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Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 29 June 2018
At one level there is some excitement, as the indications seem to suggest that matters regarding revaluation of the currencies have advanced and are almost ready to be released. However, it should be noted that completion of the transactions is not in itself necessarily the green light to go ahead. It is such an important step to take that the decision will be made by those who have a complete picture as to the likely outcome. However, the outcome is assured and absolutely nothing will prevent the many changes that are going to lift humanity up. Keep focussed upon a successful outcome and you will be helping it come sooner than later.
Planet Earth is heading for a new area of Space where the vibrations are higher. You will know by now that such a change is to your advantage, but until you are in them you cannot really appreciate how it is. Notably, the souls of a lower vibration will eventually have to follow a separate path to continue their chosen way of life. It is freewill operating at its best, where no pressure is put upon those souls who like every other one have laid out their appropriate path. As you undoubtedly know, you cannot in any event stay in a vibration that is higher than yours. Evolution is nevertheless still taking place even if it is at a slower rate, and that is mainly because lessons have to be learnt time and time again.
The changes in vibration are beginning to have an effect already, and you may have noticed that there are more humans now than previously that are well over 6 feet tall, of a slim build and are not an exception. As the years pass by there will gradually be more and more, and eventually it will be the normal. In your recent history there have been various groups of humans of all heights, even incredibly tall and well over 7 feet tall or more. Some of it relates to earlier periods when there were still experiments taking place to find the ideal human form. In the recent past there were also suggested alien forms such as the “long skull” Beings. Homo sapiens are the finished form and are now appropriate for all the different Races, and has proved extremely successful.
Much in the way of new inventions is lined up ready for an appropriate time when they can be safely introduced. Whether you take to all of them is your freewill choice, but where it is felt necessary more emphasis is put on those things that you will need. The harsh living conditions and shortages of the necessities of life are soon to be overcome, and you will truly come to know what living in the New Age means. The plans for your future upliftment have already been made, and much advice and useful ideas for desirable changes are waiting for you to settle down after many lives of constant upheaval. You have come out of the tunnel of darkness into the Light, so think and act positively and help bring the new way of life into being. The past is no longer able to affect your future, make of it all that is positive and it will help Mother Earth who is also lifting up.
Your individual history upon Earth is likely to go back thousands of years, so when you look around you realise that many of you are old souls. The fact that few of you remember previous lives gives you the impression that you do not have a history of re-incarnating upon the Earth. Some ask “why” and the answer is so that you can apply yourself to the challenges of that particular life. Otherwise you would undoubtedly become distracted and be unable to devote yourself entirely to the tasks at hand. See others as exactly like you regardless of the life style they have chosen for this time around. They are your equals and only different in respect of how far they have travelled along their chosen path.
All souls have an inborn instinct to evolve and subconsciously look for the pathway home. However, as you are only aware through a limited consciousness you do not know exactly what it is you seek. The truth is no secret and even so some will doubt the truth, that you are motivated to return to the Light and all that means. The energy of Love in the Godhead is so overpowering yet so desirable and unforgettable, that souls at that level are living in perpetual ecstasy. Words are inadequate to describe such bliss that is timeless. It must seem strange to you and almost unbelievable, yet you have most likely been told of your journeys to and from the Godhead. The story is that God sent out all souls to experience and that at a certain stage calls them all back so that the Godhead can continue growing through them.
In future generations there will be no illness. You can change the very core of who you are – you are a child of God, walk proud that you are not diseased, you are in control. You can create your own reality. When the body is balanced you do not have to repeat affirmations. The old soul and the new energy is the graduate of Earth, they know what they are doing. Wise beyond the lifetimes noticeable by others and that is why it is going to take generations to develop an Earth that will never go to war. We have the inventions starting to be given that will void physics, and the problems and all of the things that keep you from doing this or that. It is all there, knowledge will be yours and disease will be gone. It is a Utopia, but it will not be a perfect Earth. Understand how the life process works getting to a point where you understand how to create electricity by the heat of the Earth that lays right beneath you, the crust of the Earth and it is free. You are eternal and when you are done with life you are coming right back in a way that is new and different and pristine with awareness of what not to do, with a better life than you can imagine.
There is no doubt that the future is being mapped out for us, as we take advantage of the new vibrations that are rising up, and will continue to do so until we are way beyond our present level. It means that we will progressively find it possible to create through our power of thought more quickly, until a time will be reached when it becomes instantaneous. Some souls have experienced “spontaneous healing” including the writer but that is not quite the same thing. It is necessary to start controlling your thoughts as those that are negative are equally powerful.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
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