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National elections; divisiveness of duality; global warming; truths, reforms to come rapidly; spacecraft sightings; rescue of Chile's miners; balance; feminine and masculine energy make-up, effects; karma; two types of density-soul status and form; Nirvana-composition, residents
1. This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. We begin by answering questions that may not seem to be directly related to your ascension and Earth’s; however, everything happening in your world is inextricably connected during this universally unique time. And, as promised in our last message, we also shall respond to “leftover” questions about ascension. 2. Now then, in recent months several national elections have taken place, and while those within each country may appear to have greatest relevance to its citizens, the larger picture is that the outcome extends far beyond that country’s borders. In a third density world, governing bodies are a hot bed of duality that energetically affects everyone everywhere. 3. An essential aspect of any civilization’s progress out of third density is experiencing duality; realizing that its divisiveness prevents living peacefully; and ultimately reconciling differences harmoniously within communities, countries and internationally. By so doing, the peoples advance in soul growth sufficiently to enter fourth density. The intensifying light has been bringing about this realization — conscious-raising and spiritual renewal — and it will continue to do so until the last vestiges of duality end in global reconciliation. 4. Speaking further about elections, it is natural that proponents of the winning candidates are elated and all who favored their opponents are dismayed — a prime example of how duality divides people in mind and heart. Because there is no consensus among political parties as to what will most benefit the citizenry — or themselves — rancorous arguing precludes cooperative action and prevents sound resolution to your world’s serious problems. 5. That divisiveness must evolve into reconciliation, and as the light increases in intensity on the planet, it shall. Officeholders worldwide, from village level to national, will continue to influence the course of their respective domains only if they serve wisely with spiritual and moral integrity. Those who are motivated by ego, power or greed — and often knowingly are abetting the Illuminati — will not last long because they are bereft of light. 6. That separation of the wheat from the chaff will come about during Earth’s steady progress out of third density. Leaders who remain in position and their adherents will want to and shall bring about changes to benefit all peoples throughout your world. All wars and conflicts and cruelty will cease, unjust laws will be struck down as will all unfair policies and other negative activities, and freedom will come to those who are in bondage. 7. Let us give you another prime example of duality, the controversial issue you call global warming. Those who believe this is a natural occurrence cite Earth’s ice ages as proof that humankind has no hand in today’s record temperatures, the melting of glaciers and the harsh climate anomalies. They believe that there is no need to change manufacturing operations or turn to alternative energy sources because doing so would be cost-prohibitive. Then there are those who believe that science proves climate change is manmade. They point to industrial pollution and the use of biofuels as the cause, and they maintain that unless action is taken to end those practices, the cost will be total destruction of the environment. With the two sides at loggerheads, no large scale efforts are underway to change business as usual. 8. The truth is, both sides have validity even though neither knows that Earth herself is in the process of restoring the moderate climate of Eden times, when her body was pristine and healthy. And pollution, a product of humanity, must stop because it is harming the planet and all of its life forms. Eventually the two sides of the global warming issue will realize that protecting and repairing the environment is essential, and formerly extreme views will be reconciled into effective methods to remedy the present critical state. 9. Earth’s swift pace toward the window of entry into fourth density means that the end of duality will be coming quite rapidly. The fierce tenacity of the dark ones has kept under wraps the truths that must become known, and the lack of public awareness about these truths has prevented major changes of reform nature. Therefore, instead of happening in spaced increments that could be more easily experienced by all the peoples, profound truths and resultant changes will be coming forth like pieces in a kaleidoscope that tumble all over each other to form a new design. 10. You knew this was one of the potential scenarios when you eagerly asked to play a part in this unprecedented time on the planet. You knew that your cumulative lifetimes well prepared you to fearlessly weather the turbulence. The universal high council that designed the Golden Age master plan knew that too — that is why you were chosen and many others with lesser experience who also wanted to participate were not selected. The energy of your calm steadfastness in the light will touch those around you and the ripple effect will circle the globe, so welcome the challenges ahead as the darkness is totally uprooted and Earth continues spot on target to take you into fourth density. 