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Morning chaps! Well, I cannot not ask you about Fergus the Fungus! So many emails sent to me from Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. with headlines of a dangerous spreading fungus. The WHO have even mentioned it. Is it that your prediction is now coming to fruition? Do tell! Good morning to you, Blossom, and to Each Soul of effulgent emissions, which have a far greater effect than one is assuming. Yes, the news is spreading as quickly as they say the fungus is. Look upon this with Joy, not dread. For indeed, it is good news. In that, Phase Two is to be implemented sooner rather than later. Which, with respect, means sweet nothing, due to your ‘soon’ not being the same as ours. Either way, Blossom, in the context of the phrase ‘sooner rather than later’, it is accurate. Are you able to tell us more about it? The fungus itself, or the plan to shut us away because of it? It is known by us via Energy … so intricate details cannot be specific. To be honest, blunt, and disrespectful, I am quite surprised that it is even being mentioned at all. Due to Divine timing, much that we are waiting for through your news bulletins … are still being waited for. So, I’m thrilled! Yet? Yet, still uncertain that it will turn into a worldwide lockdown. Something has to be the cause, and the fear is already being generated which will grow exorbitantly over the coming months. So that by the time the ‘remain in your homes’ is implemented … news of this fungus and its ‘claws’ will have spread far and wide and created enough fear necessary for people to ‘do as they are told’. Yet, is it not that so many now, having experienced this over the last few years, simply will not comply? There is indeed this possibility … and those that choose not to will be doing so because they ‘KNOW’. Yet, this does not mean to say that to be ‘shut in/shut down’ is not necessary … for THIS particular ‘excuse’ is for the Greater Good of all. THIS particular fear tactic has an underlying attachment which again, as we say, is necessary for all to remain indoors for their safety and yet, this safety via confinement has nothing to do with a fungus. As we say, this is merely a camouflage. I know you have said that it is in order for the Truth to be revealed in ways of screen time, and for us to be shown what REALLY IS going on. So much anger/frustration etc. will stir up in the large majority when Truths are discovered, that it is for our safety that the military be on the streets etc … to keep control of the masses that could so easily become out of control. This again, I have heard about for so long yet, it still feels hard to accept that something like this is actually EVER going to happen. Then, all we can say to you Blossom, is … wait and see. I know I should not be so ‘sceptical’. Especially, as I am basically saying I am not sure I believe you. Blossom, it does not matter whether or not you believe us. Well, it should do, shouldn’t it? I am bringing through your Truth that you are trying to get out to the world, and as ‘your messenger’ surely, I should be 100% on board? Why? Isn’t it obvious? Because if I didn’t feel you were bringing through Truth, why would I continue? As you can feel from my energy, I am in a fine place with this conversation. I need the reader to know that. And we would like the reader to know that we know you will continue on these conversations, even though you do not always agree. Correct. Yet, it’s not that I don’t agree. I’m just ‘not sure’, yet, happy to wait and see. When it happens, Blossom, and we say ‘when’ not ‘if’ … you will all feel such relief, even though the nature of it is not Sunshine and Rainbows. In fact, far from it. Yet, dearest Blossom, dearest Souls of Truth and Light … we have spoken many times, that although the ultimate goal … your mission … is to bring the Blessed Gaia and indeed, your Blessed Beings, into that world of Sunshine and Rainbows, there is much that is NOT of that Energetic Vibration that has to be cleared and removed in order to walk into it. It will be exceedingly unpleasant. I felt as if I stopped you from saying ‘painful’. You did. Yet, we know your reasoning was not to create fear. And gloom and doom … Indeed. Yet, we also wish to prepare your Being for what is to come, so that your strengths can carry you … in the knowing that the ‘rough passage’ has to occur before the waters calm and a Peace covers your Planet. It shall be the bumpiest roller coaster one could possibly imagine. Of this, there is no doubt. Yet … YOU ARE READY! And even though we cannot tell you exactly what this shall entail … as you are riding the storm … you will KNOW that ‘this is meant to be’ and this will assist you greatly in the KNOWING of that which is on the other side … once ‘that part’ of The Plan has been acted out. Why is it we can’t be informed in more detail of what is to come?… And I already know what you are going to say! Shall we do the honours, or you? You. Have you yourself not said, Blossom … if women knew the actual pain of childbirth, there would be far less Souls on the Planet. Yep. Yet, the pain is stops instantaneously when the baby is born and there is instant Joy of the Highest Vibration … and each intense contraction becomes a gift in the memory … as the result of one’s ‘labours’. Are you trying to joke here? It was not intentional yet, now we see what you mean. This is how, perhaps, one should liken this scenario to that which is coming …That which lies ahead … and it is coming. Think of all the pain and disruption that is to disrupt the very core of the Earth, as the contractions through labour. In the KNOWING that new life is to be born when it is done … when that phase is complete. And although you may find your World unrecognisable … there will have taken place such a cleansing … that Each and Every Soul WILL FEEL as if they have A NEW LIFE. This is why you are here, dearest Souls. This is why you are THE STRONGEST OF THE STRONG. This is why you KNOW inside … YOUR KNOWING! Even though you feel you know nothing of what is to actually take place. Yet, you do, and when it is happening you will KNOW your KNOWING … by your FEELING … by your recognition of KNOWING that which appears unfamiliar yet, at the same time so familiar. When all is being acted out … you will have … the feeling of/the sensation of … I KNOW THIS. Yet, at the same time, you will be battered and bruised on a Soul level. However, when you can remember that we have spoken of this and that at last, you are moving forward … closer to THE BRIDGE … although battered and bruised, you KNOW that the LIGHT OF ALL THAT IS … is working its Divine Miracles also, during this time. Struth Ruth! We needed to hear that last sentence, for it could ‘appear’ to be daunting. Not if, Blossom … YOU STAY IN TUNE WITH WHO YOU ARE. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING … NOT ONE THING, THAT CAN PULL YOU UNDER IF YOU REMAIN TRUE TO THE ENERGY OF LOVE THAT YOU ARE. LOVE CHANGES EVERYTHING. REMAIN IN THAT HIGH VIBRATION OF LOVE . That is all you need do. If you close your eyes now, in this moment, and connect into the Vibration that you are sitting in as you listen or hear our words … Ok … am doing… What do you FEEL? Hard to describe … Ready? For what? To move into Phase Two. What else? Courage. Which is greatly required. What else? Armed. As indeed you are. With what? LOVE. You KNOW, Blossom! You say you don’t know … yet you do! Throughout all that is to take place … through Phase One to Five … that is all you need to know. I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM. We repeat … THAT IS ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW. THAT IS ALL YOU NEED TO SAY. THAT IS ALL YOU NEED TO FEEL. THAT IS ALL YOU ARE. Thank you. I feel quite expectant! As if one is given an estimated date for the baby to be born yet, knowing also, that it could be any time before or after, depending on DIVINE timing. Indeed, Blossom. Indeed. Our Love and Respect for Each One is so POWERFUL. We desire that you take that POWER and nestle it warmly into your Heart space, and allow it to remain and expand with each breath you take … in/as/through/of … LOVE ITSELF. Nice one chaps. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM. AT LAST ... YOUR VIDEO ... YES ... YOU! TOGETHER AS ONE.
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