turned around with haste, and it will continue to present hardships to many people. Financial havoc was the intent of the Illuminati, but the outcome will not be what they planned: They expected to add to their vast fortunes by further tightening their control of all banking and commerce, investment avenues and taxation. Instead, they are witnessing the total destruction of their corrupt system that through the centuries spread like a web of barbed wire around the globe. Out of the current whirlwind will emerge an economic system with honest leadership and fair allocation of all the world’s resources. 7. During the transitional phase from the old to the new, some assistance may come through governments at city up through national levels, but it is the cooperative efforts within families, neighborhoods and small communities that will be the most dependable, sustaining and satisfying. We urge you who have the means to do so, share money and space with those who need shelter, fuel, utilities and transportation; and yes, by all means, where weather and topography permit, plant gardens and encourage others to participate in food production cooperative retail outlets as well as trading food for services. 8. The crucial thing is, stay out of fear! Again, we remind you that when you chose to participate in this momentous time at hand, you welcomed economic collapse as the prerequisite to reform, and you came well prepared emotionally, spiritually and intellectually to successfully manage this interim period. Although you may not realize that your soul level preparation is serving you well, we are seeing it! We are seeing a brighter spirit of sharing and sense of unity than ever before. The economic turmoil has resulted in deeper awareness of blessings and feelings of gratitude; compassion in greater measure for peoples who are deprived of bare necessities and freedoms; sharing with the needy instead of with family and friends who have sufficient; and growing numbers of folks with heartfelt commitments to work toward the well being of all. Every single thought, feeling and deed related to these kinds of activities adds light to the collective consciousness, which in turn benefits all souls on Earth. 9. It is true that this outpouring of spirit could be attributed to this season of traditional giving, but its radiance is extending beyond yuletides of former years, when there was a return to individual interests after family visits and festivities. We are seeing the strong momentum of the light reaching more and more people, inspiring them to join in the sharing and caretaking. This true spirituality in action—living from the heart—is closing the perceived separation of individuals from each other and from God. 10. With patience and faith, you will see the glorious changes that in this moment are plans and intentions to create what will become known as Earth’s Golden Age. Our vantage point lets us see that world in its full magnificence, and if we could somehow bring all of you here so you could see it too, that would be joyous for us beyond words. The best we can do is use words to describe some of the changes you can look forward to, such as are mentioned in a writing about your year 2012 [“Essay on 2012,” December 31, 2007, Matthew’s Messages, www.matthewbooks.com]. 11. Moving along to other questions and comments, the combination of misinformation, political preferences and assassination threats have given rise to speculation about the physical safety, motives and “antichrist” character of US president-elect Obama. I can only reiterate what is in previous messages, that he is a highly spiritually evolved soul and an integral part of Earth’s Golden Age plan [November 21, 2008 message] and as such, is one of the most protected individuals by the Christed light on your planet. To those who are asking how to feel calm enough to hold your light steady in this tumultuous time in many nations’ governments, our best guidance is to simply observe and reserve judgment while developments unfold. Holding fast to your vision of the world you want can ease concerns about “what if….” Not only is the light reaching more individuals each moment and inspiring moves into positive directions, but some officials who appear to be working to nations’ detriment are initiating changes that time will show are beneficial. 12. To those who want proof that extraterrestrial sources are assisting you in the creation of a better world, first I shall put this into a context of what Earth’s peoples are doing: demanding truth, not lies; peace not war; health care and higher education for all, not only the rich; expanding efforts to end impoverishment, end exploitation of planetary resources and destruction of the environment and disrespect for human rights. Without decades of intense light-beaming from powerful celestial sources, none of that would be happening. Instead, the dark forces would have continued to control the planet through their puppets whose oppression, lies and violence resulted in fear, ignorance, apathy and spiritual dimness within the masses; and the relentless barrage of negativity would have destroyed Earth. It is not that your universal family’s help can be proven only after they alight from their crafts, roll up their sleeves and get to work. Their light and advanced technology started helping you well over sixty years ago when Earth was in death throes—that her planetary body is alive and you are living on it is proof! 13. Others among you feel that off-planet help is unnecessary, that the populace can muster all the power required to clean up the mess the world’s in. We applaud that strong stance to the extent that it is indeed your responsibility to be actively involved! In other lifetimes most of you contributed to the negativity that nearly killed the planet, and you asked to return specifically to help rectify the damage. However, lifting Earth out of the clutches of darkness and ending millennia of bloodshed and greed requires far more power than is available in a world mired in deep third density. Welcome the willing and loving assistance of the civilizations who have that power in light and technology! 14. About the “harmonic wave” radiating from the universe starting now and continuing, many terms are given to the various construction stages of the light grid and reactivation of energy vortices around Earth. But simply speaking, by whatever designation given these progressive accomplishments, they are the effects of planetary alignment and energy being directed by your thought forms and those of benevolent star nations whose help you invited by your desire for a better world. Because it is your world, it can be no other way than what you wish it to be—but do give credit and thanks to the unseen souls who are helping you create the world of your vision! 