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Golden Age view of Earth; dark plans won't reach fruition; effects of frequencies/pollution, ways to relieve symptoms; global economy, national leadership reforms; energy field of potential; soul, cumulative soul
This is Matthew with loving greetings and joyous Easter tidings to all. 1. Some zones of Earth are welcoming the first signs of spring, the season of rebirth and rejuvenation, and I feel it is an especially appropriate time to describe our beloved Earth as we see her from this station—how we wish that everyone on the planet could witness this magnificence! Please imagine a brilliantly blue sphere with myriad sparkling pinpoints of light as it recedes into an ever lightening space and joins other celestial bodies. All of these vibrant, glittering orbs are rotating among evanescent pastel ribbons wafting through space in rhythm with the angelic music of the spheres. This is your world in balance and harmony with its neighbors. 2. Bringing your view of Earth back from her universal placement, you see countless sparkling lights blinking upwards toward the filaments of a golden grid above vast verdant areas and expanses of pristine azure waters. Now narrow your view—feel the serenity of the rolling countryside; hover above towns and cities and feel the exhilaration of the residents that permeates the atmosphere. Closing in further still, see imaginatively designed buildings of many sizes and shapes, flower gardens brightly dotting the landscape among the trees, animals of all species roaming freely in parks as adults watch children gleefully playing with them. Feel the energy of joy and peacefulness emanating from Earth herself. 3. This is your Golden Age world that already exists in the reality of the continuum, the world that you are co-creating in this moment of illusory linear time. 4. Hold firm these blissful visions and sensations in your minds and hearts as you deal with the situations confronting you. In stark contrast to the idyllic scenes and emotions of the Golden Age on your horizon, Earth’s energy field of potential is teeming with combative activity. It is conclusive that the light is victorious, but the tenacious energy streamers of darkness still are struggling to survive. As the power of the ones influenced by the darkness keeps waning, their desperate foundering grows and so does their perniciousness. For a while longer you will see this in a number of ways, including an assortment of grave pronouncements and “leaked” plans, all intended to fill you with fear. Oh yes, dark plans do indeed exist, but they will not reach fruition! So recognize them for what they are—the flailing of souls intensely fear-filled themselves because they know their long era of keeping Earth’s people locked in violence, deception and ignorance is over. The dark ones are panicking as they see their numbers dwindling, the futility of their attempts to keep hidden their history of manipulating all life on the planet, and their efforts to retain control thwarted again and again by the ever-increasing light of the higher frequencies Earth has reached in her steady ascension course. 5. The frequencies now prevailing are raising consciousness on a global scale. The rebelling against oppressive forces and the rallying for peace are mounting. So are efforts to end starvation and genocide, impoverishment and inhumane laws; actions are intensifying to stop environmental destruction and to protect the animal and plant kingdoms. In short, you are following your pre-birth chosen missions to help Earth’s peoples rise above third density mentality, activities and consequences, and by your steadfastness within the light forces, you are succeeding! 6. Those same frequencies also are presenting physical anomalies and emotional peaks and valleys. Understanding this can lessen anxious moments about unusual symptoms, and there are helpful steps to relieve stress, frustrations and restlessness. Take time from your busy days to reach the sacred space within—whether you think of it as meditation, soul searching, prayer or even escape from the world, the resulting tranquility is balm for mind, body and spirit. To uplift yourselves on a more active basis, spend time with kindred spirits—if you are not already including animals and trees among these, start now. Turn your thoughts of anxiety about adversity to gratitude for blessings; breathe deeply and let go of uncomfortable feelings you have held in check; listen to melodic music; write to the distant friend or family member you have been meaning to; watch a comical film; read or write poetry; take long walks; volunteer time to worthy community efforts; support charitable organizations; paint a room or a picture, whichever you feel more inclined to do. Smile! Those may sound trivial in the face of world events, but each moment spent in meaningful ways soothes the mind and leads to balance within. 7. This is especially important in your adjustment physically and emotionally to the higher frequencies because you also are encountering the effects of low frequency emissions from HAARP and other surveillance systems, the radioactive fallout of weaponry, cell phones and electric power stations in addition to the proliferation of pollutants in your air, soil and water. If we can say “that’s the bad news,” we hasten to give you the “good news”: Your benevolent space family is using their technology to ameliorate to the greatest possible extent the damaging effects of those toxic ingredients. 