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![]() More and more of you are becoming aware of how fast time is passing by. That is a sure sign of how much quicker it is going, and also the degree to which your levels of consciousness are growing. It also opens your minds to an understanding of what is happening around you, and there is no doubt that so many more of you sense the need for the changes taking place. Instead of gloom and doom it is seen that things must change for the better, and that there can be no return to the ways of those who would impose their negative values upon you. With the onset of the end of duality, it is obvious that it will be replaced by conditions more aligned to the new Man emerging from the Dark Ages. With the help of the Star Children who have wisdom and knowledge beyond their earthly age, there will be no lack of loving advice and direction. It is a matter of when it is right for them to come to the forefront, as if it is too early they are likely to be ignored. However, their presence does lead to displays of their ability, to apply their understanding in many different beneficial ways. They are members of the Lightshowers who open people’s minds to their potential. It can cover healing to spiritual work that will assist others as they follow their path to Ascension. We for our part are using our spacecraft to carry out displays that are sufficiently near to you to be identified as from off Earth. It is not as if we need to prove our existence but we must enable people to break out of the cover up, that has been supported by those who deny our presence for their own benefit. It will very soon reach a point when disclosure can no longer be prevented, and its announcement will be the start of many changes. These will lead to our open arrival on Earth by agreement with the new Government, that will eagerly await our presence. We can then get on with the business of organizing the many projects that will result in the cleansing of your planet. We desire to be well into them by the end of next year. However, as we often point out, the time aspect is of no great consequence with the technologies that we will use. We have unlimited resources and so many craft that can be applied to the tasks ahead. Indeed in some instances we do not even need to be on Earth, and can operate quite successfully from your own atmosphere. The fact is Dear Ones, that we have already done so much cleansing of your atmosphere, namely to clear the fallout from nuclear testing. Those who do not feel ready to join us will be allowed their freewill choice, and leave the Earth for the continuation of their experiences elsewhere. Joining your Space Family is a natural step in your evolution, and in time it will come to every soul. We have been part of a patient and quiet introduction to our presence for hundred of years, and it has succeeded in planting such seeds of knowledge in your minds. You have carried it with you in successive incarnations, albeit in your subconsciousness. However, once brought to the surface it has helped you to accept us without bringing about a fearful reaction. It is the dark forces that have tried to instill continual fear into you, and they know that when the truth comes out they will be seen for what they really are. It is they who fear our coming, as we will present the truth in such a way that it cannot be refuted. Bear in mind that every thought and action exists forever, and can be recalled to substantiate the truth of any challenge against our claims. It is you the people who will benefit most from learning the truth of your past, and the way in which you have been deliberately mislead. It started millennia of time ago when power was seized by those with an agenda for self-aggrandizement, but the last century and particularly the years since the millennium have been the pinnacle of their success. However it was never going to be allowed to lead to total success, because the end times had already been decreed by God to lead to mass Ascension. What you are seeing now with the demise of the Illuminati is proof of the outworking of it. Yes, they are still around and cause problems, but their ability has been seriously affected by their loss of power. They will still try to induce fear, and prolong the global wars that feed their ego and their purses. Be assured peace is on the way, and the weapons of war will be silenced if they are not withdrawn when ordered to do so. Enough blood has already been spilt and negative energies have built up within the earth, and these are now being cleansed away. Few have realized that such energies create an imbalance on and within the Earth, and then they wonder why Mother Earth reacts to them by convulsions. Be prepared to experience some degree of disruption as a result and without going overboard, allow for shortages of food in areas that are normally affected by earthquake activity. This is in no way meant to bring about panic, but become aware of your likely needs in such a situation. We of the Galactic Federation will still be working hard behind the scenes to limit any damage to you and your dwellings. For the time being stay where you feel it is right to be, and if you are in an area of activity know that you were subconsciously aware and accepting of your experience, before you came into incarnation. Remember wherever you are, there is a reason for you being there even if it seems an unlikely choice. Sometimes your presence is for the benefit of others, because you have something to offer that they do not have. There is a coming together of souls who recognize the Oneness of all life. Such souls are so important, to show others how the Light can awaken them to their potential. At heart all of you can express your love in such a way, and that will be a step nearer to finding the Christ Self within. It is the ultimate identification with your true Self, and the finding of Unconditional Love. I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and it is quite clear that many of you have already been inspired to offer your help to us. Rest assured we welcome your various abilities, and will tell you that it is exactly why you have incarnated for this immediate period. It will be a case of all hands on deck, and some of you will come on board our craft for briefing. It is for the moment all serious stuff as the build up of pressure upon Mother Earth is to really get started, as her program of cleansing is becoming urgent. Have no fear, as we are constantly monitoring all that happens and you are not about to witness mass chaos or great catastrophes. We operate with loving regard for all of you, at all times. Thank you SaLuSa. Mike Quinsey. Website: Tree of the Golden Light ![]() ![]() Our reply: Hi Sam, Well, it was predicted that the dark forces would do anything to stop the changes from happening, so of course they're trying anything in their power to avert this paradigm shift. But it doesn't really matter what they do, because this shift will take place no matter what. The GF have stated this over and over again, and so do many other credible sources like David Wilcock, Dolores Cannon and Matthew