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Dear friends there are occasionally messages from Kryon that carry much more information than usual about our history, and this one is exceptional as it takes it back much further than any time previously. It is now apparent why the Pleiadians closely follow our evolution and even now are so near to Earth, in part to ensure that no other beings are allowed to interfere with our progress. It has been accepted for some time now that we came from elsewhere before we were seeded upon Earth. It will be an amazing time when we are first able to make contact with other Galaxies. Understand that now we have passed the 2012 marker, we are being given much more advanced information about our history and as the vibrations lift up told where we are heading for. We are going through some tough changes right now but it is inevitable as the old must be first cleared away before the new can be fully introduced. Kryon. 2019. Pleiadians will change Humanity. EXTRACT FROM MESSAGE. We see you and the history of Humanity and over generation’s humans have changed. You were seeded on the Earth 200,000 years ago, and 100,000 years before that it was when life began on this planet in a significant way. When you get the invention that is coming it will change everything. When you are able to manipulate and create sustained Quantum energy on this planet, you will have the invention that will change Humanity forever. You will mark the beginning of your civilisation from that point. For in this Quantum energy you will then be able to create technically and tune into the Galaxy, and you will be able to hear the others for they are also tuned into one another in the Quantum state, and over generations humans will change. They know who you are and you will then know who they are, and rather than fear gripping the planet there will be a relief and a rewrite of life itself, it will honour God but in a different way. Those who planted the souls of Humanity in you after the change, came a million years before yours. You were there with the “Seven Sisters” as Pleiadians. There is a plan/process of what we would call Galactic involvement, where certain populations in certain star systems become aware. The power that is created from that awareness builds upon itself and accelerates until they are able to create themselves in a Quantum energy, where life itself can be bottled in a Quantum. Transportation is instant and all these things are a meld between biology and technology that I cannot explain to you, it is not robotic it is the Human Being able to create with help from technology that they create with inside them. You are still passing the marker right now and it has the potential of the Pleiadian marker. Things take a long time to evolve on certain kinds of planets, depending upon the sustainability of certain kinds of life. END OF EXTRACT. Mother Earth has commenced her work to make necessary changes to restore the Earth to its pristine condition. It will then be ready to fully enter the higher vibrations, and as progress is made the Earth will be further refined. Those souls who are not ready will continue their evolution on another Earth like planet fully prepared for them. Not one soul can move into the higher vibrations until they are ready and would not want to, as they would find it uncomfortable and not to their liking or needs. Some souls refer to it as moving from the 3rd into the 4th dimension but in reality there is no such clear line between the two of them, as instead they meld together. For those souls rising up there is no longer any need to continue with experiences in the lower vibrations, as they successfully responded to the challenge to continue evolving by lifting their vibrations. There has never been a more exciting time as it promises to take you to levels that are full of joy and happiness, as they will only accommodate you if your vibrations match the level concerned. Joy will abound as you will find all other souls are also very evolved and glory in the beauty and harmony that exists at the higher levels. Happiness is everywhere as all negativity will have been left behind having no place at your higher level. Remember that in part you are creating your own future and will be attracted to other souls of a like kind. It is how groups are naturally formed and are one with each other, and It is the pattern for the future. To a limited degree it already occurs on Earth now and since there is strength in numbers such groups begin to have a greater influence upon others. Humans are naturally drawn to those of a like kind strangely enough with the exception of marriage, when they are sometimes prearranged before birth of the individuals. It gives you an idea of how hard your Guides work on your behalf, as they “arrange” events in your life so that you meet the right person and have the appropriate experiences. Life may seem haphazard at times but in the long run it follows your life plan. Knowing that you all have freewill you may logically wonder how life can ever be orderly. However, there are ways and means beyond your comprehension that enable specific results to be achieved. Clearly it is important that your life plan is carried out, as at the end of the day it is arranged to further your evolution. If you miss out you will be bound to have another opportunity, perhaps in another life as being part of your evolution it cannot be overlooked. The point to remember is that all souls go through the same lessons and regardless of whether they are aware of it, all are on a path of spiritual expansion and growth and a desire to find their true selves, and there is often a feeling of being lost and unable to find their true home. Those feelings will soon diminish in this new period of evolution as the time is now right for more revelations. All things come to all souls when the time is right. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God. In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey. Website: Tree of the Golden Light
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