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![]() Quite often this website receives e-mails from our visitors asking if they should believe the channelings, describing a beautiful new world that is coming for us. Of course we don't have all the answers, but we did make a study of it, and read and watched tons of material about this matter. With that knowledge, we try to reply to those e-mails as good as we can. As we think other visitors could benefit from these conversations too, here's a follow-up on our previous examples (1) and (2). ![]() ![]() Our reply: "dear p., sorry for this reply, i know you asked me not to. but an e-mail like this should be replied i think, because you sound pretty angry and desperate. you're not the only one who feels like this. judging by the number of e-mails that we get about this, the overall impatience and despair is surely building. up to a point that, like you, people start to get angry and irritated. and we understand, because it sure is taking a long time! what can we say about it? we already said something about it some time ago: http://galacticchannelings.com/english/questions.html and here also: http://galacticchannelings.com/english/questions2.html and matthew also says some wise words about it in his message of last december: 9. Earth’s swift pace toward the window of entry into fourth density means that the end of duality will be coming quite rapidly. The fierce tenacity of the dark ones has kept under wraps the truths that must become known, and the lack of public awareness about these truths has prevented major changes of reform nature. Therefore, instead of happening in spaced increments that could be more easily experienced by all the peoples, profound truths and resultant changes will be coming forth like pieces in a kaleidoscope that tumble all over each other to form a new design. 10. You knew this was one of the potential scenarios when you eagerly asked to play a part in this unprecedented time on the planet. You knew that your cumulative lifetimes well prepared you to fearlessly weather the turbulence. The universal high council that designed the Golden Age master plan knew that too — that is why you were chosen and many others with lesser experience who also wanted to participate were not selected. The energy of your calm steadfastness in the light will touch those around you and the ripple effect will circle the globe, so welcome the challenges ahead as the darkness is totally uprooted and Earth continues spot on target to take you into fourth density. (http://galacticchannelings.com/english/matthew05-12-10.html) yes, for many people the question is: why don't they show themselves in our skies, and get it over with? i agree with you that it would sure help if the galactic federation showed themselves and contact us. but this was not the divine plan. the divine plan was to have many pure souls incarnate on earth at this time, to raise our vibration and spread the light, and so create a new world. the universal law of non-interference says that higher civilizations shouldn't interfere with lower ones, or only as few as possible. so they want us to do it ourselves, to shape our new world ourselves. this way, we will be so much more proud of ourselves when we make the changes happen. the galactic federation monitors our collective consciousness constantly, and will only take drastic measures if they think we cannot do it ourselves. so, in a way it's a good sign that they still haven't shown themselves in great numbers, because this means that they still have faith in us to do it ourselves. as the dark forces know exactly what is going on and are doing everything they can to prevent the changes from happening, initially you will only see the changes in the people around you, and on the internet. the mainstream media will only follow if there's absolutely no denying the changes anymore, and the grip of the illuminati on them starts to get weaker. that's why it seems like we are living in two worlds sometimes. one is the world that the media paint us, with a lot of emphasys on fear and disasters and war. the other world is the one that is painted in the channelings, and which many of us also feel in our hearts to be true. personally, i see my heart as a much better signpost than the media, don't you? so, i think the best thing that we can do is to keep on working towards the light, keep the faith, and keep visualizing the new world. this way we can influence the collective consciousness, which shapes our reality. it may take a long time, but i think once the changes get started, this will only make our relief and satisfaction even bigger. don't you think? well, i hope you're feeling better now. let us know how you are doing! In love and light, kees, GalacticChannelings.com." (02-03-'11) ![]()
