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Once again, here we are. Although things are appearing to be worse, I am actually feeling more hopeful. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and at the end of the day, my heart tells me that although there are still many bumpy bits to come, the road we are walking, indeed, is taking us into a far, far better place. Good morning! Welcome to you, Blossom. Welcome to Each One. Indeed, a positive beginning, that of course shall lead to a positive outcome. Makes a change! I have, like many been so confused in my thinking and indeed my Truths. However, the KNOWING that all will be well is becoming stronger for me and we just have to batten down the hatches and get on with it and get through it, shining our Light as Brightly as we are able to do, at any one given moment. We are wondering if you need us at all today, Blossom? Funny! Yet, best we clarify that we don’t ‘need you’ … in the nicest possible way. To need is a feeling of lack in some way. Yet, we do so appreciate all that you have to offer from your level of KNOWING. It gives HOPE to so many. Although we jest with you … let us look at how far one has travelled. How much deeper the KNOWING OF SELF has entered in, throughout all that has been taken place to confuse and disrupt yet, at the same time … bring Strength and Truth into a world that has been riddled with lies for eons of time. Yes, things that have been brought to my attention regarding Truth or lies, have taken my understanding of corruption to a whole new level. Some things sit well, others don’t. Dearest souls, within this ‘receiving’ time, we suggest that you allow matters to filter through you … not reside within you. Receiving time? Indeed. For not only are many receiving information that is new to them, KNOW that one is also receiving and accepting gifts of great renewal within their individual systems. You are putting a question mark in your mind, Blossom. By this, we mean that although you may feel downcast and confused and all manner of disturbances within the self, due to all that is taking place … we ask that you take on board the knowledge that you are being upgraded … as a Human Being. THE GREATEST CHANGES ARE TAKING PLACE BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES. We are not saying that the worst is over … not by a long shot. Yet, we ARE saying that YOUR TRUST … IN YOUR TRUTH … SHALL EXPAND EXPONENTIALLY … the more you feel deep within your Being, of this TRUTH. The Truth I am beginning to understand is not that of ‘any particular matter’, yet, the silence within me! That feeling of … Me/Divinity/Nothingness … allows me to feel stronger than ever before and it seems that no matter what comes to my attention … by returning to this ‘place’ within me … I KNOW I AM DOING EVERYTHING I CAN by doing nothing other than returning to that KNOWING. We are smiling greatly from a place of pleasurable Energetics. What, at me? Look at me go! Perhaps I’ve had a walk-in! No, Blossom, you have simply walked further down the road! As Each and Every One are doing. Yes, there is still a long way to go. Yet, by transferring thoughts over to the positive, within all that is going on, the Vibratory Frequency of each thought allows the NEW WORLD to draw ever closer. THERE IS SO MUCH THAT IS TO COME THAT IS TO BE OF THE MOST JOYOUS JUBILATION. We understand the predicament of many upon your Planet. We understand that there is much that is taking place that is to be of a reveal that will take your Planet into turmoil, in one way or another. We are not denying this that is to come. Yet, we ask that you diligently focus on the ‘OUTCOME’. Keep your thoughts Jubilant regarding matters that shall lead you into a BRIGHTER, LIGHTER UNION. We have, for so long, spoken of days of wonder … and we categorically state that you are moving into these times. So, when everything around you is looking more chaotic than you can imagine, not only shall you feel strong enough to walk your talk … you will discover a ‘you’ that you would very much like to Be, yet, felt those ‘positions’ were only for the ‘very … I feel you want to say ‘saintly’ … is that right? It seems an odd word. Is this not because of what has been revealed to you regarding ‘certain saints’ not being anything like they have been portrayed? Probably. Not that I went along with sainthood anyway, to be honest. Shall we just put it down to a figure of speech then? As was originally intended, Blossom. Please … Continue forth … The ‘You’ that you shall discover as you recognize more and more of yourself will bring you into a different feeling of yourself. A Joy, a Feeling of content … because of YOUR KNOWING OF SELF. We are very much aware how we ‘harp on’ as one would say, regarding this matter … yet, it is of such importance. TO KNOW YOURSELF IS THE GAME CHANGER. For within that KNOWING lies all that is necessary. It is as if a ‘filing cabinet’ has been unlocked within you and every file has been read and understood … and yet, at the same time … the pages are blank! Eh? Elaborate to those