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![]() The vast access to information technology you experience today, with all of your many tablets and hand-held devices are phenomenal. Unfortunately so many other advancements that would benefit you are still kept under wraps and the vast majority of the population are only slightly aware of this. This is a testament to the audacity of the Dark Ones, imagining that they would continue to keep these technologies from you forever. Many are now refusing to go along with that system, and are now learning important lessons about how power and profits have influenced your current technological status. The current technologies in transportation are causing a massive pollution and deterioration of your environment, with massive harmful effects to all life forms, and Mother Earth calls for these non-polluting energy technologies. This may sound implausible but this will ensure her continued fertility, as you are a hairs breadth away from collapse of ocean biosphere, with even the most basic forms of life under threat. Many fear false imprisonment for taking a stand, or to be made an example of by supporting the necessary changes, some fear the fires of hell and being eternally dammed by god, if they support any thing that could be considered new-age or alternative, many have taken vows to be of a religious faith and feel uncomfortable in breaking them to become a lightworker, and still many are just tired and worn out with the Galactics and refuse to take any new actions. When you choose to become lightworkers, and work to enlighten humanity and protect the earth you will be taken to our ships and altered to have special abilities far beyond normal so you can blossom in your tasks. Remember that you are just now entering the New Age of Aquarius after approximately 2,000 years in Pisces, so the new energies of this new age are supporting you, and giving you a sure-footing, and a graceful flexibility toward seeing out the desired outcome. Our allies push to access the Records of Atlantis in Egypt which is hidden in a tomb, which will not be easy with all the controversy and attention surrounding this, but the right set of sounds will open the hall of records, and then, only those identified as having pure intentions can cross the board and engage with the legacy of Atlantis. You will be engulfed in devaluation of your currencies as all the necessary changes are implemented, with scarcely leaving anyone untouched, and this will straddle both sides of the Atlantic. As Obama is helping to bring in the changes, the dark ones will leave no stone unturned to discredit him. This is possible because of the completely corrupt mass media, and when your media is freely able to report the news accurately your money markets will return to soundness and stability. On your way remember no man is an island, as everyone relies on others, so get to know the people around you, and find out who is reliable and who is not, to be ready if you should encounter a rough patch, and with the help of the Starseed young adults who have insight and awareness that far surpasses their age, will see you with an abundance of sound strategies and new abilities to draw on in this testing time. We disapprove of war and it will not continue to be permitted as the new age progresses, and have implored the Dark Ones to initiate a complete stop of efforts to contrive new conflicts as they are sorely trying our patience. Start as you mean to go on and in that lane, you can battle the dark forces by staying calm and composed as all around you looks as if it is collapsing, and in doing so setting a strong example for others to follow, with the result being that other people become serene and tranquil, improving the general mood of the people on your way. Dear Ones we love you all deeply and unconditionally, and you should not feel unworthy of our loving support if you could not keep up with the pace set by others spiritual growth, and instead slipped a bit, as all will ascend in right time, you have this memory deep within you. Precious ones your world has psychosis and is falling apart at the seams, as it can no longer be supported in these new higher energies of Loving harmony. Forgive and embrace the loving spirit for those who have caused you offence, and you will better and best your path toward ascension, especially where you disagree with another. As you raise your love vibration you will be less prone to pathogens. and as you let your love shine out it will show up those of the dark by contrast. Love and care for all including the dark ones, as they will receive their just deserts, and never out of hate but only because that is the energy that they are putting out, and like a boomerang same energy will come back to them full circle. We are watching to see if you can stay your path, as you are tempted and tantalized away from your progress into a more superficial and shallow road of illumination and enlightenment, for those who push on, wonders which surpass words can be yours. Nor get lost or misled by what you read on the internet or in books, as your inner knowingness is paramount to your life path, and no dusty book can tell you anything that you don’t already know, as you already have all knowledge deep within you. Realizing this will aid you on your path of transfiguration into a being of light. Our responsibilities stay the same as always, with the central focus on the Dark Ones and their plots and ploys. So for that reason reconcile yourselves to not succumb to despondency in your lives, as Father God loves you and only gives you what he knows you can handle, and with that, the dark have been hurt by the whistle-blowers maul, as the truth comes