11. The decloaking of a spacecraft in the skies above New York City a few weeks ago is but one of numerous similar events that have been occurring in different areas at various times around your world. While a mother ship or a vast fleet of ships could have appeared during a more recent event in Washington, DC, doing so would not have been prudent. Rather than offering proof that civilizations are nearby to assist you, such a display would have played into the hands of the dark ones, whose entertainment venues have indoctrinated the public to react with fear to any alien presence. Although a growing number of the populace believe that other intelligent beings are “out there,” comparatively few know that only those who are spiritually evolved are close by because the light is far too intense now for any darkly-inclined civilization to approach your part of the galaxy. 12. However, sightings will keep increasing in frequency and in more locations until our universal family is officially recognized. Because that recognition will bring to an end all Illuminati activities — yes, including chemtrails, genetically modified foods, proposed actions that are against your well being, and even nuisance insect infestations — they will continue to do everything possible to prevent such an announcement. So it is reasonable to anticipate more silly explanations about sightings; stepped-up “entertainment” about sinister civilizations; and possibly as last resort, an attempt to fabricate an invading force by one means or another. Be assured that if such an attempt is undertaken, it would be quashed before it could achieve its goal of creating mass fear and a reason to impose military control. 13. Even if our space family did use their technologies to prevent manmade storms and earthquakes, Mother Nature would generate these events as long as they are needed to release negativity. Please remember that those advanced technologies permit the fullness of negativity release even as they reduce the dark ones’ intended high death toll and massive destruction. 14. The significance of rescuing Chile’s trapped miners extends beyond the courage, endurance, perseverance and cooperation that gave rise to deep emotional investment throughout your world during that suspenseful time prior to the triumphant outcome and the exultation that followed. By raising the bar for Earth humankind in those respects, the rescue stunningly shows the effects of the higher vibrations Earth has reached in her ascension pathway. The collective efforts and emotional reactions from the moment of the mine’s collapse until the last man reached the surface could not have occurred a few years ago, before the feminine, or goddess, energies started coming in to balance the masculine energies that for long ages dominated life on your planet. 15. We shall say more about those energies, but let us digress a moment to speak about balance, which is essential to soul evolvement. You need to understand that balance is not a permanent condition once attained — the universe is in constant balancing motion and so is every soul. Let us say that you are enjoying an interesting book during a rare time of solitude and leisure, and a solicitor calls. You feel annoyed about this interruption and for the next few minutes you juggle thoughts and feelings about that intrusion along with trying to resume your concentration on the book and happy feelings about your leisure time. 16. Of course that is a miniscule balancing act, but it serves to show that even without your being consciously aware, always you are in one or another kind of emotional balancing motion. The more serious your encounters with unpleasant situations or relationships, the more difficult it is to bring your system out of turmoil and back into the balance that is the foundation of your well being in body, mind and heart. 17. And now, back to the energies that need to be balanced for that reason as well as for soul evolvement. The dark ones who instigated and perpetuated widespread suffering throughout millennia are totally masculine in energy make-up-strong, unyielding, ruthless, conflictive, combative, determined to succeed, control others and dominate all situations. Feminine energy is equally powerful in other ways — nurturing, compassionate, gentle, sensitive, cooperative, communicative, artistic in what you call “the fine arts,” and at one with Nature. 18. These two categories of universal energy have nothing whatsoever to do with gender or sexual orientation — masculine energy may be dominant in a woman and feminine energy in a man. Achieving androgyny, the perfect balance of the two energies, is the goal of every soul throughout its journey back to Source, and pre-birth selections for each physical lifetime are made with that goal in mind. 19. It is easier to make those selections during a lifetime in spirit than it is to activate them once incarnate in a third density world with all the external influences that can muffle or completely drown out messages from your soul to your consciousness, messages intended to guide your free will decisions in line with your soul contract. That is why often physical lifetime choices differ greatly from the contract. Once back in a spirit world, the soul reviews its past life, realizes that once again it veered from its contract and chooses the same learning experiences during the next embodiment. That can go on for hundreds or more physical lifetimes in a third density world before balance is achieved and the soul can move on to fourth density. 