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![]() Hello! I found another window in which to have a chat! Wondering what you may have to say on any given subject that appeals today? Welcome Blossom, Welcome All. We are indeed surprised that you found this window and we are more than excited to jump into this opportunity. Regarding that which appeals, it would probably be of quite a different choice to many that read these words and desire to know more of what and when and how everything is to turn around upon your Planet. Ok. What is your choice then? We smile, for it is no different than usual. Oh, I thought you were going to come up with something brand spanking new. Perhaps we are. For is it not, Blossom, that all things that are of a revised nature can be looked upon as ‘new’ when perceiving with new eyes and new perspectives? I guess so. Is it this way for us now then? We would say, yes, it is. For since the latest moon and the Energies and transformations that occurred within/during that time … many of you have found that you are reaching greater Heights within your Beings regarding the understanding of what is taking place. We do not mean necessarily, of what is taking place on your outskirts, your outer world, yet, that which is moving along so beautifully within YOU. YOUR TRUE SELF. YOUR INNER SELF. YOU that are here to follow through your desires and dreams of the transformation. The ridding of the old and the accessing of entirely NEW Energies and circumstances, that shall allow your Inner Glow to Brighten even the darkest of times. Can you not feel this ‘assistance’ from these Higher Energies working with you on a different level? Well, I can only speak for myself and in this time frame, I feel I am ‘coping’ very well with that which I am confronted with. I put that down to the continual record of the I AM MANTRA running through my veins. And yet, it is this Mantra and its POWER that is ‘hooking up’ with the Extreme Force of NEW Energies and Frequencies that are ‘meeting up’ with Each One, that is allowing so much to transform within the self. Many, many souls are experiencing profoundly challenging circumstances, on top of the ‘trauma’ that is taking place upon your Planet. As your world becomes more and more ‘turned on its head’ the pressure of this, added with personal dramatic issues are combining to bring about immense turbulence ALL TOGETHER. Why? Why do we need to have the ‘added extra’ of the personal stuff? If we were to say simply ‘to make you stronger’ how would you feel? Annoyed! We can become stronger by walking in the sunshine and taking deep breathes of joy and wonderment. Then we will add to that. For not only are these pressures upon you presenting themselves to make you stronger … they are coming to you so that THE YOU THAT YOU TRULY ARE can emerge from the cocoon into the butterfly. Yet, as I say … why do we have to do it the hard way? Personally, the hard way has never been in my book of ‘Ways to sail through life’. Yet, you yourself, Blossom have had, like many, difficult chapters in your book, have you not? Not nearly as big as some. Yet, would you not say that it is through those hardships, confrontations, traumas, upsets, loss, etc, that you have come through them and KNOW that it was such things that made you the person you are today? The Strong Soulself that reveals itself to itself, more and more as these ‘situations’ come and go? Yes. That is correct. Then KNOW NOW, that one is being prepared for the Strength within to rise to the surface. A STRENGTH LIKE NEVER BEFORE IS TO ARISE FROM THE SOUL AND FILL ONE’S BEING WITH A POWER THAT COMES FROM SOURCE. A DIRECT LINE FROM SOURCE ENERGY THAT ENABLES YOU TO GET THROUGH THESE COMING TIMES. WE HAVE DONE OUR UTMOST TO PREPARE YOUR BEINGS FOR THAT WHICH IS TO COME. WE TOLD YOU … YOU WERE READY AND YOU ARE. You are ready and yet, these last ‘chapters’ before the lead up to the finale will increase in intensity … in order for the play to reach its climactic ending. May we say, the sequel will have an entirely different Energy. For within the New Dawn … that which you are having to endure in these times, will play no part in the New Kingdom. Interesting word to use, ‘kingdom? Yet, we Enjoy it. Dearest souls … understand how extraordinarily well you are doing. This breakdown of orders that have ruled your Planet cannot help but bring about disruption and disorder. So much confusion of what is and what is not. YET, AMONGST ALL THIS CHAOS, YOU STAND STRONG IN YOUR LIGHT FORM. In your Hearts, you still remain steadfast in the KNOWING that you are here for a specific reason, and no matter how long and drawn out it may ‘appear’ to be … ‘time’, as you know it … bares no relevance to the actuality of Truth that is within you. THE TRUTH THAT TELLS YOU TO HANG ON. Yep … there is that! For no matter what I see taking place outwardly and all the absolute nonsense that is presented … nothing can take that KNOWING away. The KNOWING that all this that you say IS TRUTH. I, personally, can feel it in my heart. Like everyone, I have moments of ‘what if this is all going down the proverbial drainpipe and all that we think we are here for, here to do, is not the case at all, and we are all to disappear into an oblivious mass of an automated robotically controlled species? Is that what you think? Have you had such thoughts? Well, it’s possible, is it not? Only if the Consciousness that is NOW, chose it to be … and we state quite categorically … THIS IS NOT THE CASE. I KNOW! Yet, the odd thought pops in as a possible outcome, when we are only presented with the world going up ‘poop creek’ without a paddle, or indeed, a life jacket! Yet, you Blossom, you and Every Being that has awakened and every Being that shall waken … ARE THE PADDLE … YOU ARE THE LIFE JACKETS. You, Each One … are the Light Bearers that are here to turn the boat around and with all might, steer your Planet into the new waters. Waters of calm, mirrored glass, where the reflection of the sun shines Light as far as the eye can see. YOU ARE THE ONES TO DO THIS. And although you may feel trapped in the gallows and helpless at this moment in time … the rumblings within … the time when the shackles fall and ALL OF YOU come out into the Light that shall be upon you, is so very soon now. FEEL THIS TRUTH WITHIN OUR WORDS. I do. I always have. It is the ‘very soon now’, that I am not so sure of. Yet really, it will be when it will be. There is nothing we can do to change that. So, we shall carry on regardless. Being out of the ‘loop’ lately, to be honest, has been so interesting. From the point of view of realizing that no matter where we are, or what we are doing … basically our Light and the shining of it, is all that matters. Not listening to the goings-on and the possibilities has been a welcome release. For all that I had heard in the last year has not come to fruition either! I get what people/you mean by not going down too many rabbit holes. For, what will be, will be … and when it is being … we will surely know about it and know what to do. Indeed. Each individual has their own path to walk, of course, Blossom. Yet, without question … whether one lives in the outback with no internet, or, one spends all hours of their day looking into matters that may or may not be Truth, written by souls who may or may not be of the Light … at the end of the day … WHEN IT IS TIME TO STEP INTO ACTION … none of that which you know or don’t know will matter. For you will simply KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO AND YOU WILL DO IT. YOU WILL DO IT IN LOVE, LIGHT, AND TRUTH. BECAUSE YOU ARE THE BRAVEST WARRIORS OF LIGHT AND YOU ARE THE STRONGEST OF THE STRONG. WE ARE WITH YOU IN LOVE, TRUTH, AND STRENGTH. Actually, I shall have to cut this a little short. My apologies. Thank you so much. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I Am. (This channeling got cut short, (on my end) and I haven’t had the time to reconnect. So, better ‘something’ than ‘nothing’ and better late than never. Hope to have better luck next time. Many thanks) AT LAST ... YOUR VIDEO ... YES ... YOU! TOGETHER AS ONE.
I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM! Website: Blossom Goodchild ![]()
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