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![]() Hello there! Art thou well? I know you are because you always are! You have said you cannot not be! Ok, so … I am aware that what we think we attract. We attract that which is Vibrationally matched, if you like. The thing is … for such a long time now I seem to have to deal with many, many, many negativities in my life. I try so hard to brush them off, clear them, pick myself up, dust myself off, etc and yet, still they persist. Last night I had such horrible ‘dreams’. If in fact, they were dreams. My mailing list, to send out your messages has been ‘out of order’ for three weeks … Need I go on? So, my question … is it me that is attracting all this or is it outside energies wanting to dampen my Light? I know I speak for many on this matter. Any help gratefully received. Thank you. Welcome to you Dearest Blossom and Each One of you standing so gallantly, and bravely at your posts! We hear your plight. We are aware too, of the efforts you are making to ‘ward off’ such negativities, and your pursuance to remain ‘Bright’, Dearest Blossom, is admirable. We would put it to you this way. It is not so much that you are thinking about negative matters/Energies/circumstances etc and therefore, attracting them to you. This can be the case for those who are still unaware of ‘Vibrational attraction’ matters. Yet, you yourself and many, many thousands of you that KNOW YOURSELVES TO BE OF LIGHT … are like beacons. It is rather like a double-edged sword. For your Light shines out so Brightly to those that need it … to all the Planet and those upon her and within her … and indeed everywhere. Remember your ‘Beams’ are by no means limited to this Planet. Yet, due to the Brightness and Energy within that Brightness … you stand out to those of lesser Light also. Those Energies/souls who want some of what you have. They do not understand that they need to bring this Light through from within themselves. They do not understand Blossom, that they cannot ‘steal’ another’s Light. So, when they ‘reach a Light of magnitude’ they try to destroy it … because they realize they cannot have it. The Energy can be one of jealousy, of anger, of so many things and if they cannot have what you have … then they do not want you to have it either. These souls/Energies are of great sadness. Although, they do not necessarily recognize this. I know to send Love-Light to them. I invite them into the Light. Yet, if they continue to refuse and cause havoc … I have to admit to ‘losing it’ now and then and scream out a few expletives explaining they do not belong around me or in my space! And I do KNOW that LOVE CONQUERS ALL … yet, it seems to be an ongoing battle … and I am very, very tired of it, to be honest! Remain in your strength Blossom and all. THE LIGHT HAS WON! Doesn’t feel like it from where I am sitting. You know when I get into these rants I am not having a go at you, per se. Yet, you have said this is so. You have said the Light has won. Well, we down here have yet to see the evidence. Those that read your messages of hope are not ones that focus on darkness. We have remembered much of who we are with your assistance … so we do our utmost to continue streaming our Light through … WHERE ARE THESE CHANGES? UNDERGROUND? DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE? WHERE? They are within you first and foremost! These changes are taking place with inside of you. Yep. I think we can all say we notice that. Yet, where is the outer evidence that our Planet and indeed ourselves, are going to be ok? For that which we are ‘fed’ is looking bleaker at every meal time! Then change your diet! With respect to you, my dear friends … WE ARE … WE HAVE … and as you say … the Brighter we shine … the more it seems we get ‘targeted’. All my computer issues are RIDICULOUS!!! They are beyond the normal! I feel your messages are being prevented from getting out there. How can I control that? Way out of my league! Changing my diet/focus doesn’t stop this kind of interference. Believe me, I’ve tried! THIS IS WHY YOU ARE HERE AND OTHERS ARE NOT BLOSSOM. ALL OF YOU THAT ARE NOW AWARE OF YOUR LIGHT … YOU THE STRONGEST OF THE STRONG. We are aware you wanted to say ‘Here we go again’, yet, you stopped because you thought it would be ‘rude/ arrogant’ etc. More