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Mike Quinsey - March 14, 2025

Mike Quinsey

Kryon. 2018. Do Animals have Souls. Extract.

Animals have souls – yes, but not human souls, you do not have a soul for every animal. If an animal has interfaced their soul with yours, it will be in compassion and love, and although all life force have souls, all do not then have the system of the human soul. Animals do not reincarnate unless they have interfaced with humans. Animals have no hierarchy on their way to becoming human. The Human Being stands alone with the human soul with past life histories, of places they have been in, other multiverses. This is your speciality, but the animals who interfaced with you in love and compassion, through you they have “reincarnate” abilities. Your pets return and it doesn’t matter if it is a hamster or a horse. It is under the guise of continuing the love affair, you have shared compassion and love.

Part of the soul of the life force of the animal is entwined with you. You look into the eyes of a pet that has been with you for years, and it sends you the love package, sends you messages that you are getting. Your souls are intertwined, multidimensional – multidimensionality is beautiful, it goes beyond anything you know - ask a Quantum physicist what is real. The animals that you love and cherish do not last long enough, and the grief that you have when you lose a precious one, often the wounds are so much you say “I do not want another one” but how about the same one that is available, and if you look and believe it and you trust that it is happening literally within months, they will appear and you will find them under odd circumstances.

Do not look for the same breed, even look for the same animal. Look for the energy, look in the eyes and they will say “I am back, let us continue – how do you do”. Some of the animals that come back, even have the same birth marks, some animals you will recognise because they will have the same quirky habits that you wanted to undo with the last one and never were successful, like here it is again. It is part of a beautiful system of soul remembrance, and a soul that intertwines with that Quantum soul that a Human Being has, Animals have souls but do not then become a bigger animal, or a more enlightened animal, but they are souls. It applies to insects but it is not what you think, it is more like a soul group. Insects are valuable to this planet, if you did not have them you would not be here. Ask a Biologist, it is a soul group.

Does a tree have a soul – yes a group soul called Gaia. A trees roots may be intertwined growing with other roots, so who gets the soul, which tree. Everything that creates the life and is alive on the planet, that would come under the category of nature as part of a soul group, and it responds to human consciousness. Have you seen the experiment where a plant will recognise a Human, in a condition where the Human has perhaps been angry with another plant and killed it and when that Human comes back into the room the plant that is still alive re-acts, you could measure it with life force. Some have an alliance with the plants, in other words their Human Soul in a multi-dimensional way, is connected to the group soul of Gaia, everything they touch with green fingers grows, it is in your Akash and chances are you have done it before. You are in a new energy on this planet it is ripe with paradigm shifts, a paradigm is the way they work. You have grown accustomed with the way certain things work.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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