8. But be aware that even though health disorders are exacerbated by bodies adjusting to the higher frequencies and by those many sources of contaminants, the root cause may be different, and it is wise to consult a trusted health care provider. Chemicals in pharmaceutical drugs and those you call “illegal” diminish or destroy your body’s self-healing mechanisms, thus they are counterproductive to healing and well being. While I do not endorse any products, I do recommend that you explore combinations of natural ingredients that may be very effective in reinforcing immune systems and strengthening energy levels. It is helpful to search the Internet and discuss the various natural remedies with a health care provider and friends; however, each body is unique, so trust your intuition about which products will best serve you. It is important that you drink a great deal of pure water to help balance the body’s electromagnetic system and flush out toxins, and I repeat what I mentioned in prior messages about the great benefits of monatomic gold for enhancing brain functioning and spiritual clarity. 9. Now then, to speak about the most profound reforms underway. The disastrous state of the United States’ economy and its consequences that are rebounding around the world is in the public domain. Although still largely in the grip of Illuminati censorship, mainstream media are truthfully reporting the tip of this fast-melting iceberg. To establish a new system of banking and commerce based in integrity, it is essential that Illuminati control be eliminated, and they are doing this themselves—their centuries of greed, deceit and monetary manipulation on an international scale have resulted in a system that is collapsing under its own weight. For a bit longer there will be scurrying about to apply band aids to a dying economic entity, but its inevitable death is essential to transforming today’s world into the world you are there to help create. 10. Of equal importance in the transformation process, the changes in government officials will continue at its accelerated pace as hidden agendas and corruption become public knowledge and the angered citizenry demands full disclosure. Continuance in all leadership positions is dependent upon those individuals’ acceptance or rejection of the light that is being generated by lightworkers and your space family and being beamed with full intensity to all persons holding influential positions. Those who reject the light will either be voted out of office, overthrown by the people they have betrayed and oppressed, or their bodies will die as Earth moves into still higher frequencies, where physical survival is impossible without the cellular changes that light enables. Eventually the fact will come forth that some publicly seen leaders are clones. 11. The US military troops in Iraq will be withdrawn in increments after the US presidential election, and within a very few years, all occupation troops worldwide will be back in their native countries. The cessation of wars will not happen overnight, but worldwide peace is on its way. Nations that have been devastated by civil or international wars will be given reconstruction assistance, and so will communities that have been severely damaged by the negativity-ridding earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and violent storms, whether of natural or manmade origin. These facets of the transition into the Golden Age will be aided by new sources of energy that are known but have been suppressed to keep oil as king and the oil company executives living like kings. 12. We know that you would like to have names and dates and other specifics related to all the changes underway, and we cannot provide those. We can see the tapestry, if you will, but not the individual threads that produce its elaborate design. All we messengers who speak through our receivers can do is report the activity we observe in Earth’s energy field of potential, where possibilities may become probabilities and those may or may not develop into actualities. It is the same on a global scale as it is with each person’s life—the big picture can be viewed, more clearly if there is a steady rather than an erratic pathway, but not each step along that pathway. It depends on the person’s use of free will and the amount of energy put forth to achieve his or her goal. With God’s permission, I am giving you an example. Recently my mother asked God if my sister would take a specific step in a relationship. “I don’t know because she doesn’t know. When she knows, so will I.” 13. My objective from the very beginning has been to offer spiritual enlightenment and guidance during this unprecedented time not only on Earth, but in the universe, and as a microcosm of the universe, every soul is part of this. My mother and I have been complying with a foreign publisher’s request that we add updated material wherever appropriate to the information I transmitted to her 1994 to 1997. Readers of Revelations for a New Era may recognize that in the following explanation that I believe will enhance your understanding of the god and goddess souls you are. **************************** S: I know the soul is our eternal connection with God and Creator, but I don't know exactly what the soul is, or does. MATTHEW: The soul is the very essence of life as it first sprang from Creator. It is an indestructible living entity of light energy that may have a physical body, etheric body or astral body, or it may exist in free spirit only. Our souls, manifested by God through His co-creating powers with Creator, are expressions of the love-light of God and contain in microcosm every essence of God. In any of its forms, the soul is an inviolate independent being at the same time it exists inseparably with God and Creator and all other souls. The body is only a very fleeting vehicle for use by the soul, which is far stronger and more tenacious than any third density body such as those of Earth humankind. And, the body does not hold the soul, the soul creates the body from its image that will fit the specific experiencing it chooses in each incarnate lifetime. When the soul is released from the physical body, its etheric body is released at that same instant, and in that etheric body, the soul makes its lightning-fast transition from Earth to Nirvana. The soul is the power