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![]() Good morning to you. Once again, I leave the topic for this chat in your capable hands. Greetings to you Blossom. Joy and Blessings are offered to Each One who finds their way to these conversations. There is much Celebration taking place in Higher Realms. There is much concern taking place in lower realms, for it is known what is to come and how their fate is to play out. And how is that? Blossom … it is quite a controversial topic. For is it not that every living thing is derived from the ONE ENERGY THAT IS LOVE? Yes. For that is all there is, and yet, obviously many things have been ‘created’ from that lower end. So, is their fate something that many would feel the lower energy deserves? There is no escape from the Self. Is it not when one that you would call ‘normal’ … one that walks through life doing that which they know to be good … doing the best they can … Is it not that when a ‘slipup’ occurs, the pain involved within, due to the misalignment of one’s Truth, can cause havoc with the Soul-Self? One would become completely out of sorts until the guilt had been released … until one had corrected and rectified that misdoing. Then take that … onto/into … a scale beyond imaginings of … ill doing/wrong doing. Going against everything that lies within Truth. Imagine … serving a darkness, when one’s creation is of Purest Light. Imagine the utter turmoil within. The pain in the Soul-Self when Judgement Day arrives. One moment, Judgement Day? That of which we speak is not as you have been led to believe in your ‘story books’. FOR THE ONLY ONE TO JUDGE ONE’S LIFE … IS THE SELF. THE ONLY ONE TO JUDGE ONE’S BEHAVIOUR … CONCERNING EVERY THOUGHT ONE HAS EVER HAD … IS THE SELF. Imagine then, the darkness of the Soul … the pain beyond pain that one who has fallen into darker ways will have to endure. To feel every thought and action they have put upon another. That is ‘punishment’ enough, if one is in the thought pattern that the dark ones must ‘pay’ for their crimes. The lower controllers of your Planet are running scared, would we say. For it is written … THE LIGHT HAS WON. THE LIGHT IS IN CONTROL OF THE COMING PLANS THAT ARE FALLING INTO PLACE. It may seem to many, as these plans unfold, that everything ‘appears’ to be getting more insane and that all around makes no sense. All that ‘appears’ to be … is most likely to be the opposite of that which is actually taking place behind the scenes. Apart from a massive Sign in the skies, of course. Let’s not be forgetting that! Many have sent in amazing Rainbows or Cloud Formations, yet, I don’t feel these are what you are speaking of? Many moons ago, we spoke to you of Rainbows of incredible forms appearing in your skies … more and more of them would appear and they are. These are signs. Yet, not THE SIGN we mentioned recently. YOU WILL KNOW WHEN IT PRESENTS … There will be no question of it. Some feel it may be a hologram from the darker side and that we may be fooled. How would we know the difference? For there is a great deal that is not real and yet, can appear to be so. YOU WILL KNOW BY THE FEELING. THE FEELING THE SIGN CARRIES WITHIN IT. THE FEELING OF LOVE THAT FILLS YOUR BEING. THIS IS HOW YOU WILL KNOW. Mm! I hope so. In that, I have seen on videos, things that I thought to be a wow factor and they turned out to be fake. I am not sure how up-to-date my BS radar is. We repeat …YOU WILL KNOW. And after the Sign, what happens then? You have said lockdown … I have said … that seems to be over with. Wait and see, Blossom Goodchild! Wait and see Not a lot else one can do. However, the Energies do feel to be continually amping up, regardless. Within the Self, one can feel that to be Truth, at least. And they shall continue to do so. It is time, Blossom. With respect, in your realms or in ours? For in yours, your clocks seem to tick extremely slowly. WHEN WE SAY THIS … WE MEAN THIS. THE TIME IS NOW. MUCH IS HAPPENING NOW. This we understand. I guess most of us are wondering when the ‘time’ will be, when that which is taking place behind the scenes can be presented on the world stage? We would answer … THE TIME IS COMING FOR THAT. WHEN EVERYTHING IS FULLY PREPARED AND IN KNOWING THAT THERE CAN BE NO ‘DISGUISE’ AT PLAY … WHEN EVERYONE IS SAFELY IN THEIR HOME … WHEN EVERYONE FEELS ALMOST AS IF THE WORLD HAS STOPPED TURNING … WHEN EVERYONE IS READY … THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH … THE GREATEST MOVIE EVER … SHALL BE OPENED UNTO YOU AND NEVER AGAIN WILL ONE BE WAITING FOR SOMETHING TO HAPPEN … FOR THE BALL TO GET ROLLING. You said, that the death of the Monarch will start that ball rolling. This is so. You said, hold onto your hats. This we mean. Breathe into our words and take a ‘Feeling assessment’. Ok. How do you feel? I feel we are indeed getting closer to the great reveal. Those of us who awoke long ago, or even recently, seem to KNOW that patience is a virtue. And as one patiently awaits their calling … the LOVE, the STRENGTH and the