15. I need to backtrack for a moment—Earth’s desire to be the world she wants preceded yours. She asked for the assistance of other civilizations so she could leave the darkness of third density, and their immediate and continuous help has assured her ascension into fifth density, where the low frequencies of darkness cannot exist. Now, even though all of you are there because your request to participate in this unprecedented time in the universe was honored; and even if the longevity clause in your soul contract would permit you to physically go along with Earth, you need a “travel ticket.” Getting it is as easy as choosing to live in godly ways and opening your minds to the universal truths as they emerge. 16. “What happened to the fourth dimension?” The more correct word is density, but still there is no mystery here. Usually we speak of Earth ascending into fifth density because that is her destination, but she will travel through fourth on her journey. Because density has two applications, I believe an explanation about this will be helpful. First, density differentiates the energy makeup of the universe, with progressively higher frequencies prevailing in the higher numbered densities—your calculations of distance, like linear time, have nothing whatsoever to do with the reality of the universal continuum. The other application of density refers to the spiritual growth souls have attained. In this moment, the spiritual status of Earth’s residents and some who transitioned to the spirit world in the past decade or so, ranges from first density to seventh, according to the conscious choices each is making in this lifetime or made in the immediate past lifetime. First and second densities indicate de-evolution and seventh is the attainment of some souls who came from other star nations to assist you in the spiritual renewal and world transformation underway. 17. Yes, in fifth density you will have bodies, you won’t be “light beings without form.” This is an excellent question as it begs clarification of how your current bodies can function along Earth’s ascension pathway. Souls that absorb the light, which is constantly available to all, are changing at cellular level from carbon-based third density bodies to crystalline-based bodies that can survive in the higher frequencies. Eons back in your time, darkly-inclined souls altered human DNA to reduce the amount of light in bodies. That allowed them to install patterning for physical weakness, illness, aging, death, and severely decreased capacity for intelligence and spiritual clarity. Those limitations are being reversed by the ever-increasing intensity of light in bodies that are absorbing it. Actually, your “travel ticket” is the absorption of light that comes automatically with living in godly ways. 18. Please understand that this clarification pertains only to bodies, not to souls. Each infant, whether perfect in form and brain power or with flawed physical make-up or what you call “mental retardation,” is born with a lighted soul, or the Christ consciousness, and full awareness of pre-birth choices. That soul level awareness remains in the most severely “mentally retarded”; and in people with healthier brains, the awareness recedes with adaptation to functioning in a dense body and external influences such as parental training, peer pressure, academic and religious teachings and societal philosophies. Spiritual growth is extricating self from external influences and “going within” so messages from the soul can reach consciousness. 19. This is a good place to address the plaint from an educator, which I have summarized: “Why don’t students think, reason and use common sense?” The self-serving unenlightened ones who nevertheless chose the name “Illuminati” control the educational systems and produce textbooks and other teaching materials. They want schools and society to produce automatons who don’t ask questions but rather think and perform as taught. Their control extends to providing diversion such as TV programming, advertising, emphasis on sports and elimination of the arts, violent games and raucous “music” contained within handheld instruments, gaming arcades, pornography on the Internet. In combination, these darkly-contrived methods have been successful in “dumbing down” many young people, but along with positive developments in other aspects of your world, this situation is changing too. 20. Many teachers are “seeing the light” and inspiring students to develop their minds and talents and skills. Souls are being born in bodies with the enhanced DNA of crystalline cellular structure and are rightfully referred to as Crystal Children. Others with increased intellectual capacity, spiritual clarity and aspirations came in the two generations before the Crystals and are known as Indigos. Sadly, in many cases these youngsters were considered abnormal, treated harshly and drugged into submission—once again, through the manipulation of dark ones who convinced unsuspecting counselors and parents that these exceptional children must conform to the “norm.” As knowledge about Crystal and Indigo individuals is spreading, some of the older ones are becoming aware of their greater potential and making life changes accordingly; parents are recognizing their young children as gifted and wisely treating them as such; the use of drugs to keep children with extraordinarily active minds in a stupor is lessening; and, indicating awareness of the beneficial influence of fine music, the numbers of youth choirs and orchestras are growing. 21. Along with our honoring the Crystal and Indigo souls, I want to say as well that labels can keep feelings of separation alive and kicking. Of course names are necessary for identification, but labeling social orders, governing styles, political parties, religions, races, cultures, professional positions and philosophies with the intent to emphasize differences vs. similarities, separateness vs. unity, superiority vs. equality, or competition vs. cooperation is another dark ploy to create divisiveness among you and keep far from your minds that Oneness of All is the universal truth. 