so, inappropriate really. We know this! You have helped us remember/understand this many, many times. I do not wish to appear disrespectful … I really don’t. Yet, many of the strongest of the strong are weakened by the ongoing struggles. I’m not doing a ‘Woe is me’. I have said many times I am blessed with my life. So, if I feel this way and I know I am blessed … what chance do others have who are not? What chance does the Planet have? WHEN? WHEN? WHEN WILL THE CHANGE THAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT HAPPEN? Because down here, chaps … from our perspective … if something doesn’t happen soon … it’s gonna be too late! Breathe Blossom … Stop for a moment and breathe and smile … breathe and smile! Yeah, thanks. It always works so well. I have to admit to getting unexpectedly worked up there! In these times, perhaps it would help to recognize that you are not alone. We do not JUST mean that there are those in other realms helping you every step of the way … yet, TO REMEMBER THAT YOU ARE ALL CONNECTED. When you close your eyes for a moment, or even just have the thought of millions of you … all over your Globe holding hands … your Light stream from your heart is connecting and forming a grid of the most powerful rainbow colours … and the more you ‘hook into it’ the stronger its pulse becomes … and others FEEL that pulse and they too, have the desire to hook into it also. And then, from there … take the visual to all those not of your Planet joining the grid also … IMAGINE DEAREST SOULS … IMAGINE THAT POWER. That is literally what we ask you to do … IMAGINE IT DAILY. FEEL ITS LIGHT. FEEL ITS STRENGTH. BUILD UPON IT DAILY. YOU ARE ONE. RECOGNISE YOUR UNION. BREATHE INTO THIS THOUGHT. THIS KNOWING. Perhaps I am not being vigilant enough. Once again this helps me recognize that I let ‘life and busy-ness’ take over, instead of focusing on these kind of things. Yet, in order to keep one’s life in order/under control, many things need to get ticked off the list daily. You know what we are to say? Indeed! I smile because your Energy is so nonjudgmental. It is just so Loving … so warm. Put yourself at the top of the list! Some do not consider it necessary to meditate daily. Some consider it to be fine to KNOW they are always in that space. That is fine if it works for them. Yet, would you not agree, when you do find time to meditate, just for ten minutes … your whole BEING becomes Lighter … more in tune? Oh! Indeed. I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW these things. I KNOW I should do this first thing … to treat myself to myself each morning. Yet, I make other things my priority. I did try creating ‘The Game Changer Project’ … that didn’t last long. I failed miserably! Hey Ho! Outer Energies are purposefully designed to distract you! Do not succumb. ALWAYS CONCENTRATE ON YOU … YOUR LIGHT … YOUR STRENGTH … YOUR LOVE. Always, always, always. Let these KNOWINGS be part of you in all that you do. You will find things get done so much more easily and efficiently when you always remind yourself of these things. Until one day you do not need to remind yourself, for they just are an awareness THAT IS YOU. Yes, I know. It is so easy for us to get so distracted. Dearie me. I wonder when we all signed up for this mission if we REALLY understood what it would involve? As we have said many times before Blossom … YOU WERE ALL SO KEEN AND YES, YOU UNDERSTOOD CLEARLY AND YET, YOU ALL RUSHED TO BE AT THE FRONT OF THE QUEUE. AND YOU WERE CHOSEN AND YOU ARE HERE AND YOU ARE ALL DOING EXCEPTIONALLY WELL. AND ONE DAY YOU WILL RECOGNISE THIS GAME FOR WHAT IT IS AND YOU WILL SMILE … AND YOUR HEARTS WILL SHINE … AND YOU WILL SAY … ‘WE DID IT! WE DID IT!’ AND WE WILL SAY … ‘WELCOME HOME, FRIENDS. WELCOME HOME!’. And I will go and get the tissues! THANK YOU. I Truly do feel so much better. Now if you could just go and sort my mailing list programme out that would be fab! In Gratitude … In Loving service … I AM. Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can. Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo Website: Blossom Goodchild include("ads.php") ?>
Any financial assistance to keep her channellings, newsletters etc freely available for everyone is very much appreciated. ![]() ![]() include("onder.php") ?> |
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