of us that desire you to, please? (Even though, on some wordless level I know what you mean!) Blossom … THAT WHICH YOU ARE … IS ALL THAT YOU ARE. Within the ‘human mind,’ there is a need to KNOW everything and yet, within the soul-self there is not the need because everything is KNOWN. Even though we don’t know it!? Even though you ‘think’ you don’t know it. So, if we are ready to accept that this is so, how do we find out? How do we know that we know everything? By allowing the KNOWING to tell you that there is nothing to KNOW! Because we already know it? Because Everything is KNOWN by Everyone/Everything … because Everyone /Everything IS EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. Ridiculously enough, I am following you. Shall we get back to the more practical assignments? Assignments? What made me say that? We did! The Plan right now, for each of you who read these words and also, for those who are informed through other means … is … TO BE YOUR LIGHT. THAT IS IT. When you consider this, Blossom and what it actually represents … can you say there is anything more profound that you could do … even on a practical level? For, Dearest souls, do you see? Being your Light covers All and Everything in ways of wanting to assist. In ways of fulfilling your purpose down here at this time. In doing so … everything you say, everything you choose to do … will be coming from the HIGHEST PLACE OF WHO YOU ARE. THERE IS NO FINER PLACE TO BE. No more superior place that you can resonate from. And when you are resonating from this Higher KNOWING place of yourself … there is nothing other than the Greatest Good that will come from every thought, every action, every word, that is uttered. WHEN YOU LIVE IN YOUR TRUTH … and we mean that as literally as possible, in a sense … when your TRUTH is where you reside at all times … there is ONLY LOVE that can come from you. In this, we mean LOVE from the Highest aspect that can emanate from you. We are speaking this way today, in the KNOWING that as many read these words, there is an ACTIVATION taking place. The heart is stirring … for it is connecting with these codes and recognizing them as coming from ‘HOME’. Will this not happen for everyone? Because you say ‘for many’? No, and yes! Helpful answer. In that, for those who are ‘not feeling it’ and may even find they have an adverse effect than that which we are stating … it is not to say that the words are not waiting outside the door and will wait patiently for the time when it is opened to let them in. Each soul walks along the pathway at their own pace. Each soul has the right to stop at different ‘pitstops’ and remain there for as long as they choose. EACH SOUL HAS THE RIGHT TO FIND THEIR WAY BACK HOME … ACCORDING TO THE JOURNEY THEY CHOOSE TO TAKE, IN ORDER TO ASSIST THEIR BEING IN ASCENDING TO HIGHER REALMS. Just because one behaves/responds to a matter very differently from you, does not mean they are any better or any worse than you. Of course, this is not the case. It simply means they have matters to attend to along the way, that shall bring them into alignment with themselves in a way that benefits. How many different roads or means of transport are there to any one given place, dear friends? One way may suit YOU perfectly, yet to another, it may appear to be the most boring. Another way may appear suitable to some and yet, there were no ‘tickets’ available and so another way was chosen and it was found to be the most DIVINE, even though one had not expected it to be part of their plan. BE FLEXIBLE IN YOUR THOUGHTS. I think that has to be the statement of the year, Guys. I can really understand why we need to be exposed to some of the stuff that is out there ‘now’, so that we can absorb /accept and transform our initial feelings about it, in order to then be strong enough to assist others when certain information is brought to Light and those who have remained naïve, crumble to their knees. AND, OF COURSE … YOU … WARRIORS OF LIGHT … THE FORCE OF LIGHT THAT CANNOT BE BEATEN OR DESTROYED … WILL THEN GENTLY CARESS THEM, HELP THEM TO THEIR FEET … TAKE THEIR HAND AND WALK THEM OVER THE BRIDGE. Perhaps I better order a fleet of minibusses. I’m sure I’d get a discount! No need, Dearest Blossom … for the wings of angels will be there to assist. Oh, how beautiful! My heart opened up and tears came. For me, that always means ‘TRUTH’. In so much Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM. I had a SPLENDID interview with Joe Pena yesterday. (The man behind the voice of THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT on the recordings.) I am sure you will agree his Energy of Light is just DIVINE! I am sure Joe would appreciate you subscribing to his channel should you feel so inclined, as this is a new venture for him and I feel he has given so freely of his time to us/for us for so many years. Enjoy. Thank you. Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can. Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo Website: Blossom Goodchild ![]()
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