22. Now then, I have been asked to speak about Mother God. Although by your definitions, “mother” is female and “god” is male, the issue isn’t about definitions, it’s about universal reality. The supreme being of this universe is a god and in some of the other universes is a goddess, but in all cases these beings are androgynous, the balance of feminine and masculine energies. The rulers were selected by Creator/Creation, the source of all energy and thus the life force of everything throughout the cosmos, which contains all the universes. Using the essence of Creator, which is pure light and love, the universal rulers create, and therefore are a composite of, all that is within their respective domains. This includes celestial bodies, civilizations, and everything within the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms, each with a level of consciousness in accordance with the vibrations of its individual elements and the environment. Thus, everything in existence has a level of consciousness, and as the total environment rises into a higher vibratory plane, the consciousness capacity of everything within that environment increases accordingly. 23. Let me bring this down to Earth. You don’t think of rocks or vehicles or any other manufactured items as having a consciousness factor, but when you consider that atoms are the basis of every thing in form, you can see that some level of intelligence, or consciousness, must exist for any change to take place. An acorn growing into an oak tree, crystal formation, erosion, rust, decay, fire, tides—all are conscious processes. Spoon-bending comes from a person’s thought that he or she can modify the shape of the spoon. The energy of that directed thought changes the spoon’s molecular structure and creates flexibility in its composition as long as the thought remains focused on that intent. The spoon instantly becomes rigid in whatever shape it was when that focus ends. No, no one asked about that, but it is a good example not only of the consciousness of metal, but also the power of thought. 24. Yes, Mother, I know I digressed considerably from Mother God. Although I was saying that the ruler of this universe is ALL within it, therefore much more than a mother or father, God honors whatever loving concept one holds and answers to whatever name one wishes to use. 25. Changes in the appearance of the moon are due to the higher vibrations in the energy around Earth and within the individuals who notice the difference. 26. The deaths, injuries and property destruction in Mumbai, India, were the work of the Illuminati-controlled faction of the CIA. Known as “black ops,” that event and others similar to it, as well as lesser destructive efforts by zealous individuals, come under Creator’s “free will” cosmic law that the rulers of all universes are bound to obey. However, by honoring Earth’s free will to never again experience any terrorist activity like “9/11,” God has authorized extraterrestrial intervention to prevent all such attempts, and they have successfully done so more than a dozen times since September 11, 2001, including the neutralizing of manmade viruses that were intended to create pandemics. 27. The evenly distributed energy of the pyramids permits the flow of energy from inner Earth out into the atmosphere and its return to the planet, like the cycle of expansion and contraction of breathing keeps your bodies alive. These structures are a province of third density worlds because they help maintain planetary life, whereas the vibrations in higher planes keep the energy flowing without external assistance. However, as part of energy’s “building blocks,” pyramidal shapes in solid or ephemeral usage are aspects of what you call sacred geometry, and people who are sensitive to energy fluctuations are especially drawn to pyramids and objects in that form. 28. I welcome being asked what artists’ role is during this time of transition. Recording it for posterity! True artists—painters, sculptors, poets, composers, musicians—express what is in the soul. Their creations flow from within rather than coming as a projection of calculated studies, and as such, their productions are expressions from the heart rather than the mind. Persons who have” tin ears” or are “all thumbs” yet are profoundly emotionally moved by art are responding to cellular memory of lifetimes as an artist. Civilizations more advanced than yours would not consider that everything your “experts” call “art” deserves that distinction. A unique idea or perhaps even a successful spoof, but surely without the beauty that comes with the exuberance of the heart. In time, when admiration of art will be with finer discrimination in consonance with the higher vibrations, ugliness in forms and sounds will be seen as examples of the diverse moods and attitudes of their era. 29. The importance of music’s effects on your energy systems and psyches cannot be stated too strongly. The vibrations of music traditionally associated with Christmas time—especially orchestral arrangements and choruses, the “Nutcracker Suite” and carols—touch the “strings of the heart.” Music of more recent origin that also is popular in this season lacks those high vibrations, but nevertheless can let people feel happy. And a great deal of current music genres, most particularly the jarring effects of “heavy metal,” prevents the smooth flow of energy that is required for balance. 30. We have chosen to conclude this message by speaking about other aspects of Christmas. While you may perceive the reduced commercial emphasis as further hurting the economy, actually it is a great gift to humankind. It has gifted you with the golden opportunity to share from the heart, to reach untapped inner strength, to see blessings that formerly were taken for granted. Yet, in these days of Christians honoring the birth of Jesus the Christ, an even greater gift to all humankind and Earth herself is the blossoming spirituality that is transcending religious differences. Nothing more so than religious beliefs have denied the Christ consciousness within every soul and prevented your knowing the truth: You are gods and goddesses, inseparable parts of the ruler of this universe and every other soul within it. Let these gifts and the power of love light up your life. 31. Now, with the blessings of the universe and our unconditional love, we join you in bidding farewell to 2008 and greeting 2009 with hope and optimism. _________________________ LOVE and PEACE Suzanne Ward (Note from Suzy: If you are reading this on-line or received it as a forward and would like to get future messages sent directly to your inbox, please join the free Yahoo group. At www.Yahoo.com, click on Groups; using the search feature, locate and click on MessagesfromMatthew; then click on Join this Group. And Then God Said…Then I Said…Then He Said… is an extraordinary collection of illuminating messages that Celestial Bluestar, David of Arcturus and I received from God and other sources. You can read about this book and order your copies at www.awakenedhearts.com/books2.htm) ![]() ![]() please let us know and we'll add you to our mailing list. |
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