COURAGE WITHIN builds to Greater Heights. A while back you said we are ready. Many feel they have been ready all their lives. One is ready! And yet, we do not know for what … and yet, we do. This is correct. This waiting … this apprehension within … this patience, is all part of your KNOWING and yet, you do not know you know it. When it is time … your *Envelopes shall be opened to Each One. Yet, in these present days, one wonders what it is they may be able to offer to the ‘state of play’ that is to occur. WE TELL YOU THIS … YOU WARRIORS OF LIGHT HAVE BEEN SENT TO YOUR PLANET TO COMPLETE A MISSION. Part of this mission involves you being unable to KNOW the roles that you are assigned to play in a literal form. Yet, of course, one knows in a general form that FOR NOW … GROWING INTO WHO YOU TRULY ARE … means you are most definitely on track. YOU CAN FEEL THE CHANGE WITHIN YOU. YOU WILL FEEL IT MORE AND MORE AS THE INCOMING ENERGIES BLEND WITH THE LIGHTNESS OF YOURSELF. With that LIGHTNESS … comes more understanding. As more understanding awakens another aspect of your Self, and then another, and then another … more and more of THIS GAME will make sense to you … and you shall become more confident in your waiting … in the KNOWING that YOU TRULY ARE READY for whatever it is you came here to complete. YOU CAME TO CHANGE YOUR WORLD. YOU! HOW BRIGHT YOUR TRUE LIGHT MUST BE IN ORDER TO BE CHOSEN TO BE ON YOUR PLANET NOW AT THIS VERY AUSPICIOUS TIME. DO NOT DOUBT, DEAREST ONES. KNOW DEEP WITHIN … THAT ALL IS WELL HOLD ON TO THAT WHICH YOU FEEL DEEP INSIDE. When you connect with others that behave, think, and feel just like you … is there not a knowing that YOU KNOW? A KNOWING that you are not crazy after all? Even though the discussion with one another may question one’s sanity for knowing the TRUTH of much which is taking place behind the scenes? Oh, Yes Siree, Bobbity Boo Boos! If there weren’t so many of our Tribe who feel this way, one would have to indeed, question the reality of what we have discovered! I mean WHO KNEW! I was brought up (begrudgingly) in a convent. If you are good, you go to heaven … If you are bad, you go to hell. Amen! End of story! Simple as that! HOLY MOLY! That which I have discovered to be playing out in this world, couldn’t be any more mind-blowing if it tried. Yet, I have a feeling, that probably it could! And that feeling is correct, Blossom. This is why we ask that you hold on tightly to your hats. For that which you think you know, regarding what is taking place behind the scenes, goes down a much deeper rabbit hole than you think. THIS IS WHY YOU ARE BUILDING IN YOUR STRENGTH AND YOUR LIGHT. THIS IS WHY YOU ARE READY FOR THE REVEALING OF THAT WHICH SHALL TAKE THE GROUND FROM UNDER YOU. Not literally, I Trust! No. Not literally, Blossom. Yet, Each Soul on the Planet shall be shaken to the very core. Yet, when recovered from the outpouring of Truth … when putting on one’s armour and joining FORCES … YOU WILL … WITHOUT QUESTION … KNOW … WHY YOU CAME! Ok. A quick interlude. I did this channeling on Thursday. On Saturday I received some photos and wanted to talk to The FOL about it. It’s similar to what was said above, yet, I didn’t realize that, as I was getting the information through and clearly, nor did they! Me again. I am hoping to put some pictures below of some amazing ‘Angel cloud wings’ that appeared in Russia. I received them on ‘Telegram’, yet, cannot find any info about them on the internet. I don’t feel they are the Sign, yet, could you comment on them, please? A Shining Good Morning to you, Blossom. We are happy that you chose to follow through with this added piece of information. Let us be clear this is not the Sign that we speak of. That is to come. Yet, it is from Realms of Higher Vibrational Frequencies and would we say, it is ‘Artists at play.’ Clouds are so easy to manipulate into shape, from our regard. A long while ago we spoke to you of ‘things’ appearing in the sky that would give you Hope and would be the lead up to something bigger to come. This is the kind of portrayal we were referring to. There are to be many more ‘build ups’ to the one Bigger Sign. These will come in the form of Rainbows, Cloud Ships … Formational Clouds, and such like. As we have always said ‘Eyes to the skies’, Dearest Ones. Anything else you want to say about it? There is nothing more needed to be said, dearest Blossom. Do these WINGS OF GLORY not speak for themselves? Indeed. I guess I was just looking for confirmation that they were for real. And this you achieved. Tickety Boo! It is all very intriguing. I mean, really fascinating stuff, chaps. Many thanks. I AM the Love. I AM the Light. I AM the Truth. I AM. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM. *Envelopes. On the menu, go to FOL/Topics of Interest. A-Z. Look up ‘Envelopes’.
I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM! DONATIONS are always a beautiful Blessing. Many thanks! Website: Blossom Goodchild ![]()
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