"Hi Thank you for your Email and links. yes i was really angry, i still am. i really believed in beings of higher dimensions,i always thought they were here for a reason,but i seriously doubt that now, there interaction with people in ancient days was more than it is now..they helped or gave a push to people on earth to move in right direction.having said that "people in ancient times were not able to understand them" and often took them as God.. humans today are much more capable of understanding things than they ever were. so why not contact them as much as higher dimension beings use to? i truly dont care and i am not as excited as i use to be..when i use to think or viewed videos on youtube..the govt always debunk the videos and stories relating to ufos.and people believe the govt more than someone which they are not even sure exists I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS ARE WAITING FOR..DONT EVEN KNOW WEATHER THAT TIME WILL EVEN COME OR NOT. WHY DO YOU THINK WE ARE HERE FOR? WHY IS GOD SO UNEQUAL TO HIS OWN KIDS? WHY CANT EVERYONE BE TREATED SAME? WHY CANT EVERYONE BE HAPPY AND LIVE IN A SAFE WORLD? I HAVE SO MANY WHYS...BUT DONT KNOW WHO TO ASK.. also i have been tryin to meditate a lot..but cant concentrate enough.how can i do that? THANK YOU, P." (02-03-'11) ![]() Our reply: "dear p., in order to get the answer to all your questions, you have to look at the greater picture. the being that created everything, is called creator, or prime creator. his objective was to experience himself through countless forms of life, throughout all the universes that exist within the cosmos. "experiencing" is the key word here. life is not about "getting somewhere", although for individual souls like you and me it is about growing, and evolving to higher and higher dimensions. we do that through experiencing and learning from it. each universe has its own god. god is part of creator. the god of our universe chose to work with cycles. big cycles and small cycles. each cycle has its own character, it's own properties. this is a good way to experience everything in our universe from different angles. just like creator wants. right now, we are at the end of the cycle of pisces, we are moving into the age of aquarius. this new cycle will have a totally different character than the current cycle. on earth, pisces was characterized by duality (good and bad in one society) while aquarius will be a time of love and harmony. this will mostly be in the fifth dimension, but first we need to get there. these cycles last about 11,500 years. at this time, also some bigger cycles are ending. that's why this is such an important time. a cycle of duality is a very good time for a soul to grow. because by experiencing both good and bad all the time, one gains knowledge that can be obtained almost nowhere else in the universe. all souls that live in this time, chose this themselves! you may feel like you would NEVER want to experience this misery voluntarily, but believe me, your soul will be very happy once you lived it all through. you are 100% a part of god, so god is experiencing everything that you feel too. he knows that this is what you want, so there's no need for him to "save" you or anybody. during the previous 11,500 year cycle, the time of atlantis and lemuria, there was often contact with ET visitors. this went well for thousands of years, until things got ugly and atlantis destroyed lemuria, with the help of malivolent ET's. this formed the end of the previous cycle. after that, after the start of the new cycle, more malivolent ET beings came in. they built the pyramids and such, but this was not to help the people on earth. indeed, like you say, they ruled the people like gods. they profited from them. these were beings from sirius B and the orion system, if i understand it correctly. after thousands of years, they left, but only to be replaced by other malivolent ET beings (draconion reptilians) who hid themselves and secretly ruled the earth. their influence still exists within the illuminati, the dark brotherhood of men who secretly rule the world. you say that the ET's gave us a push in the right direction. i agree only partly. because i'm convinced that if the ET's had just left us alone, we would be in a much better place than we are now. the ET's made quite a mess here, both by genetically altering our DNA and by secretly ruling us. the good news is, that times are changing now. the new era is already starting, so in a couple of years, all bad elements will have disappeared from our society. the galactic federation is helping us with that, because it's god's will. the galactic federation is very precise in following the universal rules. one important universal rule is the law of non-interference. that means that a higher civilization (like those who form the galactic federation) should leave a lower civilization alone as much as possible. that's why they mostly work behind the scenes to create the changes on earth. but once the dark elements are completely removed from earth, they will come out more openly again and contact with ET's will be a normal thing again. one of the tasks of the galactic federation is to stop all incoming malivolent visitors to earth now, so our process of ascension won't be disturbed. so, i hope you understand a bit better now why it looks like nobody is helping us, neither god nor ET's. just remember, we ARE being helped. but it all follows the divine plan. we can help it to manifest sooner, by visualizing that it's already here and by spreading love and light. tons of souls incarnated here in this time, especially for that reason. i hope this helps you a bit, p. good luck on your path. in love and light, kees, GalacticChannelings.com." (02-04-'11) ![]()