20. Another way to think of this repetitive process in soul evolution is karma, which often is misperceived. Karma is not a reward or a punishment, it is not something decided by a “divine judge” or your peers in a spirit world or any other external source. Nor is it either positive or negative; like energy, karma is neutral — both get their direction from thoughts, feelings and actions, and those collectively determine subsequent experiences. What karma is then, is boundless opportunities to experience both sides of the coin, so to speak, and to strengthen areas that are weak in positive aspects regarding behavior choices. In all cases, the ultimate objective is to obtain the balanced experiencing that will complete all the learning offered in a third density world. 21. For the ages that Earth has been in that density, it has been an ideal place for providing the elements and circumstances of duality that souls need to experience and master so they can evolve. However, by no means is Earth the only third density world in form and whose human residents are mainly at third density spiritual and intellectual attainment level. Many, many other worlds meet those criteria, and some of you have returned from them specifically because this unique time in the universe offers exceptional grace to all of Earth’s residents. 22. Individuals are being helped to swiftly complete their karmic choices via the light that is pouring in from myriad sources to assist in consciousness-raising and spiritual clarity. All who absorb the light will advance in those ways, and depending upon their soul contract longevity choice, will either accompany the planet into the Golden Age or continue soul evolvement in Nirvana or another spirit world. Those who do not absorb the light will have other chances to do so in the cycle of lifetimes in a spirit world, then in a physical world, and all of those worlds will be appropriate for the peoples’ personal needs for spiritual growth. 23. Do families stay together during and after ascension? Because of the variables involved, the answer can only be “maybe.” Considerations include the longevity clause in each family member’s contract; soul level choices to exit rather than accept the truth about religious dogmas; a person from an advanced civilization who has completed a specific mission and returns to his or her homeland; and the strength of love bonds, not only legal or blood relationships. 24. After Earth reaches fourth density, will Nirvana remain in fourth or will it rise into fifth, etc. and always be one density higher than Earth? This begs a concise explanation, “connecting the dots” you could say, about the two types of density, and our response will answer many of the issues you have asked to be addressed in these messages. 25. Density indicates the level of a soul’s spiritual attainment status and also the energy level, or vibratory rate, of everything that has form, body, substance. For your understanding, we speak of the varying levels numerically, with higher numbers denoting advancement. Bodies are only the containment forms, if you will, that the souls manifest to best suit their purposes for the chosen incarnation experiences. Both uses of the word density are applicable to all souls and their forms, and the numbers may differ depending upon the degree of light within the souls and the density of their bodies. 26. For instance, at some point in deep antiquity the soul you call Earth chose to reside in a planetary body, and she and God co-created that in fifth density. Her soul remained there throughout the countless ages that her body spiraled down in density due to the negativity produced by the actions of her successive civilizations. Although most of the peoples living during the millennia Earth was mired in deep third density were also third density beings spiritually and intellectually, some among them were at lower densities and a handful at higher. 27. During the past half century and more, the planet has been rising out of deep third density by releasing negativity and absorbing light, and during this process, its vibratory has become higher. As the planet has been ascending, it is absorbing the light that will enable it to survive in those higher frequencies. 28. Earth’s current population ranges from seventh density in soul evolvement to second and first, those among you whose dark deeds have caused them to devolve. And although all bodies appear to be identical in form density, bodies of individuals who are higher than third density spiritually contain more light and the bodies of those lower than third density spiritually contain less. However, auras distinctly show the abundance or lack of light in people, and those who can see auras can clearly discern who is who in that respect. 29. Now then, Nirvana. Although you consider your spirit realm to be a discarnate world with discarnate residents — a nonphysical place where souls live without bodies — Nirvana does have form and all of its residents do have bodies. Everything throughout this universe is energy fluctuating at one frequency, or vibratory rate, or another, and forms in lower densities appear more solid than those in the higher densities. That is why Nirvana residents can see your third density bodies but you cannot see their fourth density bodies. 