behind everything that exists on Earth. It is the life force of all its parts that it creates for ever-greater experiencing. At every level of evolvement, each soul part is an independent self with intelligence, characteristics, choices, goals and all the other life elements that make each person a unique being. Each individual lifetime of a soul is its personage. The sum of a soul's personages is the cumulative soul, and all knowledge gained by each is available to all. Thus, as each one melds into the cumulative soul, bringing the wisdom of that lifetime’s experiences, every personage evolves just as the cumulative soul does. S: Matthew, excuse me please—where does ego fit into the individual soul that you call the personage? MATTHEW: Ego is the part of the personage that is self-identity and self-worth in accordance with efforts and achievements. But just as honoring those is not the same as vanity, honoring ego as a reflection of one’s self-identity is not the same as being egotistical. The sense of self is essential to the personage, yet often “ego” in that context is overshadowed by its derivations "egotistical," "egocentric" and "egotism" that define an individual as being focused solely on himself, relating everything to his needs or desires, and having a "puffed-up" impression of his characteristics and achievements. That kind of person is considered pompous and conceited, without a shred of humility, and unpleasant to be around. However, much more serious than having an unpleasing personality is that without any sense of the humility that is a natural and automatic aspect of spiritual growth, that person is stagnating in soul evolution. Spiritual growth is the molding of one’s ego in ways that are aligned with the soul contract. This is a time for ending third density experiencing, a time when soul contract choices are designed to overcome traits that are counterproductive to spiritual growth and to strengthen qualities that foster that growth. S: How can we know if we’re “honoring” our accomplishments or being vain about them? MATTHEW: You know by the fulfilling feelings like self-confidence that you are making your best effort in whatever you are undertaking and the self-respect that comes with knowing that; self-determination to live in godly ways; self-assurance that you are being or becoming the "who" your soul signed up to be; self-awareness that you are a part of God and inseparable from the Oneness of Creation. S: But what if the ego “tells” people they’re right in what they believe about themselves, but actually they’re being negatively influenced by the darkness? MATTHEW: Attaching itself to the ego is precisely how the darkness operates, and the ramifications go far beyond “Is it vanity or humility?” The darkness shrouds self-identity with the delusion that the person’s convictions are absolutely correct about what is true and what is false, and it firmly resists thoughts that threaten those assertions or could lessen the ego’s stubbornness in holding fast to them. This produces the closed mind, or, in your common expression, "the box." Just as it applies to all other forms of dark influence, love is the key to opening that boxed-up mind and letting the light come in. S: Thank you, dear. Am I right in thinking that the soul’s consciousness is infinitely greater than the ego’s consciousness? MATTHEW: You are indeed, Mother! The consciousness of the soul has the capability to reach all knowledge that exists throughout creation. The universal mind—the entire spectrum of human and godly powers and all experiencing throughout this universe’s existence—is within each soul. When the soul taps into this, it reports what it “sees” to the brain, which is a personal computer that processes data for the mind to assimilate and contemplate. The key to achieving this is to quiet your thoughts so you can receive the messages from your soul that may come as images or words or strong sensations or a combination. S: Matthew, I can’t even begin to imagine what all is in the universal mind! MATTHEW: Mother dear, no third density brain has that kind of comprehension. It is at soul level that this kind of communication occurs, your soul tapping into everything your cumulative soul knows. S: Where do cumulative souls reside? MATTHEW: There is no specific place of residence because a cumulative soul is not an individual entity, but rather the indivisible sum of all its personages wherever they are living, and it grows as each one adds its experiencing to the ever-changing composite. Possibly the best description of a cumulative soul is a force field that derives its essence from all its personages wherever they are throughout the universe. S: Do you personally know the other personages in your cumulative soul or do you only have access to their knowledge? MATTHEW: I know those who are in this realm and some of us have become friends. Some are spending a lifetime on Earth, and I know very well who they are! Some have moved so far toward the light that our energy densities are incompatible, so a meeting isn't possible, and others have regressed far from the light into lower densities, and I'm surely not interested in going there! Some have chosen lifetimes out of this galaxy, where I don't travel often, so I'm barely acquainted with them. Each has its own soul growth to accomplish, Mother. Wherever the other personages are experiencing for their individual growth, we're always within the familial bonding of our cumulative soul. But it isn't necessary that we meet or share lifetime interests or know all the details of each other's lives. What we do share is the essential knowledge of our collective awareness, otherwise all the individual souls’ learning would be wasted. The cumulative soul can advance from its station toward the light only by the advancement of its personages. Therefore, each one not only has the benefit of the cumulative soul's composite knowledge, but it is