Ward (in spirit). It's your choice to believe this or not. If you do, you can help this process by visualizing the new world every day. If you don't, you may focus on all these worrying details and wonder if anything will ever change. It's all up to you, what resonates with you. Of course the mainstream media don't report much about the positive changes that are already happening, because they're still largely controlled by the illuminati. You need to look on the web, there's plenty of proof there. About this word "soon", that they often use, well you have to remember that we're at the end of a 11,500 year cycle here, so a couple of months or years won't make much difference. Another thing that we shouldn't forget, is that much of the suffering that's still going on, is the choice of our own individual souls. We may have chosen it because this experience will benefit our spiritual growth, or it's a matter of karma playing out, which we need to do if we want to move to the higher dimensions. In any case, it's not much use to worry. Just have faith, focus on the positive, and work actively to make the changes happen. It will all be worth it in the end, we're convinced of that. We wrote some more about this earlier, here and here. Much love and light to you - Kees, GalacticChannelings.com." (10-26-'10) ![]() ![]() "If any of this is even remotely true, then I need to talk to Salusa. It looks like the Illuminati are about to have the RepubliCorp take over the House in the US elections, which would be BAD for us Americans. If this situation get's any worse, I have considered taking my life as not to suffer any more than we already have. If some unknown "guarding angel" has kept me alive this long (when I should have died from accidents at least twice), I need to know why! I understand the concept of choosing my life's path before I was born...but I need a clue. What does ANYONE need or want from me? Salusa would know, or one of his mates channel to some very select folks (none in the US apparently). Have him talk to me! Use a CB radio, or a HAM radio. If he's really already up there and can monitor us, there has to be a way to contact me. It's *that* important! Kevin." (10-26-'10) ![]() Our reply: "Hi Kevin, As the GF is monotoring everything we do on Earth and they're surely connected to our internet, I think there's a good chance that SaLuSa will read your words. Maybe he will respond to it in a next message, or try to help you in a different way, through your guides, in dreams or whatever way. I think taking your life would be the most unwise thing to do. Because there will surely be no comfort in that, as is often stated from higher dimensions. Just trust that your guardian angel will make sure that your situation never gets worse than it's supposed to be. You'll be proud of yourself if you see it all through and in the end the changes will happen right in front of your eyes. The question about the meaning of (your) life or how anyone benefits from your being here, is one that many ask. Lord knows I have too. But it's not always that obvious. Just be sure that your life DOES have meaning, and that your guardian angel and your other guides wil make sure that you will meet all the right opportunities (or "problems") to learn your lessons or to clear karma. All we can say is, hang in there, and try to be a part of the positive changes that are taking place right now (outside of the media). And connect with others, because you're certainly not alone in this. We're doing it together! Much love and light to you - Kees, GalacticChannelings.com." (10-26-'10) ![]() ![]() "Hello Mike, I want to thank you and Salusa for a wonderful service you are doing. I would like to write few words to Kevin, if possible. ps. excuse my imperfect inglish. Kevin are you crazy? Keep on hanging around, people might need you. You want a clue? I am reading various messages from the "Galactic Friend"'s site too and there you can see a number of daily visitors which amout from 2000 to 3000 people. I guess, it's, more or less the same for Salusa's messeges. How many Lightworkers are there on this planet? 3000? 30.000? 300.000? Let's presume there are 3 milion Lightworkers versus 7 bilion people of the Earth. 1 Lightworker ends up "helping" 2.331 persons. Many could die during the earth changes so that number could be much lesser. Let's say, 1000 people per 1 lightworker. You may be helpful to 1000 people in the future. Or 100. Or 10. Or just 1. And you will succeed helping them only if you have succeeded in helping yourself first. So, don't kid and remain alive and keep on working on your inner strenght. It will be needed. It's needed even now. I share your same fears and doubts from time to time and I also desire to talk to Salusa or Metatron or Arcturian, or to the Pleadiean insect if it can help me getting some clue. But it's not happening for now. And I know why. I have to learn to stand alone and trust their invisible presence. Stay tuned and don't give up. It will be all ok, no matter the future. All the best. A." (10-27-'10) ![]() Our reply: "Hi A., Well, personally I don't think that that many people will die in Earth changes, but we surely agree with everything else you say! Very well put, my friend. Hope this helps Kevin a bit. Much love and light to you - Kees, GalacticChannelings.com." (10-27-'10) ![]() ![]() "Hi there.. I just cannot wait to do a trip to another planet, culture, good people - honestly - . I know I sound childish.. Please make it happen pretty soon. Please keep on your marvellous work. I am trying to do my best at my poor level. Patrick." (10-26-'10) ![]() ![]() please let us know and we'll add you to our mailing list. |
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I thank you for your service in bringing these messages to us. I am quite hopeful regarding the changes that are in progress. However, I find myself wondering why the ever so "soon" developments are taking so long! For all that has been said about "the truth" coming to the light, so little of it seems to be in the mainstream. People are complaining about changes in (USA) government programs that are actually designed to help these very complainers. They seek to re-install the very ones who caused the current situation.
Why is so much deference being given to those evil ones who won't let go, and why is so little information getting into the mainstream?
It seems dreadfully unfair for those of us who are trying to live right that we have to be patient with people who would just as soon enslave or kill us. Where is the justice in that? And, how can the masses ever see the truth, change their minds, and thus remove the power base from these evil ones if we are seemingly forced into this waiting game?
Compassion for all, including the evil ones, does not require the withholding of justice to the unrepentant, does it? What benefit does it serve us to wait indefinitely? Is there some undiscernable growth occurring in us during this interminable wait?
I am hopeful, but my patience is wearing thin, as people continue to suffer needlessly and unfairly, and as my ability to help seems almost negligible.
Sam." (10-26-'10)