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![]() Hiya. Me here. Felt like tuning in. Anything to offer us oh so powerful mortals? We have our Love and our wisdom. We shall always have our Love to give to you. There is not a circumstance that would change this. We are of it . You are of it . So how could we not? We accept as we understand of your ways more and more, that there are difficulties in your understanding of this at times. There are times we have grown to know of when your souls feel so very alone. This indeed is an unknown quantity for us. We, who WE are ... which is also who YOU are, each one of you ... do not KNOW of this FEELING. We KNOW that we are at ONE with each other. At ONE with ALL things. Therefore, how can there be such a feeling with inside of you? Unless it is that you have not fully understood that YOU are part of the whole. Part of EVERYTHING! Well, I for one, am aware that we are a part of it all. As ONE. I KNOW this . I ACCEPT this, and yet, in all honesty, I still feel alone a lot of the time. I am blessed to have a beautifully supportive family and friendships all around me , yet the aloneness can feel so very strong at times. I do connect up and FEEL in a peaceful space when I meditate, but whilst getting on with everyday 'stuff' , there is still a yearning within my soul. I think about BEING LOVE . I KNOW that is the answer to how we get through these poignant times, I wonder if you can give us some 'tips' on how to 'BE it' ALL THE TIME ... IN THAT ONENESS . And yet do you not see? YOU ARE IN IT ... ALL THE TIME. You cannot NOT be IN IT. For you are OF IT. So, how do we get to recognize that in a fuller capacity? Other than meditating all day long which is simply not practical. By accepting, by KNOWING. I accept it and I KNOW it , yet I'm not in that place of full LOVE and peace all the time. Nowhere near. How do we take it to the next step? How do we get to BE in that place ? By BEING your True Self. Let us ask you something. This is not new to you , to any of you. How far have you progressed within your manner? Your disposition? Your understanding? Your acceptance? Your loyalty to self? How far have you expanded with in your thoughts as to possibilities that once were far removed from a reality you could live in? Think about this dear ones. Look at how far ... in such an apparent short space of your time ... you have merged and blended with Higher energies , and through this your undeniable transition is/has taking/taken place without you really noticing it. Well, can't say I haven't noticed it exactly! But yes, when you put it like that , we all have traveled far within ourselves. And as your days 'spice up' you will continue to do the same, yet at a quicker rate than present. Therefore, your understanding of ALL things shall deepen and this deeper LOVE that it is your intention to BE , will be allowed to express itself through you. It is already you, OF you , IN you. KNOW also, something to take heed of, WE ... where WE are ... is of a totally different vibration from that of the Earth plane. Therefore, to BE this Love ... is all there is. If you were able to visit us in our surroundings you would Be of it also, with no thought of having to TRY to BE it. For you would just BE it. The energy frequency is OF IT. Aren't you going to invite me for a sleep over then? It would be rude not to? We smile at your words. For indeed a 'sleep over' is far more accurate than you may realize. As many of you KNOW , when you sleep , you leave the density of the Earth vibration and your soul freely becomes that which you say you are yearning to become. Pass the bottle of sleeping pills if you would? I am just jesting with you. I KNOW we are here to fulfill our destiny. Well, actually the destiny of the human race! And when put like that , it sounds rather grand and important. And it is!! And you are all doing it so well. The fact of the matter is that it is NOW when ALL IS COMING TO LIGHT that you are able to comprehend WHY you are here. This is the importance of your knowledge being brought to the forefront of 'who you are'. THIS is the time NOW when you are recognizing the part you have come here to play. YOU KNOW OF IT! YOU CAN FEEL IT! This uprising within your BEing. This stirring within your soul, is simply yourself, your Truth, telling you of this time. This time that you have been waiting for, for so long. It is here. You are recognizing this fact , and yet you are allowing your souls to be filled with confusion. IF you listen to your BEing, IF you learn to understand what your soul is telling you loudly and clearly, then you are able to journey forth with full understanding of what you came here to accomplish. The thing is, I KNOW what you are saying, and in many things these days I am able to know instinctively that which resonates with me and that which doesn't. My question , if I may, is ... obviously things that the 'lower energies' of this planet have up their sleeve to deceive us, do not resonate with those of us living in the Light, yet we cannot say they are an untruth, because it is quite clear