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12 Akbal, 16 Zip, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! Your world continues in its transition mode. We observe how all the foundational constructs of your numerous societies are in the process of collapse; your economic and governmental structures as well as your philosophical and basic moral codes are in terminal dysfunction. These various platforms of your societies are either coming to the end of a long decline or are actually 'on the rocks.' However, we also see that underneath all the wreckage, something entirely new and different is surging upwards. You are actively taking on new beliefs that are just beginning to replace the old ones. At the heart of this dramatic changeover lie the ambitious programs of our Earth allies and these are nearly ready to manifest a new economic and political world for all your global societies. We are very pleased that these things are happening on such a grand scale but we dearly desire them to roll out at a much quicker rate! We have asked the Agarthans to put the pressure on their fellow Earth humans to step up the pace of the many changes to the societies of the surface dwellers. In response, the Agarthans have decided to ask the Ascended Masters to intervene and to request that the sacred, secret societies of your world come forward to put their weight behind the Earth allies' many global agreements. The time has seriously come to instigate new governments and a new economic system. These actions are essential to enable us, under the banner of disclosure, to reveal our technologies and ourselves to you. Heaven has set forth a series of decrees giving us the mandate to carry out a full first contact with you, and this event needs the full assistance of our Earth allies and especially the magnificent energies of your Ascended Masters. The dark is faltering and its once-mighty stranglehold on your world is slipping. What remains is the final push in which the forces of Light now remove the remnants of the dark. We await this action which is so essential to the subsequent rise of your promised global prosperity and the new governments dedicated to the Light. This nascent reality is endorsed by the grand decrees of Heaven and we are encouraged by all that is being done to bring this to fruition. Nevertheless, as we constantly state, much more is needed. Your realm is run by a vastly powerful cabal whose members are found wherever money and power hold sway. These dark ones range from those who deeply desire to increase their power by any means, to those who are willing to craftily loosen their grip just enough to make others feel that their power is diminishing. We have asked that these dark ones be barred completely and immediately from any sort of discussions between our Earth allies and their close associates concerning the new financial system or putting together new governments, as these ones only distort and delay the implementation of these plans. Our Agarthan cousins fully understand this and are sweeping the pro-dark-cabal forces from the coalitions formed by our Earth allies. It is essential that those groups dedicated to the Light not be undermined by the unending stratagems of the dark ones. Our careful monitoring has revealed how these dark collaborators artfully undermine and obstruct the inner group dynamics of those who are forging the new financial and governmental systems, and we therefore have requested a thorough and careful weeding-out of these groups to be immediately undertaken on a global basis. We repeat this request in this message because it is vital that these actions be completed as soon as possible. Your world society is in the throes of a grand revolt; the enslaved, everywhere, are seeking their freedom from those harsh masters who use the ways of the dark to maintain their ill-gotten forms of tyranny. An upwelling in pursuit of freedom and basic human dignity is escalating around your planet, and it is fitting and just that what has been long promised now flower and complete what these brave ones have so ardently begun! Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! Many of you do not know who we are. We are fellow humans who have lived many lifetimes on Earth before we each discovered the secrets to immortality (ascension). We then each decided that it was more important to remain here in order to guide humanity to this wondrous event than to ascend and become a gracious part of the Spirit realms. We are here to move each of you into your True Self: an ascended, fully conscious Being of Light. We have been working with our various sacred societies for generations to bring about a new reality filled with Light, Love, and prosperity, now on the verge of fruition. The dark cabals have been boxed into a corner from which they cannot escape, and your world now awaits its transformation into the Light-filled entity we have long envisioned. We know full well how frustrating this final 'leap' into the new reality can be at times. Hold the Light strong and high, dear Ones, and watch miracles unfold! The dawn of this new era is breaking out all around you. You are watching it dramatically alter the face of the Middle East and begin to change the attitude toward Mother Earth in many Latin American nations. Likewise, a revolt against the status quo is just starting to gather steam in many parts of Asia and Africa. These early signs are the merest intimation of what is about to flash before you in the Pacific, Europe, and North America. Saint Germaine and his foundation have given the green light to begin distributing the vast wealth accrued after nearly four centuries in his World Trust. These sums are truly astounding! Conjoined with this disbursal is the mandated change of governance to be carried out in a judicious and legal manner. These elements will come together and permanently alter the very nature of your reality. At present, we sit on the brink of this new era. Heaven has brought forth solemn decrees that sent an immense fleet of ships from the Galactic Federation to this solar system, charged with affecting a first contact with us. We welcome this divine intervention and look forward to reunion with our Inner Earth cousins who have long sheltered and protected us and our various secret and sacred societies. It is these societies which constitute the solid foundation for the new Light-oriented society about to be created on our world. Soon, the realm of Agartha and that of the surface are to merge, resulting in the unique galactic society that is also to migrate to Venus and Mars. And it is this new star-nation that is shortly to welcome the Universe to our blessed shores! Today, we continued our journey through the changes that will lead to first contact and your return to full consciousness. We are in joy that the time for these amazing events approaches. Our fleet and your Ascended Masters are ready to transform your reality 'in the twinkling of an eye!' Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) Website: Planetary Activation Organization ![]() ![]() Our reply: "hi john, thank you for your comment. yes, these discrepancies between sheldan's channelings and those of others are a continuing thing. i think there are several reasons for that, like the fact that in higher realms, one's reality is mostly shaped by one's own beliefs and expectations. there's not one truth, it's a quantum thing. i addressed this matter some time ago, where i also included some comments that matthew gave about it. you can read that here. much love and light to you - kees, GalacticChannelings.com." (September 21, 2011)
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Thank you as always for the uplifting messages. I do have a question regarding this message saying we will be merging with the Agarthan people and migrating to Venus and Mars? My impression has been that we will remain here before, during and after ascension? Is this now not the case?
I can't help but feel that major developments are underway and I am soooo looking forward to progressing and evolving and meeting my long lost brothers and sisters from all over the Universe.
John" (September 20, 2011)