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KRYON. 2018. COMPLETE THE ASCENSION. All of you are part of the larger family. There is a brand new energy for the planet and you are in transition between a consciousness of the past and that which is a promise of the future. We have given you many channels about what takes place when you move from a lower to a higher place. Some of the habits, some of the biases, some of the things you do not know you have ever done. There is one thing however which is common to most, something that has got to be cleared not because there are old things attaching to it, but because of who you are, and when you are told what it is, you will know we have spoken of it before. Let us begin at the beginning, things you should know about yourself, not what you have been told is there. Things spiritually that are so true and beautiful that perhaps you have forgotten, things that are not taught today in the spiritual systems that you have, not like this. I want to go back to the beginning as I am going to see and say with the teaching at the end. Dear Ones you have a creation story all over the planet. Various cultures have various creation stories. The one that you have is the one that you may have grown up with. The most popular one is very similar to the one that we teach as to the seeding of the planet. This amazing thing took place biologically, esoterically with humans about 200,000 years ago. There was a shift, a change a major one and if you wipe away all of the physics other than the physicalness of it, what really took place was a beautiful switch, an implantation within the human being of discernment of Light and dark, the knowledge for the first time of the Creator to see it or not, intuition, beauty, discernment all of these things were new. There was a leap in evolution 200,000 years ago designed not by accident, it is the creation story it is in your Holy Scriptures, called perhaps differently but it is there. The same story that you were human beings, mammals like any others on the planet and something happened, an Angelic force came down it was the Adam, it was the Eve it was the Garden of Eden – all metaphors again for what took place that we told you about when you received the beautiful knowledge of Light and dark, discern the choice it is all over the planet. Now I am going to put you in the place of the Creator just for a moment, the question is “what would you have done”. Let us say you have the mind of God and you have seen this miracle, it has been done by design and you were watching it, what would you have done next after the selecting had been completed. To give you a hint as to where I am going let us say you take a small child and you say, I am going to give you something amazing and beautiful. I am going to put you in a library with knowledge of everything and you can then choose between the books, then you go away and you say on the way out “oh sorry, we never taught you to read” thousands of books and you cannot touch them, you do not know what is in them so would it make more sense to have a creation accompanied then by teachings and the scriptures. Say nothing about that nothing at all, so human beings are then given all this then left to fend for themselves, there is no teaching from the Angels. Truly the scriptures will tell you that the Masters then came and through history and cultures there were many of them, but the source that did seeding of the angelic energy, was that force behind the creation story. Simply you were on your own and the stories began that you heard, but my story is different it is more logical that the seeding and the trading began. You cannot make that kind of a change place it on Humanity and walk away, instead we told you that those who gave you the seeds were those from what you call “Seven Sisters” they stayed and began the teaching. Now the actual seeding began a long time ago, very, very gradual much had to happen biologically before you got to a point where all were ready and that was the 52,000 year point. There have been two cycles of the wobble of the Earth involved in human civilisation, where you were there in a succinct enough way to create that which you have done. Everything leading up to 52,000 years ago was preparation, and then came Lemuria, and then came other places on the planet where you were being taught just about Lemuria, there was more – Lemuria was special because it was isolated, that means it could last for longer without any kind of visitation. In the 30,000 years that the Lemurians were Pleiadians and had Pleiadian teachers. So here we are, the teachings started when the seeding was complete. You are not going to get that in scripture, you are going to have a creation story and then everybody’s gone. That does not make sense it is not logical that God would put you in place and give you this beautiful knowledge and then do nothing with it, no teaching, no instructions. It is almost like dark went to Light and then the Angels disappeared, that is not even logical. No, there were teachings and the first things that were taught with the teaching wheel with five spokes was – who are you. That is what the Pleiadians wanted you to know, where you were from, what this was about, how it works all the teaching was there, the teaching of the return to the middle, the teaching that you have God inside, and the seeds of those who were teaching you that the Angels came down upon us from the stars, because this is the lineage of Earth. We want you to gaze upon us and see the beauty of the God that created you in us in you. We want you to understand that you will always return to the centre, no matter how many lives you think you have, no matter how long you live that it goes both ways. You come and you go from this planet to the centre because this is the system, you see you always return to the Creation, and then you go back, and you come and you go it is beautiful, it is a push-pull system coming and going with the beauty of God inside you. Our God that was taught to the children, they understood it because they were looking at it, they saw it. The children became adults, the children’s children learned the same thing and off they went cautiously to be born yet again in other places on the planet to carry this message to other civilisations with “free choice”. Human nature and the efficiency of dark and Light began to be changed, with “free choice” darkness was chosen over Light. So many of the civilisations destroyed themselves, because they did not understand anything more than darkness. Those who understood and still have that full experience of God inside were put aside. There was too much power in the Light, and the darkness knew it and slowly you have that which you grew up in, and civilisation after civilisation created much the same Light and dark ratio, the Light was hidden put aside. It is interesting in every single civilisation something took place, secret societies sprang up and they had to hide the knowledge of God inside, but the darkness said “Look there is a secret society there, they must be doing evil things, there must be secrecy there do not go there do not believe it. The beginning of conspiracies and darkness in every corner, the beginning of mistrust even those who had the knowledge of God inside secretly were called the Devil and the darkness always seemed to win because human beings would then believe the worst in anything that defines dark energy, and the beauty of God inside was suppressed. It is almost like you had a piece of gold shining like the Sun that was you, and over time the dirt and dust got on it and the shiny gold went away and here you sit today with dusty gold. Now that is a metaphor for lack of self-worth, it is common for humans, for most of humanity that has come and gone on this planet and reincarnated and experienced this just like you did, that is to say that perhaps you were God, or you had powers or knew how consciousness would work, would be a death sentence. Even the Shamans the ones who could make the magic, the ones that could be turned to change the weather, even they were in trouble all the time because something did not go exactly right, then they were blamed for not being believed, of having to cower in the dark. Spirit, God, the Creative Source anything you want to call it knows of this issue and is ready to help you wipe away the dust so it can shine like the Light, and all you have to do is start claiming it you want something to imagine. If you want a visualisation use the one I have just given you old soul, you shine like the Sun, like pure gold polished so you can see your face in it, and I want you to consider for a moment what it would be like to simply take your hand even without a cloth, brush away the dirt and dull gold dust and see in the gold your face. See the reflection of your own face in that, and the metaphor for you as you do it will be brushing away that which is something that you cannot really identify. What is wrong inside when you do not want to come along with a program of beauty or benevolence, or compassion, what is wrong inside, what is it that blocks you from believing some of the things that are presented, that is the dust on the gold, it is history telling you it is not real, it is history telling you it is dark, it is history that is giving you conspiracies. Things start to change if you are ready to go to the next level, it is time to brush away the dust because that will be the catalyst for everything you have asked for. God is not in a vacuum on the other side of some black veil, God is not judging you for what you have done or what you have not done, instead God is next to you waiting and saying “Brush it away, blow it away here is a cloth if you need it, but do it and then you will see who you are, your face in the gold, the reflection of you the image of love”. The Pleiadian teachers taught the children that they were created in the image of love that is the Creator. They were created in the image and beauty of compassion that is the Creator. Say “I know it is true - I am created in the image of love. Thank you Kryon. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey. Subscribers List. You can subscribe or unsubscribe by Emailing Kees at info@galacticchannelings.com and contact him if you have any queries.
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