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Mike Quinsey in his Own Words - September 20, 2024

Lately I have felt that as the end of the old cycle occurred in 2012, it has been followed by a period of changes intended to prepare Humanity for the final event that will be triggered by a brilliant flash of Light from the Sun. It will uplift those souls who are ready to rise up to a higher level of vibration, unlike anything previously experienced. They will find themselves in their etheric bodies, to all intents and purposes identical to their previous human bodies except it will be perfect in all respects, in other words without any loss of limbs or damage to them. The most acceptable change will be that everybody will be returned to an age where they are in their prime.

The remaining souls who are still of the lower vibrations, will go to a level suited to their needs in their existing bodies. They will enter the new cycle at their same personal level that will continue to offer them opportunities to further evolve. They will still benefit from whatever level they previously reached, as evolution is a continual process of advancement. Lives are planned to continue the process at a level suited to a souls needs. Needless to say, you will always have assistance from your Guides who accompany you on your journeys. Bear in mind “freewill” is granted to you, but every effort is made to keep you on track with your life plan.

It would be true to say that nothing happens by chance that has any significance where your evolution is concerned. You may go astray but every effort will be made to get you back on track with your life plan. For most souls it has been agreed with you beforehand meaning that your Guides will do their utmost to keep you to it. Some souls are still learning hard lessons, because they are unable to lift their vibrations up sufficiently to fully follow their life plan. However, with the help of their Guides they can be led into situations giving some much needed experiences.

There is so much fear of the unknown and it is not helped by misguided advice through some religions. The thought of some form of punishment after death for “sins” can be frightening, but know that there is no punishment as such beyond the after-life re-run of your earthly life so that you can identify your short comings. In this way you can understand which lessons you need to overcome your weaknesses, to create some progress in your evolution. No one wants you to fail and every help is given and available at all times, and be assured that you will not be condemned for the mistakes in your lives, but will be helped to overcome them.

Listen to that “little” voice” that often prompts you to act in a certain way that is to your advantage. If you co-operate with Spirit by following your conscience you really cannot go wrong, and your “freewill” will have been served in the best way possible. If so to say “you go off the rails” then you are creating your own problems and will suffer the consequences. It is called “karma” and you may well have lessons to learn as a result. Some ask if there are rewards for following the right path, and of course there is inasmuch you never have to learn the same lessons again, and bring peace and happiness into your life.

I hope people understand what is happening as the afterlife is nothing to fear indeed it is quite the opposite.

In Love and Light –Mike Quinsey

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