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Mike Quinsey - October 25, 2024

Mike Quinsey

There is nothing unusual about what is taking place, it is the normal outcome when you reach the end of a cycle, and you are in that interim period that gives you time to re-adjust to the changes. The Creator has ordained that souls who have been able to advance in their evolution, should take their place in the level that they are ready for and that means a new path for all of your civilisation. Clearly some are not ready for a major advancement, and they will continue to travel a suitable evolutionary path to move further along it, and each soul will find their appropriate level.

The way Spirit operates it is clear it is based upon an honest appraisal of each soul’s achievements. You progress exactly according to your present level of vibration, and it is precise and totally true according to your progress. It requires a dedicated approach to achieving a level that is going to result in your Ascension, and that is your ongoing desire and target. However, as is often pointed out you do not have to face this challenge alone, and your Guides are always helping you with their support. A determined soul aiming to succeed will be certain to do so. You cannot be touched by the negative energies if you maintain your determination to succeed by staying in the Light. You may still face karmic situations but should have no difficulty in successively dealing with them.

Julie Poole – The Angelic Realms.

Julie Poole is a qualified hypnotherapist and speaking on the “Life after Life NDE” YouTube channel this September, spoke of her experience after taking a massive drugs overdose. She expected to die but instead saw her Guides and Angels around her and they lifted her up and took her to the higher realms. She remembers saying “I am going home” and they said” No you are not it’s not your time”.

Julie recounts how she spent three days in the Angelic Realms, where her hosts gave her healing and told her that “in the second half of her life she would find enormous peace and help enormous numbers of people” She was also told that the Golden Age was bringing an equality across the board, so that everything which is false, fake, untrue and corrupt will fall away” They added “For it to fall away, the Light needs to be shone upon it” The years 2024/2025 will be a tipping point, having reached the halfway mark, more corrupt people will be held to account. By 2032 everything will be settling down into a newer way. We will start seeing more and more alien sightings and that these beings have come from far-away galaxies and are not here to hurt us but protect, to help us with incredible technologies. They will stop the use of nuclear technologies and will not let us destroy the planet.

Kryon. 2021. The Real You.

I am giving you the opening chapters that describe the afterlife. Before you ever got here Dear Ones as a human in this life time, you were actually part of the Creative Source. What are the limitations of an Angel without a body, without eyes, without ears, without a body, there are no limitations you exist in the soup of the Creator of pure love and yet you have a name. You are an eternal soul as old, as old before this Universe, before any Universes you existed, and you are about ready to come back into the planet. You have done this before on other planets in other scenarios, in other Universes, in other Galaxies, this is something you do a lot that’s how old you are old soul. What would it be like to be part of the Creative Source, where would you be there is nowhere you know, if you ask where is God what is the answer “Yes” is the answer. You cannot put a location on love, on the Creator and therefore if you are part of the soup which is the Creator old soul with a name, you are with many souls with the name.

You can see everything, you can see every frequency of light that exists, you can hear every frequency that exists and that means it’s beyond any human hearing. You can hear light, the colours are not limited to the retina, there is no limitation and that which is your Galaxy is astonishing – filled with rainbows, sounds, beauty, spirits, life and you can see it all. That’s who you are not the one you see in the mirror. I want you to discover who you are. Have you ever had chills, don’t you feel this is true, do you honestly feel that you are just a vessel, biology that comes and goes. Somehow you are born into some energy and then you leave. A flash in the pan of existence of a soul that does not make sense. 80% of your planet has the intuitiveness to believe in the afterlife. What does this tell you, its self-evident, you are more than it seems.

Kryon. 3rd. September 2021. Mike Quinsey.

Time has seemed to stand still yet in the period you have been experiencing, so much has changed never to return to what it was previously. This was intended as otherwise you would have been stuck with the old energies when they were no longer suitable. Of course there has been a lot of upheaval and inconvenience, but that has been unavoidable but you will eventually find that it was all necessary to “move you on”. The best is yet to come and you will see that the sacrifices you have made were well worth it.

Quick Notes.

Giant Winged Beings of an enormous size were recently seen in the sky 22nd. September 2024 by Astronauts.
Giant human like skeletons up to 36 feet tall were recently unearthed by an earthquake in Bospherus.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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