that certain projects are underway in order for these lower energies to try and remain in control. So, do you see what I am asking? It is a Truth, even though it does not resonate with where my Being is at, so although we know to focus only on Light, what those 'pranksters' are up to cannot be ignored. And with the technology they have , should they decide to deceive us by showing us things in the sky that are not from you , but look like they are ... will our hearts, our souls ... be able to KNOW that we are being deceived? We would say this to all of you who have this concern. The technological implements that exist upon your earth plane at this time whether used for good or harm, cannot be compared to the technology that exists 'off' your planet Earth. It would be like comparing toys with the real thing. With all respect, do you think we are unaware of these plans that those who have lost their way are working upon? Dearest lady, we do not underestimate your intelligence by any means, and yet may we stress to the maximum of our capability that there are matters taking place which are far beyond the understanding of the majority of those that are even 'in the know' upon your plane. Yes, I can accept this. And quite honestly, happy not to be involved. I have a hard enough time as it is trying to understand all that is being brought to my attention. Yet, I do have to ask , if your technology is such as you say, and I am not doubting you/it, could you just, one more time, explain to me then, why it was not possible for you to stop the action that would have taken place if you were to have decloaked one of your motherships on Oct14th2008? What could the lower energies of this planet have that you were unable to detect and put a stop to. Life! Meaning? The most precious thing of all upon your planet is LIfe itself. The most precious thing everywhere is Life itself. This, we would not bargain with or compromise in anyway. As we have said before, if we were to have shown in the way promised and arranged, life on the largest scale imaginable, would have been taken from your planet and this we could not risk. But if you have technology far beyond that of Earths, how would there have been a risk? That's the bit I don't get. Because although we have technology far beyond that of your earth plane, this does not mean that we are able to intervene in all/any given matter. For there is freedom of choice. It was decided that it was best to abort the mission at that time rather than the far reaching consequences should we have gone ahead. Ok, but if it is not for you to intervene in that way, how will that be any different should 'false shows' appear in the skies? Because that would not involve the great loss of human life that would have happened around the Oct event that we asked you to announce. May we put many of your minds and hearts at ease? Yes, please , because it can, as you know, all get a little to much for us earthlings at times! All is going extremely well and according to plan. Do you think that when the 'Ascension' plan was put into place that we were maybe unaware of the challenges that surrounded it? Do you think we would have overlooked perhaps the fact that there would be the 'lower energies to contend with? Do you think, seriously dear ones, for one moment that this particular aspect may have slipped our attention? When you say it like that ... of course not! Which should then give you more peace of mind should it not? We are aware of this so called 'power' that thinks it controls your Earth. Yet it is an illusion. If you allow your minds to make it a reality then there is little we can do. Yet ... YOU KNOW that ... YOU ARE ... THE POWER. YOU ARE THE GREATEST POWER. ONCE ENOUGH OF YOU KNOW THIS ... THEN THERE IS ONLY THE NEW DAWN TO ARISE. ALL else that is not OF LIGHT shall fall away. THIS TIME THAT IS NOW UPON YOU HAS BEEN PROHESIED. IT IS TO BE. Do you think we would have missed a few very important subject matters out because we were not concentrating? Awaken dearest souls to what you KNOW in your hearts to be Truth. YOU ARE LIGHT. KNOW IT. YOU ARE TAKING YOURSELVES AND YOUR PLANET INTO A BRIGHTER LIGHT. A KINGDOM OF LOVE WHERE ALL THAT WAS ONCE IN YOUR THOUGHTS JUST A FAIRYTALE ... SHALL BE YOUR EVERYDAY DREAM. For your dreams of today are your futures beginning. You of Earth that are creating the NEW WORLD that you are to BE OF. If the big bosses did not think you were capable , let us state categorically , you would not be the ones down upon your Earth plane creating it. KNOW that as fact. KNOW that as TRUTH. So with all Love may we say to you ... step up your game in the knowingness of who you are! If you do not fully KNOW it , then how can you fully Be it? Before we take our leave this day , we wish to offer you our encouragement , our honour, our joy , our respect and most of all our Love. IN ALL ... FOR ALL ... that YOU ARE and DO. As always I speak for many when I say 'ditto' back at ya! Thank you SO much for the part YOU play. We are most appreciative. In Love and thanks!
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