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![]() Good morning to you. The Energies, as they are settling on this Planet FEEL SO GOOD … when we make the choices to give time to acknowledge them. A lady wrote in saying that when she had listened to the GAME CHANGER video … she, all of a sudden … realized/felt … what a personal/universal … power station the spinal column is! Like a ‘Radiating technology Light Source.’ She asked if you would kindly speak of this? Greetings to ONE and ALL. We are recognising the CHANGE upon your Planet as more and more souls ‘plug into’ the newer Higher Energies. We are noticing the very Light upon your Planet brighten, and can visibly see the upliftment taking place. We are able to FEEL the CHANGE and this fills us with much excitement. We are so very much further ahead than we once were, and it is good for your souls to acknowledge this also. For in doing so … that too, creates yet another Higher shift. BY RECOGNISING THE POWER WITHIN YOU … BY JUST DOING THAT … YOU RAISE THE VIBRATION. FOR WHO YOU ARE AND KNOWING IT … MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE. Yes, the lady speaking of the spinal column is indeed, correct. It is a beacon … a pylon of Energy that radiates out, not only into the entirety and complexity of your Being, yet, is also an antennae to ‘pick up’ on all that it requires. It is the very ‘back bone’ of who you are. And when the lady stated that it is a Universal Power station … she was correct again. In that, it is a connection port. In your visualisations, you imagine your different chakras lighting up in different colours and opening up and activating etc. It would be very ‘useful’ for you to do the same with your spinal column. We ask you to visualise it as an activated antennae and radiating Light and colours. It is useful to visualise it as a column of Light that is ‘Alive’ and sending out information as well as receiving it. We also would express it as a ‘Homing device.’ Could you elaborate on that? We would say that it is an anchor … for your system. You are sensing Blossom, the visual we are giving you, yet, we are finding it ‘tricky’ to put into words. The visual is a red electricity pylon reaching high up into the sky. And it can pick up on all Energies around it. It can also draw on Energies from ‘home’ … from your True Home and bring them into your Being and as we say, anchor them in. I am a little confused, for I thought it was our Crown chakra through which such things entered? This is correct. Yet, the spinal column, would we say, helps direct and ‘pull into’ … ‘infuse’ … these Energies into the individual system. It is an integral part of the ‘system’ in which ONE is housed and it goes without saying of its delicacy. To visualise it as ‘straight’ without kinks or curves will prove to be empowering. It is so important in its design to serve … not just the body, yet, the Light that you are, also. You are picking up on the fact Blossom, that we are struggling a little to describe exactly what it is. Yet, may we suggest that one ‘tunes into’ their spinal column and allow it to let you know what relationship it has with you … and why? It is a driving force … and to give it honour would prove to be beneficial … for then one shall connect with it and understand it on a much deeper level. Blend with it … give it Gratitude and it shall show you its secrets that lie within … waiting to be discovered. Secrets? Indeed! Dearest souls, in these New Times … as you each offer more ‘time and service’ to self … you will discover the ‘chit chat’ one can undergo, with so much within the body. Every living thing has an outlet that enables it to communicate. It is simply a matter of understanding its language and from what ‘angle’ it is coming from. It is a matter of ‘tuning into’ … ‘homing into’ the Vibration of ‘anything’ in order to be at Peace with it and ‘be on its level’. This can be accomplished by request and breathing … And patience? We would bring to mind the statement of ‘ It is not about the destination … it is about the journey!’ Enjoy exploring new heights … now that you have reached them. REMEMBER NOW that your Vibration has risen into a Higher more POWERED state of Being. Therefore, it is Fun … it is Good … to experiment in all kinds of ways, in order to discover this NEW HIGHER YOU. Someone asked that if we breathed in and out in a Higher Loving place of Vibration ( as you had mentioned in Nov 8 conversation of Last year) … would that put our frequency at 7.8Hz … and as the Earths signature pulse/frequency "Schuman Resonance" is also at 7.8Hz then would we have the best chance to re-create World Peace? (Out of my league of understanding as you know!!) We would say that the Frequency of Earth and indeed one’s self, is ever changing … from moment to moment. If it was resonating say at 7.8Hz, then there are many layers of that stated Frequency in which the Vibration dances within. A disaster of say, a bomb … or the influence of a volcanic eruption can alter the ‘balance’ of that Frequency and take it to its lowest point of the frequency in which it resides. In the same way, a shattering circumstance for a Human Being will have the same effect. It is only through the deliberate sending of Love Light from/of/as/ the Highest KNOWING one can bring forth … that the balance can be restored to its most comfortable position. I don’t understand numbers, and therefore, I accept that it is difficult to bring such ‘talk’ through me, regarding numbers and HZ … (We have travelled down this road before.) Yet, regarding this year’s revealing’s and outcomes with the TRUTHS that unfold … will that effect the ‘resident frequency’? Of course. For in that which is to be uncovered there will be an attachment to it of deep shame … an attachment to such things that carries an Energy that is of the darker clouds. The Truths revealed, will take many into deep depression and therefore, create the imbalance we have spoken of. This is why, as in our last communication, we ask you to ‘Step up your game’, so that, because … of/within … your knowledge of WHAT LIGHT CAN DO … you are able to counter balance all such lower energies and thoughts and UPLIFT THE ENERGIES into the Vibrational Frequencies that have been set within your Earth’s ... stratosphere/atmosphere … at this time. These ‘uncouth’ scenarios that shall be ‘brought to Light’ could not be done so until the Energies of your Planet were of this particular frequency, because the intense and unbelievable discoveries that are to be brought into the open, will indeed bring the Energy down. Therefore, it was necessary for your Planet to be strong enough to be able to override these coming events … and due to YOUR LIGHT upon it; shining it out … it is now in a position to do so. To be able to uphold the LIGHT AS IT IS … in order to then, once all has again settled … to continue on raising the Vibration and the Soul-Spirit into the Land of the free! Are the pieces of the puzzle falling into place a little now, Dearest Souls? Are things beginning to FEEL more sense? EACH DAY…VISUALISE YOURSELF AS A LIGHT ENTITY … OF SUCH POWER … OF SUCH A FORCE THAT YOU KNOW WITHOUT QUESTION THE DIFFERENCE YOU ARE MAKING BY RECOGNISING THAT YOU ARE SUCH. The CHANGE IN ENERGIES due to the CHANGE IN SELF is nothing more than outstanding. You can surely FEEL It? Well, I cannot answer for everybody yet , for me … oh, yes indeedy! A KNOWING POWER within FEELS so connected to ALL OTHERS that are FEELING the same. Such Gratitude for BEING is a natural given these days and I LOVE IT … and all I can say is … BRING ON /IN … more of the same! Your choice entirely. We are humbled by the strength of you ‘Earthlings’ Oh, titter titter!! For the courage and strength you carry is second to none! WE LOVE YOU. And WE LOVE YOU! In Love and thanks for your friendship!
Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can. The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo Website: Blossom Goodchild The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is here.
Blossom spends a great deal of her waking hours responding to emails .... all of which is given from the heart.
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