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Mike Quinsey - January 24, 2025

Mike Quinsey

Ashtar Command - Physics of the Universe.

Some methods of Inter Galactic travel allow craft to travel very fast indeed and traverse Galactic Spaces in a matter of what would seem like, weeks or months. Other, more advanced techniques are more about consciousness than physics. The craft is really a being that is able to elevate its consciousness to higher dimensional levels where this Universe is just one of many parallel structures of reality, and then to return to the lower dimensions again, this time at the space/time nexus of the desired destination. Such a process allows the traveller to go from any point in space and time in any one of the possible alternate universes to any other point in space/time/probability in an instant. The translation might to a traveller objectively feel to have occurred in a matter of moments. But those moments are mind expanding to say the least. You move into Oneness with the Universe and then return to separation and individuation again. It is a strange and wonderful thing to experience, especially the first few times.

There is a profuse abundance of life “out there”. Nothing will stretch your imagination enough to begin to understand life really is “out there” and how varied and complex it all is, and how many different consciousnesses are right now, teeming around and upon and within your planetary sphere. If you could raise your awareness right now and observe your planet from all the various densities of consciousness, you would be staggered to see how many craft of how many types are constantly engaged with Earth. Right from the little tin buggies of more junior Races, through the vast city-sized motherships of the intermediate Races, right up to the crystalline and pure-light form entities of the more advanced Beings.

So many are here you could scarcely look anywhere without seeing this kind of activity at one density level or another, and as many as are here, there are orders of magnitude, more races that would be able to be here but are quite simply disinterested. They have other business elsewhere and they apparently feel that what transpires here does not directly interest them.

Kryon. Word has power.

If you awaken the whole world knows you. Gaia knows you. You walk into the forest alone, the trees know you, the animals know you and God knows you. Your energy is quantum and with other animals it is not. Your destiny is to illuminate your life so that all around knows who you are.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Addition: it is interesting to me personally to read Ashtar's words about traveling through higher dimensions, because that's exactly what Billy Meier, the Pleiadian contactee from Switzerland, describes in his Contact Notes.

He went with the Pleiadians in their space ship and said that at some point, when they had reached almost the speed of light in their ship, they somehow "turned their ship into a thought". This way, they could enter the 4th dimension and from there enter the 3rd dimension again in any chosen point in space/time, which made space travel very easy and fast for them.

The Pleiadians told Billy Meier that it takes space traveling civilizations about 200 years in general to master this technique. So nice to hear this being confirmed by Ashtar!

- Kees, GalacticChannelings.com

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