"Hello kees Thanks for your kind reply. so nice of you to reply my mail in kind way. i'm sorry if i was rude..but its just the anger inside me..i don't know where it came from. this never happened when i was in India..you might know Indians Generally are spritiual and god loving. after watching and experiencing little thing here, i think my mind is changing. everyone is just running blind after materialistic world. i'm a piscean myself. so think i can understand a little bit about duality. i need to ask you so many questions. i don't know if you will have time to reply. but as i am doing my I.T. course (not E.T. :) ) this week, i am studyin all day and then studyin more after coming back home. can i mail you again? Regards, P." (02-07-'11) ![]() Our reply: "hi p., i understand completely. this western society is crazy. indeed, when you look around here, it makes you question everything that you know in your heart to be true. because almost all our media, politicians and school teachers, they sound like they KNOW what they are talking about. promoting dangers, money, careers, power and outer appearances wherever they can. while in fact, they know practically NOTHING! just be strong and listen to your heart. as the galactic federation said to blossom: "love is the answer to every single question you could ask". some day our media and politicians will learn that too, and i guess we have to be the ones to tell them that. in egypt they are already getting there! of course you can write us again! don't worry about us not having time, we'll make time :) in love and light, kees, GalacticChannelings.com." (02-07-'11) ![]() In addition to this, our Dutch translator Puk asked our channelers why the Galactic Federation speaks to us through so many different channels. Although they mostly give us the same message, this also gives intentional and unintentional spreaders of disinformation the chance to act like they speak on behalf of the Galactic Federation, which confuses people. Puk: "Could you all ask your sources if there is a possibility that they give some kind of ‘press conference’ in which all of them give the same statement about the things at hand? It would be such a powerful message when all the civilizations in space that are here with one goal, also speak as one voice! When they are one, so can we be! It could also awaken much more people at the same time and it would also filter out the channelers that are not really channeling. I read in the messages that sometimes signals can’t be given the way we (and they) would like them to, like massive sightings, because a lot of people would be scared. However, I think there always will be sceptics and there always will be people that are scared of the unknown, no matter how long we wait. With the technology the civilizations in outer space possess, they can overcome all obstacles in their way, even when they get chased by ‘us’ when they show themselves. Why not give a (not to be mistaken) signal to the whole world that they are out there and even here? Why wait for a politician in a country that will announce Disclosure? Why not do it themselves?" (02-06-'11)
"Puk dear, you have a lot of company in your feelings about wanting our space family to show up as proof of their presence! The only proof would be, crews landing in well populated places around the globe, and the reason they have been waiting to do that is: It isn't yet safe for us or for them. For the past few weeks, almost all of my limited computer time has been revising Voices of the Universe so I can get more books before my dwindling supply runs out. God orchestrated the revision cover to cover, and I'll copy the part of the message He gave me two days ago because it's relevant to your email: So, God, how much darkness still has to be eliminated? ALL of it, Suzy! But I know what you mean, how much is left to deal with. Only a smidgen compared with the light there, but a few power-mongers still are running parts of the show, like digging in their heels to keep a tight lid on those big lies I mentioned. And they still have enough control so that my children in other civilizations who have been waiting patiently—well, mostly patiently—to land and help you get rid of pollution and so forth instead are still flying around in circles above you. They can’t join you on the ground until there’s certain safety for everyone and at this point, it’s still too risky to officially acknowledge their existence. But things are heating up so that can’t be delayed much longer. God, we’ve heard that for 20 years or more and we’re getting tired of waiting. My sweet child, who knows that better than I? I am the collective tiredness of everyone who feels like that. I also am the collective excitement in anticipating that day when you’ll greet members of your universal family! Puk, all we can do is be patient a while longer. With blessings, LOVE and PEACE... Suzy" (02-07-'11) Mike Quinsey replied that he agreed with Suzy.
"It is about KNOWING that it is all ok. About FEELING that KNOWING. (Good Lord I sound like the FOL!). Thing is we KNOW deep down that they will show at the perfect moment. We KNOW it will happen and we have to TRUST that KNOWING. We are beyond needing proof ... we will get it sure enough ... soon enough ... Right now we need not be worrying about receiving something more tangible from them , but REALLY FEELING that Light in our heart about and within everything! This allows them to change gear into Godspeed and they will be popping in for a cuppa before you can say 'Hold onto your hats!!. Much Love to all here ... and thanks to you Puk ... for merely asking on behalf of so many that feel the same. Love Light Laughter & Golden Rays Blossom" (02-07-'11)
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BYE, P." (02-02-'11)