continuously given encouragement at soul level to master its chosen lessons so the cumulative soul can evolve. However, that is not self-serving—with that soul’s advancement, all of its personages also have the opportunity to evolve. But, depending upon the free will choices of each, the personage can either grow toward the light or regress so far as to become trapped in base energy. S: If a personage becomes trapped, how does that affect the cumulative soul's full energy? MATTHEW: The lifetime energy that consigns a personage to the base energy placement does not affect its cumulative soul because that personage's unique energy stream made its own way entirely by its free will choices. The cumulative soul may encourage its personages, but it can't ever interfere with their free will. However, out of its love for all its personages, the cumulative soul may request divine grace to assist any that become trapped in base energy. S: Are the individual souls always aware of everything their cumulative soul knows? MATTHEW: Let me compare this with your memory, Mother. Nothing you have ever learned or experienced is ever lost in your memory system, but you can't remember everything simultaneously–it would be overwhelming! Furthermore, many of your experiences were so insignificant that they were irrelevant to subsequent experiencing and never returned to your conscious mind, yet all are in your memory bank. It's the same with the personages of the cumulative soul and their lifetime learning. S: That makes sense. Matthew, with all these parts of your cumulative soul, I just want to be absolutely sure that you are ONLY my Matthew and nobody else. MATTHEW: Oh, Mother, absolutely I am Matthew and no one else! Every personage is its own soul and no one else! The cumulative soul is the synthesis of all its personages. S: But it sounds as if every soul that divides itself becomes a cumulative soul, so you could do the same and become one, too. MATTHEW: Mother, I realize that in my eagerness to answer your questions, sometimes my efforts result in confusion rather than clarification. The terms I've given you for the various aspects of soul expression—cumulative soul, personages, soul fragments or sparks and such—are meant only to show the soul's long journey striving through multiple lifetimes to return to its beginning in the perfect love and light of Creator. In this realm we don't need differentiation of terms, as the soul's energy registration in the universe is evidence of its evolutionary station. Since each soul is its own inviolate self regardless of its station or the number of its progeny, we think of each simply as "soul." And that is how we speak of each one to you unless we are trying to explain the soul growth stages through its independently functioning aspects, or the inseparable and eternal connection of each soul with God and all other souls in the universe. A most relevant point here is that all experiencing of all souls is within the continuum. There is no linear time basis for the dividing and subdividing into independent entities. What you may call "past lives" are in process simultaneously with the “present” and "future" lives of the cumulative soul. All are merely in different life forms in different stages of development in different placements in the universe. However, since you can't comprehend the continuum, we can only explain in accordance with your past, present and future time structure, call the various lifetimes "reincarnation," and place it all within a spiritual hierarchical structure that can fit into your capacity to comprehend. I still may not have clarified this enough, Mother, but the good news is that you will understand this seemingly unfathomable mystery when your soul returns to Nirvana. S: I'll count on that for later, but I'd like to know now if you and I have the same cumulative soul. MATTHEW: We certainly do, Mother! I was hoping you would ask, but if you hadn't, I would have told you. We go back together almost to our cumulative soul's beginning, probably half a million or so years ago in your counting of time. That's why you and I have such similar energy and special bonding. Some of our family and dearest other people came into it later on, but many were introduced down the line from other cumulative souls when we needed them or vice versa. ********************************* 14. Thank you, Mother. In my next message we will include the other information about the soul. Now I take my leave by sending the power of love to all and assuring you once again that your soul family in spirit and in physical realms are with you every moment. _________________________ [Note from Suzy: After a trial-and-error learning curve, the moderator of the new Yahoo group happily reported that it is up and running strong. If you received this message as a forward and would like to receive future messages directly, click on MessagesfromMatthew@Yahoogroups.com or google "Yahoo," choose "Groups," then look for "MessagesfromMatthew." Please use the message/books index and the search feature before sending emails. Thank you! Because of numerous projects, traveling and visitors, unread emails go back to last April. As time permits, I am replying to questions that haven’t been answered in Matthew’s messages. Iftikhar Ahmed, MD, will join me April 16 on “Matthew and Friends” to talk about new approaches to health care. This is the link to tune in at 4:00 p.m. Pacific time www.bbsradio.com/bbc/matthew_and_friends.php. All shows are archived on www.bbsradio.com. And then God said…then I said…then He said, a book of extraordinary messages transmitted to Celestial Bluestar, David of Arcturus and me, is in the printing stage. A description of content is at www.awakenedhearts.com/books2.htm and you can preorder a copy at creation@godumentary.com.] ![]() ![]() please let us know and we'll add you to our mailing list. |
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