out into the public arena, and this only is right and proper. It would be recommended to pay more attention to such societal problems, and not leave them to languish unsolved or unsettled. The people have smelt freedom and are awakening to the self-realization that it is theirs to reclaim. And all permission has been granted to manifest the changes, by the Lords of Light that have power over all of you. The changes will leave you breathless, and in the course of time totally transmute your world from one that has been technologically time locked to one of tremendous breakthroughs. No more the printing of money will be allowed that has no value, but alternatively only where it is secured by Gold and precious metals. In these dramatic times you are provided the opportunity to see reality in a new form, and thereby leave the cycle of duality to become your Godself, In other lifetimes you have existed in extravagance and commanded much influence, but for a more rounded experience you have had to undergo everything. The vast wealth that is in the hands of the few will be fairly distributed, so that every person shares in the abundance. Which will result in relations between people becoming close knit. You will master space travel through changing your vibration to match that of where you wish to go, and then simply be there, and it will be quite widespread and a common occurrence. There are many sporty events just waiting in the wings, and will come to fruition, and with the Dark Ones down for the count, there will be no stopping the higher technology coming to you, and the manifestation of Cities of Light with their chambers of Light to fully rejuvenate and bliss you out, with many other wonderful advancements in technology. You must not refuse the path of returning home to enlightenment and higher consciousness, as you can never extinguish the spark of Light inside. Many are confused and astounded by the prospect of ascending into the realms of light and leaving their long imprisonment in the lower dimensions, but you are being chased and pursued by circumstance and synchronicity to return to your true home in the higher dimensions. Your sovereignty is waiting for you, and of that you can be overconfident. Until all of these things can manifest, you have to return to your daily lives with all of it’s imperfections and problems, and your metal will be tested by the dark energies, but we will be there in service to you, unseen and helping you out where needed, The disclosure project is applying pressure to officially recognize our ships and the Galactic Federation, and is ever soaring in intensity, and when the disclosure announcement is made it will wraparound your society in wind of love and light. You are destined to take flight overcoming all your problems, and indeed we have been helping you the whole way through. Our fates are entwined, as when you left the higher planes of existence long ago we were as one, you are our brothers and sisters and we love each and every one of you, including the Dark Ones, and if we did not rescue you from the spell of matter you would be lost forever surfing the rivers of time, as vassals of the last Cabal, lost in devotion and total emotional bondage to a group outside yourself. The most generative time will come when we can intervene and directly help you, and our light chambers will save you from years of procrastinating over doing meditation to attain higher consciousness. On the road back to a civilization of light and love, you have been initiated by the darkness of being engrossed and given over to the animalistic aspect of self, and have learned so much noteworthy truths, and now must share these insights with others in the best way you can, as this will neuter any ability of your subjugation ever happening again, and together you will cross into that stage of once again merging with the One Source, each other, and your Star Families. As the rain of now returns you to it, you are learning to master both your conscious and subconscious minds, and integrate the two together, in the forest of mind, to become whole and complete, and this will evoke a new acceptance of the Galactic Family, as we represent the subconscious, that which is just outside of view, like a bas-relief, impinging on your waking consciousness and asking you to interact with us. This is also why our reputation undergoes savage attacks, as these souls can not deal with that part of themselves that is infinite, unbounded and unclassifiable, but as people wax away from fearful stories of us, they can start to process their current lives with the life that exists outside of it, and come to terms with it, making it a part of their world view. On the surface, your journey would seem at end when the Dark Ones are put to rights and all the many changes are bought forward, but you can transfer to a great truth, of a transcendent realization that you simply are, and the “I’AM” inside of you is greater than what you have or don’t have, and ad nauseam teach and share your gained insights with others, helping them realize their importance and integrity, so they can overcome adversity involving relationships and dependency issues, to then start to slow down and take some time to unwind from the weight of life. I am SaLuSa from Sirius and love you all very much, more than you could ever know and look forward with longing to when we can again reunite with you, and the imbalance in your society will be corrected with the return of the Galactic Federation and then the changes will go online and be firmly fixed in place. Allow for this information to be carefully considered. Thank You SaLuSa. WallyBlog: SaLuSa Courier
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