30. And, the spiritual attainment level of Nirvana’s population is in accordance with the levels of Earth’s residents. As the spirit world serving Earth, it is her residents’ first stop after physical death regardless of their “good,” “mediocre,” or “bad” lives. The energy of each person’s thoughts, motives, and deeds is registered in the Akashic records instant by instant throughout the lifetime, and the composite energy automatically draws each person to the part of Nirvana that corresponds with their lifetime energy registration. 31. Nirvana is a meandering, flexible, multilayered placement that can accommodate all of Earth’s residents from second to seventh density soul evolvement status. The souls in first density go to the only part of Nirvana that is separate, a tiny orb whose form is as dense as its inhabitants are spiritually — their aligned energies are the densest in your solar system’s area in the galaxy. Light is constantly beamed to those souls, and if they accept it, they move from that tiny orb to Nirvana’s lowest layer. Light also is continuously beamed to souls in the lower layers — levels of varying energy registration — and when they accept the light, they move into the next higher layer where they are offered advanced learning appropriate for their needs. 32. Most of Nirvana’s typical residents are third density spiritually. After preparing to overcome self-acknowledged shortcomings in the past physical lifetime, they make soul contract selections to put their remedial learning into practice in another lifetime on Earth or a different third density world. The spiritually advanced either quickly move on to their next destination choice or they stay remarkably long to serve in the council or as master teachers or healers. 33. Light permeates the higher layers of Nirvana, and because of their exceptional beauty and diversity, they are vacation spots for people from fourth and higher densities spiritually and in form. Those layers also serve as a refuge for people from distant civilizations who have had a series of very difficult experiences and know Nirvana’s reputation for custom-healing of traumatized psyches. 34. Now then, to end our message we return to third density worlds to mention another evolutionary service they offer: All have subsistence worlds within them where first and second density souls start their way back up the ladder. For instance, Earth has slugs, roaches, flies, worms, minute marine life and other forms with consciousness at survival instinct level. This is not punishment for the souls’ human lifetimes of evil-doing — it is divine grace that eliminates all cellular memories so that subsequent incarnations start with a clean slate and a place in the balance of Nature. Whatever its station, every soul is a part of the pure love-light essence of Creator Source and is provided with exactly what it needs in every stage of soul evolution. 35. All lighted souls have been with you throughout your life’s journey and so it shall be forevermore. _________________________ LOVE and PEACE Suzanne Ward ![]() ![]() Our reply: "Hi Leona, thanks for your comment. We agree that it would be nice to hear what exactly is the situation with Obama now. Not only how he feels about all this unfair criticism, but also what is going on in the disclosure department. Does he know the truth about ET's, or is he still ignorant about this? We can't imagine that he hasn't been contacted by members of the GF, because they did this in the past with other presidents (but were turned down), and this would seem like a perfect opportunity to try again. So, if they contacted him, what happened? Did he see them as a threat maybe, because people that he trusts (but who are really illuminati), Hillary Clinton for instance, told him so? Is this why SaLuSa said last June, "I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and cannot help feeling both astonished and sad that after offering our hand in friendship, it has been rejected"? Obama has given no signs openly that he knows what's going on with the GF, ascension, the illuminati etc. While a man of his intelligence should be able to figure out that disclosure about these things could mean the end of all his problems and all the world's problems too, and make him the greatest president that ever lived. Matthew says we should keep faith in Obama because he's the man to lead us into the new era, and we surely still support him, but one can't help but wonder what is taking him so long. Well, we know that the GF monitor our internet constantly so maybe they read this too, and hopefully in one of their next messages they can shed some more light on this. Much love and light to you, Leona - Kees, GalacticChannelings.com." (11-06-'10) ![]() ![]() please let us know and we'll add you to our mailing list. |
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"Hello.. The elections that happened really has left me feeling very bad for our President Obama.. I feel like the people of the United States that voted for him totally betrayed him.. I would have loved for Matthew to touch on Obama and let us know he is definately still doing his work behind the scenes for us as per his contract.. So many people have little faith in him and it would of been nice if Matthew can give us a mention about our beloved Obama.. It just makes me sick to hear all the bad things people are saying and all the bashing....
I look so forward to Matthews Messages and would like to know how Obama is feeling thru all of this stuff..
Thank You and Regards, Leona" (11-06-'10)