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Mike Quinsey - February 7, 2025

Mike Quinsey


Rewrite your reality, you are moving from an energy that never supported you. There is a consciousness of health, even the chemistry of your body is starting align, to heal itself better than it ever has before. Your structure is responding to a new energy, you are recalibrating human nature, you are moving from the dark to the Light. The Precession of the Equinox is the wobble of the Earth. There is benevolent physics there is a consciousness of health even the chemistry of your body is starting to align to heal itself, better than it ever has before. Your cellular structure is starting to respond to a new energy, a system that knows who you are and is your friend, and against all odds it works with you. It is not an average system where you hook into it occasionally and get something good. It is not against you where you have to fight it, it knows your name and for first time in human history, sees you moving towards a goal which will eventually unify humanity.

There are wars right now but it is not country against country, you notice that none are but instead there are intra-country wars, there are citizens warring with one another what they want for their governments, and what their countries will become. Many countries with their own population deciding they want something better, it is about improving the lives of the everyday citizen. Political strife is fast track it pushes the envelope of energy and makes things happen, instead of setting their being static for another generation or two and not changing.

Recalibration in Akashic remembrance, how it is going to work in the future. The crystalline grid is starting to remember differently and so is your Akash. It is going to help you understand who you are. The Akash is realigning itself to give you remembrances that are going to help you push into a benevolent energy, using the things and the tools that you need. Some of you old souls are going to start having dreams and start seeing Masters, you are going to levitate, you are going to have colours. You are going to start moving into the positive and you do not have to be reborn into a new lifetime for this to occur, you have crossed the marker and deserve it now.

Gaia is recalibrating for benevolence and we have told you to stop polluting the oceans and the air. The oceans of the planet are more resilient than you have any idea of and geothermal is the way, you have unlimited heat below your feet and all you have to do is find a way to get round the challenge to get it that deep, and you can do it. There is a mini-mini Ice Age coming do not fear it, just understand it is going to get colder. The temperature of the ocean is changing, is cooling, that is part of a life cycle that has to be renewed. It is also part of a clean-up. The planet is fast tracking by cleaning itself up and Gaia is working the issue with you.

You are constantly moving into new areas of space, because you circle the middle of your galaxy. You are moving into another kind of radiation, it is going to affect your Sun, it is part of a shift in the weather. The Radiant Cycle of the Sun will be different, and the radiation is going to move right into your magnetic grid, and it is going to change your DNA and you are going to get another 10% of efficiency – it is your evolution of consciousness.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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